Smart Scroll Menu, by Top Position - Joomla Extension Directory


Menu Systems

This module is adapted from "DC jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu" for Joomla!.

This module takes standard Joomla menus and turns them into vertical accordion menus.

Some features:

Ability to handle any number of levels
Select either “click” or “hover” event
State saving using cookies
Set sub-menus to auto-expand on page load based on CSS class
Allow all sub-menus to be expanded or auto-close open sub-menus
Disable parent links
Add count of number of child links
Note! This module needs jQuery to work.


Posted on 24 February 2014
It was definitely the best among the hundreds accordion menus I was looking for my website! And free of charge!
I tested almost 10 accordion menu including those that are very popular in joomla extensions site. I find this one is the best among all. It is easy to use and install. All the parameter is very obvious. No need to refer to any documentation. It works just as what you expected for a accordion menu. No bug find. Although there is a small advertisement statement at the bottom of the menu. You can easily remove it if you have some knowledge of php. Developer well done~!!!
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Smart Scroll Menu

Top Position
Last updated:
Nov 19 2014
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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