JSW Cars, by JS Webdesign - Joomla Extension Directory


Vertical Markets, Vehicles, DOCMan extensions

JSW Cars is build to manage a carlisting
- Manage the cars with a full-responsive user-friendly interface.
- Show the cars with images or video ( player build in)
- Show the occasions you have for sale on the frontend of your website
- User friendly interfaces for managing cars and the uploaded images/files(backend)
- suitable for a bootstrap 2, 3 or 4 template
Look at the example installation

JSW Cars is build to manage a carlisting
- Manage the cars with a full-responsive user-friendly interface.
- Show the cars with images or video ( player build in)
- Show the occasions you have for sale on the frontend of your website
- User friendly interfaces for managing cars and the uploaded images/files(backend)
- suitable for a bootstrap 2, 3 or 4 template
Look at the example installation

I bought this extension for a garage-website. The garagist can easily place his second-hand cars on the website now. The extension does exactly what it promises! Also the aftersale of JSW is perfect.
Paid download


By JS Webdesign
JSW CRM Version 5 is a extended CCK, Content Management system, for Joomla 3, 4 and 5. ** Article items, CCK, CRM, DMS, Events, Files, Maps, Relations and Contacts, Locations, Reactions, Reviews.** Version 5.2.3 - Changes to the location system - Small other improvements - Improvements to reaction system - Improvements to the Photo gallery system - Other small code improvements Version 5.2.1 - V...
JSW Event
Paid download

JSW Event

By JS Webdesign
Manage events & registrations with JSW Event. Create & manage events from frontend & backend Show the event with - description of the event - startdate & time - end date & time - maximum amount of participant - registration possibilities: by email, website, or useraccount (needs jswcrm) - image - with document to download - location (map) & address Version 4.0.20: - Update Framework - New Calenda...
JSW Route
Paid download

JSW Route

By JS Webdesign
Maps & Locations
JSW Route is a easy system for creating and managing routes directly on your Joomla 3 or 4 website. JSW Route 4.0.14 You can now set a different start location on the map for creating items for every Route category. So you can create new routes all over the globe easy JSW Route is a easy system for creating and managing routes directly on your Joomla 3 or 4 website. Create and show walking routes...

JSW Cars

JS Webdesign
Last updated:
May 06 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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