SocButtons, by SocExt - Joomla Extension Directory


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Social Web, Social Share

Plugin Social Share Buttons Plugin allows you to display in the articles buttons such social networks:
*Google +1
* Facebook Like
* Share on Facebook
* Twitter
* Vkontakte
* My.mail.ru

Release of security: Be sure to update the plugin to version 1.4


Add LinkedIn
Add Ya.ru
Add Odnoklassniki.ru

Add 49 languages ​​to Google +1
In vertical Facebook Share with numbers
Exclude several categories to display plugin
Exclude several sections to display plugin (Joomla 1.5)
Exclude several articles to display plugin
Included Open Graph protocol tags for the correct display photo (Facebook Like, Facebook Share)

Added configuration Twitter button (Language, type)
Added configuration Vk.com button (Type)
Added Facebook Like the configuration button (Language, font, type etc.)
Added configuration button Google +1 (Type)

Removed button Facebook Share (Facebook does not support it and causes a conflict with comments Facebook. Share possibilities embedded in the Like)
Replaced button classmates and my world to new
To Twitter added rel = "nofollow"
Changed call to plugin, now the buttons are above the SocComments and other plugins
Added ability to hide the link to download the plugin through the admin panel

Added ability to display the button on Front Page and Blog Layout.
To My World added rel = "nofollow"
Added System Plugin to insert Social Button in a tag {socbuttons} in the third-party extensions

Bug: If you have any problems with the plugin or you have any suggestions to improve the functional plugin, leave your comments on the support page and they will be considered.

This plugin worked fine on my site. From all the free plugins,
Ease of use
this is the one that came to be closer to my needs, although I wonder if there is a way to change lang automatically.
Thank you!

Almost perfect

Posted on 30 November 2012
I am developing a shop with a simple shop component which endables a webmaster to create products in simple Joomla articles.

Therefor it is neccessary to create several content categories to display the product/articles in.

I have tested several social share plugins and none of them showed the icons in category view.

This plugin is the solution for me, because by inserting a joomla-specific tag, I can insert the icons directly into an article/product.

This can even be done in the category description.

I gave four stars because I can't share an article/product on facebook, which would be nice because of the backlinks.

And it also would be great if the plugin whould recognize single articles in a catgory blog-view

At the moment the plugin shows the category name and not the artcle in that category when sharing on Twitter.

But still the best plugin for me.

Keep up the good work!

Best regards,

Rob van Linda

Very good extension!

Posted on 16 May 2012
No problem set extension. It works without a glitch. Well done!
I'm testing it for Facebook now and it does work, when I look at my recent activities on my own page it showcases me liking the page,

however on facebook's general page where everybody shares the things they like, it doesn't apear, the whole sharing of the page thing was the very reason for installing this....., I can't imagine your extension is meant to be this way
Owner's reply: That was the problem of the Facabook during the transition to a new species, but they have to fix it. The buttons work as expected.
This plugin worked fine on my site for some time, but it finaly inserted a code with a redirection to nauca.com.ua, the developers website. I think that was very disrespectful and unconscious way to basicaly hack on other peoples site. You can create something good and then sale it, but this is unacceptable. Cero for this extension and recomend everyone to avoid.
From all the free plugins I tried for Joomla and social sharing, this is the one that came to be closer to my needs, although I wonder if there is a way to make that "Facebook share" appear instead of "like". I´s also like there would be a way in which you can have a template message to ass to the shares with Tw buttons, f. e.g. your twitter username always at the end of what is shared. Thankx!
Owner's reply: Hello Share button is in version 1.3, but warn that, because it can not operate other widgets on Facebook (that's on that she was removed in the new version)


Posted on 29 January 2012
Excellent extension,

I would like to see few extra options for Twitter...

This is the first one that share images as it should on Facebook.

Thank you!
Great and easy plugin.

It is just not showing the buttons in a category view of articles, only when the article is showed.


Posted on 25 November 2011
Great plugin, took me 5 minutes to get all working. I just wanted it to show also in the home page :(
Owner's reply: Hi. Thanks for the tip, I think in the next version I'll make this possibility

Only Right and Left ?

Posted on 08 November 2011
In the plugin parameters, there is only "Right" and "Left" options for Align parameter. Why is there no option for central alignment? I really need that option :( .

Anyway, good job.


By SocExt
Social Comments
The plugin lets you add comments to articles on the following social networks and extensions: *JComments *Disqus *Facebook *Vkontakte Features: Turn off the comments form are not required social network Specify the size of the form of comments Tab to sign the form of comments in their own way Specify number of comments to display The choice of color schemes (Facebook)...


Last updated:
Feb 15 2015
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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