PDFviewer, by M Rodenburg - Joomla Extension Directory


Embed & Include, Print & PDF, jDownloads extensions

Compared to other PDF viewers this one is focused on integration with jDownloads and searching. But you can also still embed other PDF files from your website.

- Uses the pdf.js webviewer
- Set pagenumber to open by tag or url.
- Joomla Highlight smartsearch integration
- Set search by tag or url.
- Show the PDF file as Embedded, popup or in a new window
- Customize height and width for each PDF embedding.
- Advanced jDownloads integration
- Show one page as an image
- Editor button (only works in Joomla 3)
- Set pdf.js view settings zoom and pagemode

After installing the package check the Joomla updater for additional updates.

Simple and Functional

Posted on 12 December 2022
Caveat: I don't use jDownload.
I was able to get everything working that I wanted but the height attribute.
Ease of use
This is a really simple plugin that allows you to display a pdf document inline on a page. It's very easy to get it working.
I used this to: I use this for Inline display of a pdf document on a Joomla 4 site
Owner's reply: Thank you for leaving a review! I read that you have problems with the height, most common cause is that there is a double space somewhere in the tag. Also write the tagparameter it self without spaces like; height=300 . Hope that that helps. If it still exist you can create an issue on github for support i could not recreate the problem by my self.
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M Rodenburg
Last updated:
May 20 2024
9 months ago
Date added:
May 24 2021
GPLv2 or later
Free download
p e
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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