Ajax Live Search for Virtuemart, by Jeyam Templates - Joomla Extension Directory


Virtuemart Ajax Live Search is a simple, Lightweight & fully customizable Virtuemart ajax live search module with tons of options. It allows users to search for products, categories, and manufacturers in your shop/website, and shows the search results in real-time.

Just enter a few letters and the products, categories, and brands which the best match your query will appear.

Search results can be displayed in a simple form (names of the products only) or in an extended form (includes photos, prices, descriptions, and SKU ).

All Features:

  1. Ajax empowered, simple and lightweight VirtueMart search module.
  2. Search products, Categories, and manufacturers.
  3. Set minimum number of characters for search.
  4. Set maximum number of results.
  5. search in product name, SKU, category name, manufacturer name, and titles.
  6. Show title, price, SKU, description, and thumbnails in search results.
  7. Limit the title and descriptions.
  8. Set custom size for thumbnail images.
  9. Change Search and Close/Clear images from the list of images.
  10. Custom "No Image" for products, categories, and brands.
  11. Custom **google fonts ** for result headers and contents.
  12. Custom width or dynamic width for search results.
  13. Scroll bar with custom color and size.
  14. All Styles can be customized through backend options.
  15. Maximizes user's search experience.
  16. Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4.x, Joomla 5.x, VirtueMart 2.x, VirtueMart 3.x and VirtueMart 4.x.
  17. SEO Friendly URLs.
  18. Compatible with all major browsers.
  19. Easy to install, set up, and use.
  20. Instant and fast search results
  21. Bug-free, Secured, and fully checked module with easy to extend.
  22. Shop type feature with optimized database queries.
  23. "Load more products" feature for instant and fastest results.
  24. Order products based on ProductID, Product Name, SKU, Product creation date, Category Name, and Product ordering.
  25. 75+ Options to customize.

Why this special from others:

  1. Maximizes user's search experience
  2. Results as you type: Instant and fast results
  3. Save time: Reduces the time needed to go from a blank search box to results
  4. Search smarter: Output relevant results.
  5. Type less: Lowers the effort & gives output faster for search queries
  6. Scroll bar to give your customers a nice user experience


In case of any query or support feel free to contact us at support@jeyamtemplates.com

Fantastic extension. Does exactly what it tells.
Ease of use
Very simple of use. No need of knowing code at all.
Excellent support team
Excellent with graphical representation.
Value for money
Worth every penny.
I used this to: My client site.
This is module WORK nice like swiss knife!
Ease of use
easy to setup
Support was already at time for all my needs...thanks guys
Value for money
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Ajax Live Search for Virtuemart

Jeyam Templates
Last updated:
Oct 11 2024
5 months ago
Date added:
Nov 02 2017
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
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J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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