Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 18


JUX Easy Mega Menu
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JUX Easy Mega Menu

By JoomlaUX
Menu Systems
JUX Easy Mega Menu is an amazing Mega Menu module that allows you to customize everything around the menu of your Joomla site in an "EASY" way as exact as its name. The awesome module deserves Joomla users more than 11 Beautiful preset styles, unlimited customizations in colors, submenu, top menu, etc. Furthermore, with multi-media and a variety of menu layouts offered, users freely bring images a...
Sj Accordion Menu
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Sj Accordion Menu

By ExtensionSpot
Menu Systems
SJ Accordion Menu is a simple, vertical menu with JQuery effects. This Joomla extension comes with: 6 different animations when opening the sublevels Very easy graphics customization JQuery no-Conflict integrated Need to create a bigger menu? - This menu uses unordered lists and allows you to create infinite sublevels! A simple but effective design? - Now you have the back-end various optio...
Lava Menu
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Lava Menu

By PulseExtensions Team
Menu Systems
The Lava Menu is a set of iconic images that expand when rolled over with the cursor, and usually perform some action by transforming a contiguous set of HTML images into an expanding Dock with labels. The styling and positioning of the Dock is (almost) entirely down to you. ★★ GENERAL FEATURES LIST :- -> Swap Out menu item when you Mouse hover on Menu Item. -> Able to set 5 to 10 Menu from a...
JF Mobile Menu Pro
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JF Mobile Menu Pro

By JoomForest.com
JF Mobile Menu Pro is a professional mobile menu module for Joomla. It is based on beautiful Material Design. Menu module also can work as a simple vertical Joomla menu in any template position. JF Mobile Menu Pro is easily customizable. You can: choose to use module with or without "Slide Panel" function, - set-up animation types, - add icons for "Separator Joomla Menu Items" and for "Back Butt...
JMG Article Slider

JMG Article Slider

Article Preview
This free module shows your Joomla! articles as sliders....
JF Mobile Bar
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JF Mobile Bar

By JoomForest.com
Mobile Display
JF Mobile Bar is a beautiful, super handy mobile navigation, login and toolbar module for Joomla. It helps to easilly access site menu items on mobile devices, also has beautiful "User Login Form" panel which makes your site flexible and professional looking. This toolbar module is created for mobile devices, but it also can work on tablets and on Desktops too. JF Mobile Bar is easily customizab...
Skyline jQuery Slide Menu for Skyline Menu
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Skyline jQuery Slide Menu for Skyline Menu

By extstore.com
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
jQuery Slide Menu is a plugin of Menu Pro that shows the menu as a lively jQuery-powered animated slide menu. The submenus slide in and slide out depending on which menu item are being clicked, with random fancy animation effects. Furthermore, colorful default themes and customizable CSS allow you to easily create menu in many styles. The menu is extremely space-saving and fun to watch. Submenus w...
Tree Menu
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Tree Menu

By Contona.com
Menu Systems
Display your menu at the sidebar with a very beautiful sliding effect. ★ Display your menu at the sidebar with a very beautiful sliding effect. ★ Very Easy to use. ★ Compatible with Joomla 3, 4 & 5. ★ 4(Four) pre-built themes to suit your site template. (default, Gray, Red & Black Themes) ★ Option to control the Sliding speed of the Tree Menu. (Slow, Medium & Fast) ★ You can customize...
Accordion Menu for Hikashop
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Accordion Menu for Hikashop

By OSTheme Team!
HikaShop extensions
The good addition to any e-commerce site for user this navigation... Take a look at our demonstration of this module, the arrangement of items displayed in a single frame is very neat and clear. In addition, friendly user interface in Admin panel is totally easy for you to control every parameter we provide. Refer to the photos we captured and specified below to see how it works. Now, let's cli...


By Mareike Riegel
Coding & Scripts Integration
The system plugin qldropdown adds javascript to your website. Any menu with the classes "dropdown js" is turned into a dropdown menu vis javascript. Any menu with the classes "dropdown css" is turned into a dropdown menu via css. Mind to set the menu settings to "display subitems". What about a coffee .. I love coding. My extensions are for free. Wanna say thanks? You're welcome! https://www.buy...
Combo Menu

Combo Menu

By Pixel Point Creative
Menu Systems
Combo Menu is a 3 level jquery menu that uses a pop up menu image to add impact and dynamic style to your site. You can customize the color of each level of the menu. It has an additional plugin to allow you to add a subtext to each menu item as well....
Master Menu

Master Menu

By webwonders.co.in
Menu Systems
Master Menu is an awesome, timeless menu Module that's useful for any scenario in which you've got a lot of sub-menus. Select an item and an animation slides the sub-menu over. Features:- code follows 100% MVC Structure n level menu - I hope, everyone knows n level timeless menu design sliding effects animation interval width/height options...
BA Drilldown Menu
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BA Drilldown Menu

By BestAddon.com
Menu Systems
The drill-down menu module takes standard nested lists and turns them into mobile(iPod) style drill-down menus. Drill down menus offer an excellent way of managing and organizing large, complicated menus in a small, vertical, compact. In term of usability they offer a great alternative to standard drop down menus, which can be cumbersome with multiple levels. ❖ Responsive and friendly to any...
BA Float Menu
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BA Float Menu

By BestAddon.com
Site Navigation
This module allows you to easily create multiple Floating Menus on your Website. The easy-to-use interface enables you to customize the layout, position, and pages where and how to show your menu. The Floating Menu will be the effective solution for increasing the recognition of your web resource. Its connection will bring originality and novelty to the used theme of the site. The extension helps...
BA Accordion Menu
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BA Accordion Menu

By BestAddon.com
Menu Systems
The accordion menu module enables the visitor to vertically expand/collapse sub menu items just like an accordion. You can really save some space and be able to show a lot of information using this technique. Yes, and of course such sliding content is always great from the design point of view and giving your visitor unique experience while he is visiting. Features: ❖ Responsive and friendly...
BA Fancy Menu
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BA Fancy Menu

By BestAddon.com
Menu Systems
A creative menu system that expands and collapses menu items with smooth CSS3 powered transitions. You can see many predefined animations for the menu. The transitions are optimized for mobile devices also for higher user experience. The Menu is an all-in-one solution, as it have 4 different navigation layouts: Static mode Popup mode Sticky mode (Left sidebar, Right sidebar) Overlay mode Ea...
Ol accordion menu
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Ol accordion menu

By olwebdesign
Menu Systems
Show the menu of your choice in accordion style. Menu settings Select Menu Base Item Start Level End Level Show Sub-menu Items - Yes / No General settings Use Custom settings - Yes / No Font Size Color Background color Active and hover Background Background color second layer Border color Load jquey script - Yes / No...


By anton
Menu Systems
Totalmenu is a super customizable menu for Joomla! 4&5 Find your own style and create complex menus. Easy! Design different styles and behaviors for desktop, small windows or mobile views. Teleport your menu from desktop view to mobile view without loading it twice! Use your own Brand logo. Easy! Customize your menues... oh yes! you can have more than one menu... all of them customized. Async loa...