RSForm Selector for YOOtheme Pro, by Modern Designs - Joomla Extension Directory

RSForm Selector for YOOtheme Pro


Style & Design, Design Tools, Personal Layout, Content Construction, ContentBuilder extensions

This YOOtheme Pro builder element adds RSForms directly into YOOTheme Pro without any code, modules or shortcodes. You NEED this plugin if you want to save time and energy when embedding RSForms in your YOOtheme Pro website.

Dropdown Nav Element for YOOtheme Pro

Dropdown Nav Element for YOOtheme Pro

By Modern Designs
Style & Design
This YOOtheme Pro builder element adds a dropdown button or link with a list or navigation directly into YOOTheme Pro without any code, modules or shortcodes. You NEED this plugin if you want to save time and energy creating button dropdowns in your YOOtheme Pro website....
Spacer Element for YOOtheme Pro

Spacer Element for YOOtheme Pro

By Modern Designs
Style & Design
This YOOtheme Pro builder element adds a margin or padding invisible element directly into YOOTheme Pro without any code, modules or shortcodes. You NEED this plugin if you want to save time and energy when needing to quickly add a margin or space in your YOOtheme Pro website....
PayPal Smart Buttons for YOOtheme Pro
Paid download

PayPal Smart Buttons for YOOtheme Pro

By Modern Designs
Shopping Cart
This YOOtheme Pro builder element adds the ability to use PayPal directly into YOOTheme Pro without any code, modules or shortcodes. PayPal Smart Buttons have over 400 different variations and links directly to your PayPal account for fast and easy checkout for your users. You NEED this plugin if you want to save time and energy when creating shop items or services in your YOOtheme Pro website....
Stripe Checkout for YOOtheme Pro
Paid download

Stripe Checkout for YOOtheme Pro

By Modern Designs
Shopping Cart
This YOOtheme Pro builder element adds the ability to use Stripe directly into YOOTheme Pro without any code, modules or shortcodes. Stripe Checkout links directly to your Stripe account for fast and easy checkout for your users. You NEED this plugin if you want to save time and energy when creating shop items or services in your YOOtheme Pro website....
Gravatar for Joomla

Gravatar for Joomla

By Modern Designs
Style & Design
This Joomla module instantly add the ability to show your users their universal avatar via Gravatar’s free web service....

RSForm Selector for YOOtheme Pro

Modern Designs
Last updated:
Apr 12 2024
11 months ago
Date added:
Feb 27 2023
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System