

JoomGallery is a gallery component completely integrated into Joomla!, with support for Joomla! 3.x.

Features include, but are not limited to:

  • Three image sizes: Thumbnails - Detail images - Original images (thumbnails and detail images are created automatically out of the original images)

  • Fullscreen animated JavaScript boxes (Slimbox or Thickbox3), other possibilities of opening the detail or original images may be: A clear new window, JavaScript window, DHTML container or any other method added by additional plugins (there are already some available for Shadowbox, Highslide JS, RokBox and Photoswipe)

  • Manifold possibilities in the detail view: Voting, commenting, BBCode for external linking, "Send to a friend" feature, adding nametags ("That’s me!" and also adding nametags for other users), Slideshow with several transition effects, mini thumbnails of category in a motion gallery

  • Configurable watermark

  • Image rotation

  • Exif and IPTC image data support in detail view

  • Transfer Exif and IPTC data to the database fields during upload is possible

  • Access rights for categories and images according to Joomla's user groups

  • Fully implemented ACL of Joomla!

  • User-created uploads and categories

  • Password-protected categories

  • Time span for upload limit in frontend

  • Favourites: Users may store and download their favourite images (in a zip archive)

  • Option to download single images

  • Counting image downloads

  • Google Maps support (GeoTagging) in detail view

  • Search function in gallery

  • Configurable view of toplists (top rated, last added, last commented, most viewed)

  • Possibility to exclude images from toplists and the search

  • Several upload possibilities from backend and frontend: Single upload, Batch upload (Zip), Drag'n'Drop-Upload with progress bar, Java upload, FTP upload (last one only in backend)

  • Image processing using GD2 or ImageMagick

  • Afterwards resizing of detail images and thumbnails

  • Square thumbnails possible

  • Possibility of using content plugins in image and category descriptions

  • Possibility to explicitly reject images and to send message about rejection reason

  • Expand Joomla!-Breadcrumbs

  • Unlimited nested categories possible

  • CSS-based layout (table-free, wherever possible)

  • MVC structured code, template overrides possible for every view

  • Module positions inside the gallery

  • Several plugin events triggered by JoomGallery on certain events in order to interact with third-party extensions

  • An interface class (API) gives other extensions (Plugins, Modules, ...) the possibility to integrate JoomGallery content

  • Huge third-party support: There are JoomGallery extensions available for many third-party extensions: Community Builder, JComments, reCaptcha, AlphaUserPoints ...

  • Plugins for displaying or linking images in content articles or for automatically creating user categories

  • Any own data fields for categories and images possible

  • Update-Checker and One-Click-Updates for almost all installed extensions of JoomGallery

  • Almost all functions and outputs can be switched off

JoomGallery ist eine komplett in Joomla! integrierte Galerie-Komponente.

Unvollständige Liste der Features:

  • Drei Bildgrößen: Thumbnails (Vorschaubilder) < Detailbilder < Originalbilder (Thumbnails und Detailbilder werden automatisch aus den Originalbildern erstellt)

  • Animierte JavaScript-Boxen (Slimbox oder Thickbox3), andere Möglichkeiten die Detail- und Originalbilder öffnen zu lassen: Ein leeres neues Fenster, JavaScript-Fenster, DHTML-Kontainer oder beliebige andere Methoden, die mit Hilfe von Plugins hinzugefügt werden können (Es gibt bereits solche Plugins für die Shadowbox, Highslide JS, RokBox und Photoswipe)

  • Vielfältige Möglichkeiten in der Detailansicht: Bewertungen, Kommentare, BBCode um ein Bild extern zu verlinken, "Send to a friend" Funktion, Namensschilder ("Das bin ich!", außerdem ist es auch möglich, Namensschilder für andere User anzulegen), Slideshow mit verschiedenen Effekten, Mini-Thumbnails der Kategorie in einer Motion-Gallery; bei Bedarf sind alle Optionen abschaltbar

  • Einfügbares Wasserzeichen; kann bei Ansicht des Bildes und/oder nur bei Download eingebunden werden

  • Drehung von Bildern

  • Exif- und IPTC-Daten können in der Detailansicht angezeigt werden

  • Übernahme von Exif- und IPTC-Daten in die Datenbankfelder ist möglich

  • Zugriffsberechtigungen der Kategorien und Bilder können mit Hilfe der Zugriffslevel von Joomla! festgelegt werden

  • Vollständige Unterstützung des Joomla! ACL

  • Benutzer können im Frontend Kategorien anlegen und Bilder hochladen

  • Kategorien können mit Passwort geschützt werden

  • Einstellbare Zeitspanne für Upload-Begrenzung im Frontend

  • Favoriten: Benutzer können ihre favorisierten Bilder speichern und sie gepackt in einem Zip-Archiv herunterladen (Es kann auch nur die Zip-Download-Funktion verwendet werden)

  • Einzelbild-Download

  • Google Maps Support (GeoTagging) in der Detailansicht

  • Verschiedene einstellbare Toplisten (am Besten bewertet, zuletzt hinzugefügt, zuletzt kommentiert, am meisten angesehen)

  • Verschiedene Upload-Möglichkeiten vom Backend und vom Frontend: Einzelbild-Upload, Batch-Upload (Zip), Drag and Drop-Upload mit Fortschrittsanzeige, Java-Upload, FTP-Upload (letzteres ist nur im Backend verfügbar)

  • Bildverkleinerung kann durch GD2 oder ImageMagick ausgeführt werden

  • Nachträgliches Neuerstellen von Thumbnails und Detailbildern

  • Content-Plugins können in Bild- und Kategoriebeschreibungen verwendet werden

  • Joomla-Breadcrumbs können erweitert werden

  • Suchfunktion innerhalb der Galerie

  • Kategorien können unbegrenzt ineinander geschachtelt werden

  • CSS-basiertes Layout (tabellenfrei, wo immer möglich)

  • MVC-basierter Code, Template-Overrides sind für jede Ansicht (View) möglich

  • Modulpositionen innerhalb der Galerie

  • Mehrere Plugin-Events, die von der Galerie bei bestimmten Ereignissen ausgelöst werden, um mit Third-Party-Erweiterungen besser zusammenarbeiten zu können

  • Eine Interface-Klasse (API) gibt anderen Erweiterungen (Plugins, Modulen, ...) die Möglichkeit JoomGallery-Inhalte zu verwenden

  • Großer Third-Party-Support: Es sind JoomGallery-Addons für viele Third-Party-Erweiterungen verfügbar: Community Builder, JComments, reCaptcha, AlphaUserPoints ...

  • Plugins, um Bilder und Kategorien in Artikeln einzublenden oder um Kategorien automatisch anlegen zu lassen, sind verfügbar

  • Beliebige eigene Datenfelder für Kategorien und Bilder möglich

  • Update-Checker und Ein-Klick-Updates für fast alle installierten Erweiterungen der JoomGallery

  • Nahezu alle Funktionen und Ausgaben sind abschaltbar

Great gallery extension

Posted on 24 September 2022
Joomgallery has everything i need and fullly functional as described. Full of good features.
Ease of use
Super easy to setup and use. Even a new joomla user can install and setup very easily.
Very friendly developer and support. Support forum is a great place and a good community.
There is a FAQ section on the website and has lots of articles to help for solving issues.
I used this to: I use this for organizing the photos of my customer's who needs a gallery to show the photos.
Does everything most people need from a gallery. I particularly like the Drag 'n' Drop upload feature.
Ease of use
Very easy to use. Can be installed in minutes from the Joomla extension manager.
I used this to: My Radio Control model website, My Fathers Model Aeroplane website and My Retro computers website.
The component comes with a huge amount of settings and features. Even after years of using it I am able to find new interesting features.
Ease of use
It takes time to get an overview of all parameters and their effects. But after you have a component with seemingly endless possibilities...
Component has a support forum, where you can reach for help. The community seems strong and helps you with your problem.
I used this to: Extensive galeries with or without download or sell functionality.
Very awesome, there is really everything you can ask for at an image gallery!
Ease of use
It is a very complex component but everything is explained clearly and in numerous languages!
I have not yet had the pleasure of testing the new forum, but the documentation makes it almost superfluous
Extraordinary and well-made documentation, very detailed and accompanied by images
I used this to: For an information/news site of a very very prolific Italian association
A lot of functions and parameters to adjust the gallery as you want and do a lot of things with easy way, ftp upload, categories etc
Ease of use
Very easy, a lot of options in configuration with explanations for all
Despite is a free product, the support is excellent in forum or by email, personally they helped me and they fixed a problem in my website
Very good documentation, you can find anything you want to do very easily even for specific things as modules, plugins etc.
I used this to: I have a lot of categories with thousands of photos and I chose JoomGallery because is the best for this job and I use it for a lot of years and I am very satisfied! Thanks developers!!!! Very good and useful component!
All required functions are available and easy to use.
I really love the drag 'n drop upload as this allows easy batch image upload.
Ease of use
Although there are many parameters to adjust the gallery it is fairly simple to get up and running. The default parameters are useful and oi
Excellent support through the project website. I was provided with a migration script that fitted all my requirements.
Very useful documentation on the project website.
All open question were answewred reading the manualö on the website and using the forum
I used this to: Several hobby websites to enable club members etc. to upload their photos from events etc.
I was using the ICEGallery before which also was a great gallery but unfortunately there is no more support and updates so most like likely Joomla4 will kill this gallery.

My One and Only!

Posted on 09 January 2019
For my two photography sites it is exactly what I needed and has been ever since starting with Joomla 1.5. Now with 3.9, is still the King
Ease of use
The configuration was simple. Tons of options and was up and running quickly.
My sites weren't in order when I migrated to 3X. Support quickly responded and saved the day before I had even finished my nap. The Best!
Did not need to use it
I used this to: Complete organization of my two Travel Photography sites, loaded with thousands of travel images, histories and descriptions. Have used JoomGallery for a decade, and now entering decade number two . Works perfect for me. and
Zero. The component won't install for whatever reason. It says something from invalid syntax, no idea what the reason is.
Ease of use
I can't use it cause it won't install. Because of the lack of alternatives we finally had to switch to Wordpress and rebuild the site.
Absolute zero. I posted multiple times in both German and english forum, I offered a donation for a support answer - nothing.
We only had the installation issue and except some forum users with the same issue and no solution, there was no documentantion for this.
I used this to: Had it worked, we would have boght the pro version and we would have used it as a discussion module for our forthcoming magazine cover images. I understand it's free with reduced support, but there was really nothing. Sorry for the bad rating, but what else should I do?

Best gallery

Posted on 18 March 2017
Best gallery for joomla !!!!!
Ease of use
I used this to: Home page
Work Perfect, can add in several types of projects. front end upload image to me is a fantastic function in this extention, and much more!!
Ease of use
Very easy, has a lot of configuration to custon gallery
Great, the suport in the forum is incrible, all query i receive all attention!
I dont need see it, joomgallery is instintive
I used this to: Try extention to do sites!


Last updated:
Feb 20 2025
1 day ago
Date added:
Jul 25 2008
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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