
CB Birthday for Community Builder

CB Birthday for Community Builder

Community Builder extensions
CB Birthday for Community Builder module shows coming birthday or anniversaries of Community Builder users. It requires defined user birthday field in CB (data type). Name of the birthday field is setup in the module configuration, therefore it could be used on the existing sites with predefined birthday fields. Module uses Bootstrap elements and Fontawesome icons implemented in the Community Buil...
Letter Gravatar
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Letter Gravatar

By Nordmograph
User Management
Assign an avatar to users if not set, based on first letter or Gravatar service (custom Letter Avatar based on user's Initials letters from name (2 letters), username or email) Compatible with Community Builder, Jomsocial, EasySocial, EasyDiscuss To come: support for K2, EasyBlog etc ......
Usergroups Field for Community Builder
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Usergroups Field for Community Builder

By Open Tools
Community Builder extensions
This Community Builder plugin adds a profile field that allows moderators (or any other user group that is authorized to modify profile data) to change a user's Joomla groups in the Frontend. There are versions available for both Community Builder 1.9 as well as CB 2.0. By default, Community Builder allows changing user groups only in the Backend's User management pages, but not directly on the p...
Integration SLogin - Community Builder
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Integration SLogin - Community Builder

By Arkadiy Sedelnikov
Community Builder extensions
Plugin integration SLogin - Community Builder. Upon login from the social network plugin create Community Builder user with avarar. Subscribe to plug sold for one year in terms of updates regarding the use is not limited neither by time nor by the number of domains....
CB Who Visited My Profile
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CB Who Visited My Profile

By Nordmograph
Community Builder extensions
This Community Builder application plugin shows a daily visits chart and visitors list. It is very much like the Linkedin similar feature. These data are private and will not show to anybody but profile owner. Visists prior to application installation will not be counted. App uses Google Visualisation API to render the visits chart. Compatible with Lates CB version...
Digi CB Module Tab
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Digi CB Module Tab

By Digigreg
Community Builder extensions
By this plugin you can publish module in Community Builder profile, inside a tab. Would you publish a menu module, a custom html module, would you publish latest visits module in CB? With Digi CB Module Tab you can include up to six different module positions in a tab. Layout is Bootstrap based (two rows and three columns). Set the names of module positions where you want to place a module in Co...
Community Builder list

Community Builder list

By M Rodenburg
Community Builder extensions
Show a Community Builder list in a module with custom presentation-template with the possibility of using/presenting all user fields from CB and Joomla. Features: - Create your own layout in a simple editor - Use all existing fields - Responsive columns - Set number of user to show - Order random - Set autorisation...
CB profile

CB profile

By M Rodenburg
Community Builder extensions
This plugin allows you to show Community Builder user profiles in the content. Features: - show multiple user in the order that you want - Resize picture - Select a CB user list to show - Show by username or email - Create own template with every field you want - Randomize users - Show top x users...
JP CE Team Profile for YOOtheme Pro
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JP CE Team Profile for YOOtheme Pro

By Joomla Pro
Members lists
JP CE Team Profile is the perfect solution for creating a nice team/member page for your website. JP CE Team Profile can easily add a nice contact sheet with all the common fields like name, position, address, phone, email, social media, etc. The main feature of this extension is that it creates a downloadable vCard /vcf file automatically from these fields for each item/person. This makes it ve...