Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 72


Stop User Edit

Stop User Edit

By Amreeta Ray
Site Access
This plugin is used to stop users from changing their username or password. it works for the username specified by the administrator. You can also redirect the user to a specific URL if the url is specified in the redirect url plugin parameter. Users to be separated by comma ex "john,harry,tom" etc....
Content Filter Pro
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Content Filter Pro

By Function90
Site Access
**Filter Joomla Article Content, K2 Article, Seblod And FlexiContent According To UserGroups Usernames and User Ids ** As the name itself says, it filters out the content. It is a Joomla! plugin which filter the content of an article according to users' Joomla! usergroup, username and user ids. There are several cases when you want to show some content to particular type of users and want to hide...
Registration Validation Pro
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Registration Validation Pro

By Function90
Site Access
This plugin mainly validates the basic fields of the registration form that are username, email and password. In current joomla registration process the validation is very limited and even some of the validation takes place after registration form submission. For user this becomes very tedious to fill the form again and again. 1. Validation on Username - User must fill this field since it is...
JG Quick Login

JG Quick Login

By Joomla Geeks
Site Access
Description: JG quick login is a simple user plugin that logs in user automatically after user registration. This plugin follows joomla standard and works only if the ‘New User Account Activation’ is set to ‘none’ in joomla user configuration. Features: Quick user login. Follow joomla standards in user registration. Easy user conversion. Simple controls(Just enable and disable). You ca...
JG Autologin

JG Autologin

By Joomla Geeks
Site Access
Description: There will be cases where site admin wants to auto login a visitor of the site so that they can show some demo of certain privilege using ACL. using this plugin we can auto login visitors of our site under a particular user. ###Features: Easy visitors auto login. Select the user from the list you wants to make as default login user....
Custom Right Click
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Custom Right Click

By Glimlag.gr
Site Access
Custom Right Click for Joomla 3.X **is a plugin that gives the ability to disable site printing, selecting text or images and copy, completely disable right click or the best one: create your own right click. Set a powered by text, add menu items for sharing on any social network you want or anything else that you can imagine. **Build your own HTML5 menu by adding the features you need. And all th...
JT Elegant Login
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JT Elegant Login

By Joomlatema.net
Site Access
JT Elegant Login extension is Login and Sign Up form for joomla. It has a nice animation effect for both login and sign up form. You can use it instead of standart joomla login-signup form of your site. It can be installed as a joomla module and can be used instead of standart joomla login-signup form. Features: Joomla 3.x compatible Login Button Title Login Button Pretext Signup Button Title...


By SeNa.Od.Ua
Site Access
With the help of this plugin, the user can obtain a re-link to activate his account if for any reason the first letter is not reached. The plugin does not require any configuration, simply install and enable. Request e-mail with an activation link, comes at a time when not activated user tries to log on to the site....
Authentication - Session Limit
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Authentication - Session Limit

By Michael Richey
Site Security
If you want to limit concurrent logins in Joomla, there are few options. If you want granular control of concurrent logins based on your own access levels, this is the plugin for you. Features: Uses Joomla ACL to define login limits. Arbitrary limits - You can give users 1 or 10 (or more) based on ACL Option to make one Access Level immune. Users who are members of multiple limit levels are gr...
User Changer
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User Changer

By Roland Meier
Site Access
With the User Changer Component for Joomla! you can add, change or remove Acess Levels from your Users after a specified time. Features - add, change or remove automatically an Access Levels from your Users after a specified time with a cronjob - remove complete user accounts automatically after a specified time in days with a cronjob - Email notification as well as live output of the actions...
Simplify Registration Form, Remove Fields
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Simplify Registration Form, Remove Fields

By UkrSolution
User Management
✔ Remove unnecessary fields from Registration Form ✔ Allow users to login with Email instead of Username ✔ Get more registrations Remove not necessary fields from Registration Form Studies shows that each additional field on registration form decreases chance of user registration by 10% That’s why successful companies like Amazon, Twitter, Facebook tend to have small registration forms...
AA Voting Age Checker
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AA Voting Age Checker

By AA Extensions
Dating & Relationships
This module can confirm your voting age and make sure you can vote or not. It is fully responsive Features it has : ✅ You can easily check your voting age through it ✅ Works with any templates. ✅ Change background ✅ Responsive option ✅ Datepicker option ✅ Cross browser support. ✅ Simple and Friendly user interface. ✅ Ease to use. ✅ Multi Animation Support Supported Platform:...
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By JoomBoost
User Management
JoomIdentity is a Joomla component that allows website owners to verify their users identity by submitted files (pdf, images, documents..) or social accounts of registered users, files are automatically encrypted and only visible by the administrators. Main Features: Allow users to upload documents, images ... which admin has to verify and review All uploaded files will be encrypted for high se...
AA Cookie Consent
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AA Cookie Consent

By AA Extensions
Cookie Control
AA Cookie Consent – allows you to elegantly inform users that your site uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law GDPR regulations. GDPR Based It is fully responsive. Features it has : ✅ Customizable cookie message ✅ Redirects users to specified page for more cookie information ✅ Cookie expiry options ✅ Link to Privacy Policy page ✅ Select the position of the cookie message...
Force Password Reset

Force Password Reset

By eclent
Access & Security
With this plugin you can set a time validity for the passwords of your registered users. For example, if you set 30 days, every registered user can navigate in the website for 30 days from his last password reset (or from his register date). After 30 days the plugin redirect the user to the password reset page. User cannot navigate to other pages until he change his password. Main features: Eas...
Content Protection
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Content Protection

By ExtensionCoder
Site Access
Joomla Content Protection will help you protecting your joomla site content from being copied. Just install add a small plugin on your website and Content Protection Extension for Joomla defend web content from being plagiarized. ✔️ No Coding Required You do not need to know coding! It is an install and use extension! Default parameters are as seen at demo! You can change everything via exte...
PW Age Verification
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PW Age Verification

By Panky
Site Access
Joomla! displays a pop-up window for website visitors to prevent content from being crawled until the condition is accepted....
Password Complexity Checker

Password Complexity Checker

By eclent
Site Access
Natively, Joomla 3.x does not have a progress bar that shows to the users the level of complexity of the password they are entering when registering or editing their profile. This plugin does exactly that! Once installed and configured, users will see a progress bar that "grows" and changes color in real time depending on the level of complexity of the password they are entering. The level of com...