Add Print Stylesheet, by Neil Robertson - Joomla Extension Directory


Print & PDF

This plug-in with separate versions for Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.x loads a print stylesheet in the [template path]/css folder.

Most templates do not include a print stylesheet by default but a print stylesheet can be useful to remove unwanted elements from printed copies of your web pages. This might include dark ink wasting backgrounds, menus and other elements that have no use in a printed copy.

The main advantage of using AddPrintStylesheet compared to manually editing your template code is that the change will not be overwritten by template updates.

The plug-in is installed using the standard Joomla installer. You can install a newer version over an older version.

Upload the print stylesheet CSS file (e.g. print.css) to the [template path]/css folder.

In Plug-in Manager, edit "System - Add Print Stylesheet", add the stylesheet file name (e.g. print.css) and enable the plugin.

That's all there is to it!

Change History:
Version v1.3: fixed "Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP" warning message
Version v1.2: adds support for Joomla Extension Manager updates
Version v1.1: adds support for Joomla 3.x and uses JURI::base() to more accurately determine the template path
Version v1.0: initial release

Saved me!

Posted on 27 March 2015
Ease of use
Enabled plugin and uploaded style sheet. Control P and the printing function worked great.
Your simple instructions were intuitive. The suggestion of firefox and a couple of examples was all I needed.
I used this to: Commercial website.
Owner's reply: Thanks very much David for taking the time to let others know that AddPrintStylesheet is useful! Your feedback encourages me to keep maintaining the extension and add more extensions in future.

Add Print Stylesheet

Neil Robertson
Last updated:
Nov 02 2017
7 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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