Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 90


AdminExile Pro
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AdminExile Pro

By Michael Richey
Access & Security
Your /administrator area is vulnerable - secure it with AdminExile. Access keys, IPv4/6 Black/White Lists (IP and CIDR netmasks supported), Brute Force detection. AdminExile Pro has you covered. Key features: - Access key(s) - key only, or key + key value. Others provide one or the other. AdminExile provides BOTH. - Front-end Restriction - Restrict certain accounts from logging into the front-end...
EV Security Watch

EV Security Watch

By EverLive.net
Access & Security
Is your website getting malicious visitors? See live. Who is coming to your website? Who is good? Who is bad? What is happening there? Is somebody trying to hack it? A lot of bad or unwanted bots use your website's precious bandwidth and processing power. This can make your website slow for legitimate users. Get this extension to know more....
WR Protect
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WR Protect

By Aurone
Access & Security
An innovative website protection based on artificial intelligence. Discover a smart way to protect your website by detecting and blocking hacking attempts. Each protected website constitute a node in our security network, all websites under WR Protect protection are united to form a web protection against malicious requests. With WR Protect, secure your website, build trust with your audience and...


By BeforeSunrise
Security Tools
ALPHASCRAMBLE 2.0 - nothing remains undetected With ALPHASCRAMBLE, you can create a snapshot (current state) of your website. Every change to this structure triggers an alarm. Additionally, potential malicious files are placed in quarantine and new registries are deleted. Problem: Once your website is online, you will not immediately notice when a hacker attack has taken place. Especially if you...
Vik Secure
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Vik Secure

By e4j Extensions for Joomla
Security Tools
VikSecure is an extension that offers a lot of security services to protect and sanitize your Joomla! website from hackers, bots and malware. Given the strong relation between the Joomla! framework and Vik Secure, the extension can be installed starting from Joomla! 3.5.0. Reports : keep track of the actions performed by the users that try to do something suspicious. Admin Token : protect you...


By Hans-Guenter Heiserholt
Articles Display
This is an backend-plugin witch helps to make the value of article-hitCounter more real. When accessing an article, the Joomla system has a counter that records the number of accesses to the article. This counter is not very accurate, however, since it not only registers the reader accesses, but is also influenced by systems operating in the background, such as bots, etc. Updating an article pa...


By Vox Interactif Inc
Access & Security
With Glogin, you can connect to joomla with your Gsuite account. You can add multiple domains. Each domain can have their own user group....
Login Notification for Joomla
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Login Notification for Joomla

By Ivane
Site Security
Perfect solution to find which user logged in to your site. Login Notification for Joomla is a simple Joomla! system plugin to track the logins on your website. It logs the login entries of your site with user’s information, time and IP Addresses and send the notification email to the administrator email or custom email address. Benefits of Joomla Login Notification Plugin: Perfect solution...
WAAdmin Hidden

WAAdmin Hidden

By WebActualizable.com
Access & Security
This extensions is a Plugin to hidden the administrator interface . To access to administrador we must acces to mydomain.com/Adm1n2str3d4R , where Adm1n2str3d4R is a plugin parameter to config. The plugins parameters is: Directory to admin access, is the mydomain.com/Adm1n2str3d4R key Token to put in cookie Cookie Name Expire time...
Download Link Protection
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Download Link Protection

By Impression eStudio
Access & Security
Protect the links used for downloading files like zip, pdf, mp3, csv, jpg etc. The protected links work only to the users who click them through your website. The real link of the file to be downloaded is hidden by a random link that is unique per user and visit. The Download Link Protection plugin provides a very simple but practical way to hide the real URLs for files from being displayed and a...
Ruxin Admin Url Changer
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Ruxin Admin Url Changer

By RuxinCode
Access & Security
This plugin is for changing the Joomla admin address. Easily change the management address to the desired address For example, convert administrator to admin www.yoursite.com/administrator -> www.yoursite.com/admin...
Hydro Raindrop MFA

Hydro Raindrop MFA

By Hydro
Access & Security
Description Hydro Raindrop MFA: Blockchain based Multi Factor Authentication Hydro MFA Plugin adds another security layer to your website using blockchain-based authentication layer. It’s designed to work out of the box and offers unparalleled security standards for your website and your users, even beating google authenticator which is prone to phishing scams. Features - Requires minimum hass...
OAuth Server for Joomla

OAuth Server for Joomla

By miniOrange
Access & Security
** SSO (OAuth 2.0) – OAuth Server/ Provider Single Sign-On – The plugin allows users to log in to your client apps using their joomla account credentials. It enables you to utilize Joomla as an OAuth Server/Provider and provide OAuth APIs for resource access. This OAuth server/OAuth Provider plugin's main objective is to allow users to perform a single sign-on using their Joomla credentials in...


By Roland Leicher
Content Submission
This plugin performs checks when creating an article. It allows: Require your authors to select a lower level categories. So a leaf of the tree of categories. However, in the plugin settings, you can specify groups of users that are allowed to publish to category nodes. For example, to avoid forgetting the selection of the publication category and all the problems that may arise from it (bad pu...
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By JoomBoost
User Management
JoomIdentity is a Joomla component that allows website owners to verify their users identity by submitted files (pdf, images, documents..) or social accounts of registered users, files are automatically encrypted and only visible by the administrators. Main Features: Allow users to upload documents, images ... which admin has to verify and review All uploaded files will be encrypted for high se...
AuthCaptcha for Joomla

AuthCaptcha for Joomla

By bkrbkr
Access & Security
This extension is depricated A BruteForce attack is a major security risk to any website. In this type of attack, a hacker tries to guess a user's password with millions of requests. Especially weak passwords are vulnerable to this type of attack. In addition, a BruteForce attack can cause availability issues. Joomla has no built-in BruteForce protection. This Joomla System plugin fills this gap...
CG Secure

CG Secure

By conseilgouz
Access & Security
CG Secure Package restricts access to your admin/Joomla forms depending on country/spammer status from ABuseIPDB. Block And Report : - hide /administrator, - hide Joomla connexion forms, - may even hide Contact forms. to unwanted visitors and report them to AbuseIPDB. Just a library call to hide RSForms or VisForms forms, even PhocaDownload links...
AA Content Theft Protection
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AA Content Theft Protection

By AA Extensions
Access & Security
A plugin that adds the source URL of your website attached to the copied text. It means if they copy your content, you get a hidden backlink from their content. This will discourage people to copy content. It’s a simple theft protection system. Features it has : ✅ It works with any content to protect. ✅ It adds a hidden link to copy text. ✅ Very easy to use. ✅ You can easily copyright...