
JMG Google Analytics DSGVO
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JMG Google Analytics DSGVO

Extensions Tools
According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR in german DSGVO), using google analytics requires the consent of the user. With Google as your Data Processor, they have obligations to conform to the EU GDPR. This plugin adds opt-in functionality and the google server will be connected, if the visitor accepts it. Your google analytics tracking will be GDPR compliant....
Lab5 - Cookie Commander

Lab5 - Cookie Commander

By Lab5
Cookie Control
DSGVO / GDPR Compliant Use of Cookies ( and Tracking Code ) made easy! - Easily adjustable and extendable plugin. Let your users ontrol every single cookie, at any time ! Let visitors even control the tracking ( Google Analytics, Piwik/Matomo ), live! Super easy setup and config ! Adjustable Info Bar included Embeddable Control Form Translateable Analytics ( Google Analytics + Piwik/Matomo ) Tr...
JMG OpenStreetMap DSGVO
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JMG OpenStreetMap DSGVO

Maps & Locations
JMG OpenStreetMap DSGVO brings help to embed OpenStreetMap without breaking GDPR rules. This plugin for Joomla! adds opt-in functionality to existing OpenStreetMap components and iframes. The plugin detects OpenStreetMap code on your website, informs users about privacy and asks for the user's consent....
Iubenda Cookie Solution

Iubenda Cookie Solution

By iubenda
Cookie Control
Information about this plugin This extension is an All-in-One approach developed by iubenda. The fully responsive extension lets you automate the implementation of GDPR, ePrivacy (Cookie Law) and CCPA (California Consumer Protection Act) requirements by providing a fully customizable cookie banner, blocking scripts, and by managing all aspects of cookie consent. This extension drastically reduc...
Digi Contact

Digi Contact

By Digigreg
Contact forms
When you need a simple and lightweight contact module for Joomla, you can use Digi Contact, our Joomla contact form. This is a Joomla GDPR contact form. It offers the possibility to include an editable checkbox that the user must accept before being able to send the message. The module includes the ability to customize the contact form, either by hiding the default fields, or by adding new custom...


By Kicktemp GmbH
Authoring & Content
Automatically legally valid documents via interface This plugin connects the legal documents of janolaw to Joomla and offers the perfect solution for all owners of an online presence, website, blog or online shop who do not want take care by themselves for new legal requirements. Problem of Legal Charges Errors happen quickly, incomplete information on the imprint or an insufficient or missing da...
Privacy Policy for VirtueMart
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Privacy Policy for VirtueMart

By Abhishek Das
VirtueMart extensions
Policy Acceptance field plugin for VirtueMart. The quickest way to comply with GDPR Privacy Policy guidelines. Link the policy article with the field and ask for privacy policy acceptance before user registration and order confirmation. Show policy acceptance status to users on their account maintenance page and in orders. Compatible with every checkout system. Features: Policy Acceptance Shopp...
MailChimp User Field for VirtueMart
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MailChimp User Field for VirtueMart

By Abhishek Das
VirtueMart extensions
GDPR compliant MailChimp newsletter subscription integration field for VirtueMart. Ask visitors subscribe to your MailChimp list during registration and checkout. They can also unsubscribe directly from the list just by unchecking the checkbox from their account maintenance page or while placing orders in future. Features: MailChimp Shopper Field plugin for VirtueMart 3. Fastest way to integrat...
Cookie Information - Consent Solution

Cookie Information - Consent Solution

By Cookie Information
Cookie Control
This is a GDPR consent solution plugin created by Cookie Information. For more information visit: This plugin is a part of a larger Consent solution, which requires registration at: Get a 30 day trial completely free without providing any payment-details. Description This plugin will easily implement the Website Consent s...
Husci Cookies

Husci Cookies

By Houshmand Farid
Cookie Control
Cookie Consent Module Include Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel Very easy to use instruction: Status =Published Show Title= Hide Position= assign any active position Tab=>Menu Assignment assign it to all menu Tab=>Setting Customize what you want Remember to fill the Cookie Name example: Tab=> More Options if you want google analytics active it and put the site code example: UA-xxxxx...
itcs Matomo

itcs Matomo

Plugin for Matomo (formerly Piwik) This Plugin includet the tracking code and the opt-out iframe code from your matomo analytics. Insert here the tracking code, which should come into the Head area. In addition, insert the iframe Custom Opt-Out code to be included in the privacy statement. Simply enter the short code {matomo_opt_out} in the privacy statement. Language Files (EN, DE, FR) Inte...
AA Cookie Consent
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AA Cookie Consent

By AA Extensions
Cookie Control
AA Cookie Consent – allows you to elegantly inform users that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law GDPR regulations. GDPR Based It is fully responsive. Features it has : ✅ Customizable cookie message ✅ Redirects users to specified page for more cookie information ✅ Cookie expiry options ✅ Link to Privacy Policy page ✅ Select the position of the cookie message...
JMG Instagram DSGVO
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JMG Instagram DSGVO

Social Display
JMG Instagram DSGVO adds opt-in functionality to existing Instagram embeds. The plugin detects the use of Instagram on your website, informs about privacy and asks for the user's consent....
W7 Cookies
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W7 Cookies

By W7 Extensions
Cookie Control
W7 Cookies provides a simple way to comply with GDPR requirements. Cookies Categories Set up as many categories as you want and let users decide which data they want to share with you. Customizable Consent Modal W7 Cookies comes with modern, responsive and easily customizable consent modal. Block Resources You can block external resources by it’s URL, local files and even inline scripts co...
CCM19 Integration

CCM19 Integration

By Papoo Software & Media GmbH
Cookie Control
CCM19 Cookie Consent Manager This plugin integrates the CCM19 Cookie Consent Manager into Joomla. This allows to use CCM19 without manually modifying the theme or resorting to a generic snippet plugin. To use it, purchase a license or sign up for a free account on Copy and paste the code snippet from the CCM19 dashboard into the settings of the plugin in the Joomla-Plugin-a...
JMG Soundcloud DSGVO
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JMG Soundcloud DSGVO

Extensions Tools
SoundCloud Audio Player is embedded in websites to play audio files. As the name of the service says, it is a player for audio files, such as audiobooks, podcasts, etc. SoundCloud Player: Is it possible to use it on websites in compliance with data protection laws? Data transfer to US company By embedding the SoundCloud script, a connection to the domain is established directly whe...
JMG Google Recaptcha DSGVO
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JMG Google Recaptcha DSGVO

Coding & Scripts Integration
reCaptcha and privacy issues With reCaptcha, a JavaScript element is included in the source code and then the tool runs in the background and analyzes user behavior. Website visitors are not made aware that an analysis is taking place. This leads to the first privacy issue: Lack of transparency For the analysis of behavior, personal data such as: IP address (e.g., Referrer URL (t...
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By Logical-Arts
Access & Security
Logical-Arts Privacy A cookie consent extension for Joomla 4 or higher. Comply with GDPR and the EU e-Privacy law (AKA the EU Cookie Law)! Block all cookies until the user has accepted them. - Full management of the cookies and their providers. - Import cookies from a provider database - Style the popup choice-box for your needs - Check for none-EU visitors The package consists of a component an...