
Menu Systems

★ RokNavMenu is a powerful menu module which provides functions above and beyond the capabilities of the core Joomla menu. It provides a feature rich platform for extending the menu, allowing for overrides and plugins for the menu itself, in addition to versatile theming capabilities and so much more.

The latest revisions feature inbuilt themes such as fusion, a complex dropdown menu system with optional javascript modes and URL extension capabilities.

★ Features

  • Menu Themes: A series of themes ranging from a simple menu list to an advanced dropdown system
  • URL Extension: Inbuilt parameter to append strings to Joomla links
  • Administrator Overrides: Add custom parameters / options for individual menu items
  • Plugin Support: Control all aspects of a menu item such as RokBox integration
  • Foundation: RokNavMenu is at the core of all the powerful RocketTheme menus
  • Dynamic Child Direction: At the browser windows edge, Fusion will force the pullouts in the opposing direction

work good

Posted on 27 June 2016
Yeah is good
Ease of use
yes is very easy
I used this to: Page web
I just downloaded and installed this module on my 3.4.1 Joomla and IT DOESN'T WORK, tried on the joomla 3.2.1 IT DOESN'T WORK.
Ease of use
Can't pass the install at.. corrupted zip file on one and the module doesn't show up on the manager
I used this to: I just downloaded and installed this module on my 3.4.1 Joomla and IT DOESN'T WORK, tried on the joomla 3.2.1 IT DOESN'T WORK. It doesn't show up on the module manager at all. And the same goes to the article slider from this site. It won't show on the module manager.

Pretty disappointing.

Posted on 13 March 2015
-On mobile devices you have to aim for the little arrows in order for the dropdown to work.
-You can only have one RokNavMenu per page
Ease of use
If you are happy with what it does by itself then fine.
Poor and not often updated.
Wouldn't call that documentation but more of a detailed description.
I used this to: A new website for a friend.

Worst Support ever :-(

Posted on 13 March 2014
Ok, this extension is free, but the solid menu of the paradigm template from rockettheme is using it, and this was one major reason to buy the membership and the template, which is not that cheap at all :-(

However this module has a major bug, preventing to select the submenus on Apples Ipad (Ios7). It took nearly one week that I got a reply in the paid support forums at all. The first answer was, 'everything is working fine'. After I proofed (with screenshots), that even their demo page is affected by this bug, the answer was, that a bug ticket was escalated to the developers. This is 4 days ago, and still no information about the status of the fix. I am very disappointed from rocketthemes, it seems after they have got your money, nobody cares anymore. To bad, that 2 Months of work have been put into this template, and now the release of the page is delayed because Rockettheme does not care. As mentioned by others, it looks nice at the beginning, but it is poorly coded and gives tons of problems afterwards. Non existing support makes everything more worse. I would not recomend to use any of their extensions, even if they are free, they cost you a lot of time afterwards, fixing problems. And time is money :-(


Posted on 12 November 2013
Here it comes from the Rockettheme guys.. another great extension. My favourite, I'd say a must, when it turns to responsivness. That embodies my idea of "powerful extension". The same guys of the gantry framework.. they never end to surprise me. Great support by the way.. the one I like most, hands down! you just need to spend a few bucks to have the best the market can offer you. SUPER!

If only

Posted on 12 May 2013
As with other extensions and templates from RocketTheme, the product initially looks professional.

However, after using it for any length of time, you'll quickly discover that it's half baked, poorly thought out and, in many cases, buggy.

A classic situation is that very basic functionality works well, but more advanced features either don't work or require you to organise your Joomla installation in a very specific way for the component to work correctly.

Support is minimal to non-existent, relying on a community forum where many requests for assistance are either ignored or treated with derision.

In summary - if you are prepared to spend time messing around in PHP to make this component work, go for it.

If you want something to install and simply work, I'd look elsewhere.
V. 2.0.2, Joomla!2.5. Easy to configure. Did what I needed (and more) until I recognized that alias menu items are not shown as active. Because it's a menu module, sorry, just 2 stars...

Best Menu Extension

Posted on 30 April 2013
Very nice Extension, fast, easy to customize and clear code, especially css. I can advise it to everyone who search for an perfect menu extension!

Excellent module

Posted on 27 December 2012
and excellent tech support - very polite helpful and effective, acts really quickly. I bought a Rockettheme club subscription and had problem with loading module into menu cuz' I am new to Joomla, they helped immediately - this is how support should work. Gantry and Rockettheme additions are really powerful. THANK YOU !!! :-)


Posted on 14 August 2011
Thanks, I just realised that I can use RokNavMenu with custom HTML modules and Sourcerer to create dynamic menus based on what is in the database.

In this particular case, I have created a website for a tour operator with tour menus automatically populated from the tour database.

The tour operator can now create or delete tours and the menus are automatically updated for her.



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Last updated:
Mar 20 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Jun 26 2009
GPLv2 or later
Free download
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Uses Joomla! Update System


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