No Boss Header, by No Boss Technology - Joomla Extension Directory


Drop & Tab Menus, Structure & Navigation, Site Search, Site Navigation, ContentBuilder extensions

Get a complete customizable header for your website featuing links, search bar, language selector and much more.

How it works: When you purchase the extension, ready layout templates will be available for you to choose from with up to three navigation bars (slim bar, main bar and sub bar). After choosing, several customization parameters will be available for you to customize the chosen template according to your need.

Joomla 3, 4 and 5

The extension is compatible with Joomla 3, 4 and 5. Migrating from 3 to 4 requires no action.


Start with a ready to use theme that most adapts to your needs.


In addition to displaying the extension on your Joomla website, you can display it on any other type of website via iframe, Jquery or XHR.


Obtain great results in mobile and desktop with settings by screen resolution.

Infinite possibilities

Customize the layout editing fonts, colors, backgrounds, spacings and much more.

Constant updates

Get access to the release of new themes and resources.

Unlimited items

Do more in your site creating as many records as you want.

Performance and secutiry

Use an extension developed and tested within performance and security requirements.

Qualified support

Be served by a support team with more than ten years experience in Joomla.

Única extensão que encontrei para Joomla 4. Possui modelos prontos de topo. Gostei também do recurso novo de embed.
Ease of use
Achei fácil de usar, com bastante comentários junto aos campos para entender como funciona.
Não precisei acionar o suporte, mas enviei mensagem pelo site tirando dúvidas. Responderam rapidamente.
A documentação está dentro da própria extensão pelo que percebi, não cheguei a procurar site.
I used this to: Utilizei no meu primeiro site Joomla 4, que antes era em Joomla 3 e fiz a migração criando um novo template.
Owner's reply: Obrigado pela avaliação!

Melhoramos bastante a extensão e deixamos ela compatível com Joomla 4.

Qualquer necessidade estamos a disposição.
lots option nothing works, seems he made it for himself, otherwise he/she publishing Documentation online
Ease of use
no chance to test , I install in demo site ,I try many way , no clue
zero support , I send couple of email , no respond , seems he knows his extension dose not works
There is no Documentation,Documentation page is blank , i send email i asked him for Documentation,as i mentioned it no respond
I used this to: for testing i bought test version , I install in one of our demo site ,how it works,
Owner's reply: Hello,

First, we would like to clarify that the product has a free plan, so the user did not pay as mentioned.

The extension is free because we have not yet developed all the features we want for the extension and because it does not yet have documentation.

The extension is made available as a free gift to the free software community. We are very pleased to receive suggestions and contributions to assist in the evolution of the extension, but we regret the user's information of saying that he 'paid for the extension' and that 'he does not receive technical support'.

Regarding the operation, we do not understand why it did not work for the user. The extension is commonly used on hundreds of sites.

Even though the extension is free, in April 2020 it released an update containing several usability improvements and fixes of all bugs reported by users.

We remain open through our website service channel to receive suggestions for improvements.

NO Boss Extensions Team
Muito interessante os recursos disponíveis nesta extensão. É possível configurar até três barras com menus, busca, idiomas, etc.
Ease of use
O que gostei mais são as opções disponíveis para cada coisa. Menu, por exemplo, é possível colocar em diferentes locais e diferentes modelos
A No Boss informou que a extensão receberá em breve investimentos para ficar mais simples de parametrizar e com mais opções de layout.
I used this to: Utilizo para criar novos sites do zero. Na extensão defini as navegações, busca do site, logomarca (pude fazer textual sem imagem).
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Calendars & Events
Displaying events on your website can be something simpler than you think. Through the No Boss Calendar extension, you can choose ready-made calendar layouts and register events in different ways: normal event registration, recurring event registration and integration with Google Calendar. Get your money back If you regret your purchase, you have 14 days to request a refund. Joomla 3, 4 and 5 (...
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Update your Joomla extensions automatically. Get your money back If you regret your purchase, you have 14 days to request a refund. Joomla 3, 4 and 5 (*) (*) In Joomla 5 you don't need a compatibility plugin. Extension is updated in the new Joomla format. How it works: By installing the plugin No Boss Autoupdate, your Joomla extensions can be updated automatically. In the admin area of th...
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Load your modules using embed options via Iframe, Jquery or XHR. Get your money back If you regret your purchase, you have 14 days to request a refund. Joomla 3, 4 and 5 (*) (*) In Joomla 5 you don't need a compatibility plugin. Extension is updated in the new Joomla format. How it works: By installing the plugin No Boss Embed, all modules on your site will show a new publishing option. T...
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No Boss Image Gallery

By No Boss Technology
Photos & Images
Provide in your website a gallery with high resolution images without compromising your server performance. Start with ready to use gallery models, customize everything you want and choose a album to be displayed. Joomla 3, 4 and 5 The extension is compatible with Joomla 3, 4 and 5. Migrating from 3 to 4 requires no action. Easy integration You only need the user and ID of a Flickr account f...

No Boss Header

No Boss Technology
Last updated:
Oct 29 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Sep 20 2019
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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