
Site protection, Spam Protection, IP Blocking, Contact forms, Site Security

Spam Protection, all-in-one, premium anti-spam plugin. No comment spam, no registration spam, no contact spam, protects any Joomla forms. Just install and forget.

No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math, and no spambots.

Invisible antispam without CAPTCHA, questions, puzzles, counting animals, math and etc.

CleanTalk Anti-Spam is a Joomla! partner

Anti-Spam features

  1. Stops spam comments.
  2. Stops spam registrations.
  3. Stops spam contact emails.
  4. Stops spam orders.
  5. Stops spam bookings.
  6. Stops spam subscriptions.
  7. Stops spam in widgets.
  8. Checks and removes existing spam comments and spam users.
  9. Real-Time Email Address Existence Validation.
  10. Blocking disposable & temporary emails
  11. Block spam by Stop-Words, Languages, Countries

Spam protection

• Stops spambots at VirtueMart.
• Stops spambots at JComments 2.3, 3.0, K2.
• Stops spambots contact emails on Joomla feedback from, SP Page Builder, Rapid Contact, VTEM Contact, Sobipro, RS Form, Breezing forms, Easybook Reloaded.
• Spam protection for any Joomla forms (with enabled anti-spam option 'Enable anti-spam test for any contact forms').

Cloud anti-spam for Joomla. CAPTCHA less, no spam comments, no spam registrations, no spam contact emails

Spam is one of the most irritating factors. Spam becomes every year more and conventional anti-spam can no longer handle all the spambots. CleanTalk prevents spam and automatically blocks it. You'll be surprised of effective protection against spam.

Anti-spam plugin info
CleanTalk is an anti-spam protection 4 in 1 for Joomla that protects login, comments, contact and VirtueMart forms all at once. You don't need to install separate anti-spam plugins for each form. This allows your website to work faster and save resources. After installation you will forget about spam, CleanTalk plugin will do all the work. You won't have to deal with spam, CleanTalk will do this for you automatically.

CleanTalk is transparent anti-spam protection, we provide detailed statistics of all entering comments and logins. You can always be sure that there are no errors.

We have developed antispam for Joomla that would provide maximum protection from spambots and you can provide for your visitors a simple and convenient form of comments/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 99.998% of spambots.

The anti-spam method offered by CleanTalk allows switching from the methods that trouble the communication (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.) to a more convenient one.

The CleanTalk is premium anti-spam for Joomla, please look at the pricing. We try to provide anti-spam service at the highest level and we can not afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of providing anti-spam protection. Paying for a year of anti-spam service, you save a lot more and get:

  • Up to 99.998% protection against spambots.
  • Time and resources saving.
  • More registrations/comments/visitors.
  • Protect several websites at once at different CMS.
  • Easy to install and use.
  • Traffic acquisition and user loyalty.
  • 24/7 technical support.
  • Clear statistics.
  • No captcha, puzzles, etc.

Low false/positive rate
This plugin uses multiple anti-spam tests to filter spambots with a lower false/positive rate as possible. Multiple anti-spam tests avoid false/positive blocks for real website visitors even if one of the tests failed.

How effective is CleanTalk
Accurately blocking spam is not an easy thing to do, but CleanTalk has a very low proven False/Positive rate. Here is an actual statistics on false positives for all customers.

Registrations - 0.007%
Comments - 0.001%
Contact forms - 0.001%
Orders - 0.008%

Spam attacks log
Service CleanTalk (this plugin is a client application for CleanTalk anti-spam service) records all filtered comments, registration and other spam attacks in the "Log of spam attacks" and stores the data in the log up to 45 days. Using the log, you can ensure reliable protection of your website from spam and no false/positive filtering.

Spam FireWall
CleanTalk has got an advanced option "Spam FireWall", this option allows blocking the most active spambots before they get access to a website. It prevents the loading of pages of the website by spambots, so your web server doesn't need to perform all scripts on these pages. Also, it prevents the scanning of pages of the website spambots. Therefore Spam FireWall significantly can reduce the load on your web server.

Spam FireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spambots. Spam FireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spambots, CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and it checks all other requests on the website at the moment before submitting comments/registers and etc.

Real-Time Email Address Existence Validation
It is very important to be sure that the user used his real email address. Spambots very often use fake email addresses, i.e. which addresses do not exist.

CleanTalk will check email addresses for existence in real time.
Non-existing email addresses also entail several other problems for website owners.

-You can never contact them by email,
- the client will never receive any notifications from you (account activation letter, password recovery, email distribution, notifications, etc.),
- if you use email marketing for your clients, then a large number of nonexistent emails in the mailing list may result in your IP address being added to various blacklists of email servers.

Blocking disposable & temporary emails
Block fake and suspicious users with disposable & temporary emails to improve email delivery. So, it also prevents malicious activity, spam bots, and internet trolls.

Private blacklists:
Personal blacklists are a very flexible and powerful tool, you can block or allow IP address, email address or mask e-mail (* - will block/allow every address ending on

  • Anti-Spam Service
    Automatically block comments and registrations from your private black IP/email address list. This option helps to strengthen the protection from manual spam or block unwanted comments from users. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.

  • SpamFireWall
    It allows you to add individual IP addresses and subnets to SpamFireWall. It blocks the attacks from IP addresses which are not included in the SFW base yet. This option can help to block HTTP/HTTPS DDoS, SQL, brute force attacks and any others that made it through the HTTP/HTTPS. You can add not only the certain IP addresses but also a separate subnet to your personal blacklist.

Check existing comments and users for spam. Bulk removal

With the help of anti-spam by CleanTalk, you can inspect through existing comments and users to find and quickly delete spam comments/users at once. To use this function, go to plugin settings: Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Anti-spam by CleanTalk then click the button “Check spam users” or “Check Spam comments”.

How it works: the plugin takes the data of each comment (IP/email and date), by the comment date or the user registration date, it is checked what the IP/email status in the CleanTalk blacklist database was for that date. Based on this data a list of deletions is generated, which you can edit.

Blocking users by country
Automatically block comments and registrations from the countries you have set a ban for. This option is useful in cases of manual spam protection and for protection enhancement. If your site is not intended for an international audience and you do not expect comments/users from other countries.

Blocking comments by "stop words"
You can block comments which contain "stop words" to enhance spam filtering and messages with obscene words blocking. You can add particular words or phrases.

How does Spam FireWall work?
The visitor enters to your website.
HTTP request data is checked of the nearly 5,8 million of certain IP spambots.
If it is an active spam bot, it gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then it gets a site page. This is completely transparent to the visitors.
All the CleanTalk Spam FireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering.

Spam FireWall DDoS Protection (Experimentally option)
Spam FireWall can mitigate HTTP/HTTPS DDoS attacks. When an intruder makes GET requests to attack your website. Spam FireWall blocks all requests from bad IP addresses. Your website gives infringer a special page with a description of DDoS rejection instead of the website pages. Therefore Spam FireWall can help to reduce CPU usage on your server.

How to protect sites from spambots without CAPTCHA?
The most popular method is CAPTCHA -- the annoying picture with curved and sloping symbols, which are offered to the visitor to fill in. It is supposed that spambots won't discern these CAPTCHA, but a visitor will. CAPTCHA provokes great irritation, but if one wants to speak out, he has to fill in these symbols time after time, making mistakes and starting once again. Sometimes CAPTCHA reminds doodle 2x year old child. For users with vision problems, captcha is just an insurmountable obstacle. Users hate captcha. Captcha for users means "hate". Unreadable CAPTCHA stops about 80% of site visitors. After 2 failed attempts to bring it up to 95% reject further attempts. At the sight of CAPTCHA and after input errors, many visitors leave the resource. Thus, CAPTCHA helps to protect the resource both from bots and visitors. CAPTCHA is not a panacea from spam. Doubts Concerning the Need for CAPTCHA?

Can I add exclusions for some pages of my sites
Yes, you can. Please, use this guide to add exclusions for some pages of your web-site:

Additional features
- Online, daily and weekly anti-spam reports traffic VS spam.
- Apps for iPhone, Android to control anti-spam service, comments, signups, contacts. With traffic and spam statistics for the last 7 days.
- Anti-spam apps for most popular CMS on

Максимально мощный, все в одном, премиум анти спам плагин. Без спама в комментариях, контакт формах, защита любых форм Joomla. Просто установи и забудь о спаме.

Невидимый анти спам для посетителей, без Captcha, без вопросов, никаких угадываний картинок, без математических вопросов, загадок и т.д.

**Особенности CleanTalk Анти Спам **

  1. Блокирует спам в комментариях
  2. Блокирует спам в регистрациях
  3. Блокирует спам для контакт форм
  4. Блокирует спам в заказах
  5. Блокирует спам в бронировании
  6. Блокирует спам для форм подписок
  7. Блокирует спам в виджетах

Защита от спама:
• Защита от спам ботов для VirtueMart
• Защита от спам ботов для JComments 2.3 - 3.0, K2.
• Защита от спам ботов контакт форм Joomla, Rapid Contact, VTEM Contact, Sobipro, RS Form, Breezing forms, Easybook Reloaded.
• Защита от спам ботов для любых Joomla форм (при включенной анти спам опции 'Enable anti spam test for any contact forms').

**Облачная анти спам защита для Joomla. Без Captcha, без спама в регистрациях, без спама в комментариях, без спама в контакт формах. **

Спам - один из самых раздражающих факторов для пользователей сети Интернет. С каждым годом объём спама увеличиваются и старые методы борьбы со спамом не работают. Cleantalk автоматически блокирует спам - Вы будете удивлены тем, насколько эффективно плагин справляется со спамом.

CleanTalk это анти спам защита 4 в 1 для Joomla, который защищает регистрации, комментарии, формы контактов и VirtutMart формы все сразу. Вам не потребуется устанавливать отдельные анти спам плагины для каждой формы. Это позволит вашему сайту работать быстрее и экономить ресурсы. После установки вы забудете о спаме, CleanTalk будет делать всю работу. Вам не надо иметь дело со спамом, CleanTalk сделает это автоматически.

CleanTalk это прозрачный анти спам сервис, который предоставляет подробную статистику всех регистраци, комментариев и т.д. Вы всегда можете быть уверены что нет никаких ошибок.

Мы разработали анти спам для Joomla который обеспечивает максимальную защиту от спам ботов, за счёт этого посетители Вашего сайта могут беспрепятственно регистрироваться или оставлять комментарии без капчи, паззлов и прочего. Многоступенчатая защита от спама позволяет блокировать до 99.998% спам ботов.

Методы используемые CleanTalk позволяют перейти от методов которые мешают пользователям (капча-вопрос-ответ и т.д.) к более простому и удобному сервису.
CleanTalk это премиум анти спам сервис, пожалуйста посмотрите на цены. Мы стараемся обеспечить анти спам сервис на самом высоком уровне и не можем позволить себе предложить бесплатную но ограниченную версию, так как это немедленно повлияет на качество предоставляемой защиты от спам ботов.
Оплачивая год анти спам сервиса, вы экономите гораздо больше вы получаете:
• 99.998% защиту от спам ботов.
• Экономия времени и ресурсов.
• Увеличивается количество регистраций/комментариев/посетителей.
• Защита нескольких сайтов на разных CMS одновременно.
• Лёгкая установка и использование.
• Лояльность пользователей
• 24/7 техническая поддержка
• Понятная статистика
• Без капчм (reCaptcha), паззлов и т.д.

Лог спам атак
CleanTalk плагин (плагин является клиентским приложениям для CleanTalk антиспам сервиса) записывает все комментарии, регистрации и другие спам атаки в лог спам атак и сохраняет данную информацию на срок до 45 дней. Лог позволяет Вам увидеть насколько надёжно Ваш сайт защищён от спама.

Spam FireWall

Cleantalk предоставляет свои пользователям дополнительную опцию - Spam FireWall, эта опция блокирует наиболее активные спамботы до того как они получат доступ к Вашему сайту. Таким образом уменьшается нагрузка на сервер и экономятся его ресурсы. Кроме того предотвращается сканирование Вашего сайта веб спам ботами.

Как работает Spam FireWall?

• Посетитель вводит адрес сайта в браузере.
• Данные HTTP запроса проверяются по базе из примерно 5,8 миллионов спам активных IP адресов.
• Если IP посетителя находится в базе то выдаётся пустая страница, иначе - страница сайта. Весь процесс абсолютно незаметен для пользователя.
Весь процесс фильтрации с помощью Spam FireWall записывается в лог.

Spam FireWall DDos защита
SpamFireWall предупреждает HTTP/HTTPS/DDoS атаки. Все GET запросы от атакующего блокируются - в случае если IP находится в базе. Посетителю выдаётся страница с предупреждением вместо страницы сайта - благодаря этому также уменьшается нагрузка на веб-сервер.

**Защита от XML-RPC брутфорса **
SpamFireWall предупреждает XML-RPC брутфорс атаки путем блокировки спам активных IP адресов.

Как защитить сайт от спам ботов ?

Самым распространенным методом является CAPTCHA-это раздражающая картинка с кривыми , косыми символами, которые и предлагается ввести посетителю. Предполагается, что спам боты не смогут распознать эти символы, а посетитель сможет. Для посетителя капча вызывает огромное раздражение, но если хочется высказаться, то приходится раз за разом вводить символы, ошибаясь и начиная заново. Иногда капча напоминает каракули 2х летнего ребенка. Для пользователей с проблемами зрения это может стать непреодолимым препятствием. Люди ненавидят Captcha это для них значит "ненависть". Считается что Captcha останавливате до 80% посетителей сайта. После 2х неудачных попыток ввести капчу, до 95% посетителей прекращают дальнейшие попытки. При виде капчи и после ошибок ввода многие посетители покидают ресурс. Таким образом Captcha помогает защитить ресурс и от пользователей. Captcha это не панацея от спам ботов. До сих пор сомнения относительно необходимости Captcha?

Могу ли я добавить исключения для фильтрации?
Да, вы можете. Пожалуйста, используйте данное руководство для добавления исключения для страниц вашего веб-сайта:

Дополнительные возможности
-Онлайн, ежедневные, еженедельные анти-спам отчеты
-Приложения для Android/iPhone для контроля анти спам сервиса. Комментарии, регистрации, контакты. Статистика за последние 7 дней.
-Анти спам приложения для самых популярных CMS на

Great tool!

Posted on 24 February 2025
Works perfect! All of a sudden we had 100+ spam contact forms, now all spam is blocked! Would definitely recommend.
Ease of use
Very easy and quick to install on a Joomla website. No more to say.
Value for money
Yes! 12eu a year is not much for such a great tool. So great value for money.
I used this to: Contact forms on our website. No more CAPTCHA or things like that needed anymore :-)


Posted on 29 November 2024
ils bloquent vraiment tous les spams et bots. j'ai des attaques de bots russes, envrion 500 par semaine, il ne laisse rien passer
Ease of use
juste activer le plugin et parametrer ce que vous voulez bloquer.
Support tres reactif, ils s'assurent que vous avez bien compris et que le problème est résolu
je n'ai pas eu besoin de documentation, l'utilisation est très intuitive
Value for money
honnêtement ce n'est pas cher pour le service rendu. je ne regrette pas.
I used this to: je l'utilise pour un site touristiques en 10 langues avec 1 formulaire de contact pour chaque langue
CleanTalk learned where the bots were coming from and now I'm clean of bot access requests!
Ease of use
Fantastically easy to set up. Install and it's done. I did need to activate the firewall to be maximally effective, but that was one click
Value for money
$12 or going in every day to delete 97 new requests for accounts? No brainer!
I used this to: Keeping bots from requesting registration on our small neighborhood association website.
It does everything it says it does out of the box. My clients are very happy now their inboxes aren't getting filled with junk emails.
Ease of use
Very easy to use, just install the extension, add your product key and it works.
Value for money
It is worth every cent. The amount of time it has saved my clients is immeasurable.
I used this to: Client sites. My clients were getting around 20,000 junk form submissions weekly, most were bypassing Re-Captcha. Not a single junk form submission has made it to my clients' inboxes since installing Cleantalk.
There is no better solution!
What CleanTalk offers is simply phenomenal. Our website had a massive spam attack. CleanTalk blocked all!
Ease of use
Very simple installation/configuration. Much is self-explanatory.
The support is absolutely brilliant, incredibly helpful, very nice people and highly professional.
The documentation is great and if something is not quite clear, the support is very helpful.
Value for money
To be honest, they could charge significantly more for what they offer. In my opinion, there is no better protection!
I used this to: my customers site as THE ultimate security tool. Blocks all the spammers (people and bots) and blocks hackers. Don't look further.
I was being inundated by hundreds of spam messages. CleanTalk Anti-Spam reduced that number to ZERO.
Ease of use
Install it, activate it, and enter the license key. That's it! I receive weekly reports about the number of messages I DON'T need to read.
The CleanTalk support team was prompt, courteous, and patient while troubleshooting my issues.
I've been able to find everything I need in the documentation, from installation to use to troubleshooting.
Value for money
CleanTalk Anti-Spam paid for itself in the first week regarding the TIME I no longer spent checking if messages were spam or legit.
I used this to: I use this on ALL of my Joomla sites, but it's also available for WordPress, phpBB, Drupal, and many other platforms.
Het programma is absoluut functioneel te noemen. De website werkt zonder enige vertraging en de gebruikers merken niets.
Ease of use
Het programma is erg gemakkelijk te installeren en zeer gemakkelijk in gebruik. Het dashboard in erg inventief.
Op dit moment heb ik dit nog niet nodig gehad, maar dat komt omdat alles gemakkelijk is te installeren. In de backend is alles ook duidelijk
De documentatie is op de website te vinden en erg duidelijk te volgen.
Value for money
Het programma is absoluut het geld meer dan waard. Daarnaast zijn er regelmatig acties.
I used this to: Zeer eenvoudig in gebruik, mede door de duidelijke documentatie.
It functions out of the box, so to speak. Once installed, there are many options to choose from, but they are straightforward.
Ease of use
Very easy to install and setup Once installed, just go through the options and it is set an forget.
Support is easy to contact and prompt with information to get you going.
The documentation is detailed and easy to read but not needed as a rule.
Value for money
This plugin provides real value for money, and weekly reporting keeps you updated with spam denied.
I used this to: Added to my client installations to help battle the never-ending spam attacks.

Great app

Posted on 12 May 2024
This app has every function need to keep your website safe from hackers and spammers.
Ease of use
Easy to use once familiarized with it. It is a simple plug and play program that requires little input to start.
We have had to request support a couple of times and they are on it like a duck on a bug!
Documentation is available but I've never consulted it cause I didn't need it.
Value for money
There are several add on options available that are more than affordable. This program will not break the bank like some do.
I used this to: We have been using this app to filter out spam from our church website for about 5 years, and it does the job as it should.

Muy funcional

Posted on 29 April 2024
Muy funcional, estaba recibiendo 1000 correos semanales de spam y esta aplicación los filtra de excelente manera
Ease of use
Fácil de usar, con la prueba de 7 días me di cuenta que era la aplicación que estaba necesitando.
Value for money
Muy económico para el beneficio y la funcionalidad que tiene, filtra de excelente manera el contenido spam de mi sitio
I used this to: La uso en la página web de mi empresa, lo mejor es que para estar seguro de la compra, se puede probar por 7 días

Antispam by CleanTalk

Last updated:
Oct 23 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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