Joomla! Extensions Directory


Twitter Feed Pro
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Twitter Feed Pro

By Oleg Micriucov
Social Display
Twitter Feed Pro is a simple and powerful tool to add Twitter (x.com) content to Joomla website in an easy and seamless way. With this extension you can increase you audience and engagement of your website visitors. Tweets that you publish on your Twitter (x.com) account or tweets with certain hashtags will be automatically displayed on your website with the Twitter Feed Pro extension. No API keys...
Easy Profile
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Easy Profile

By JSN Project Company
User Management
Easy Profile is a powerful component for Joomla that allows you to profile users by using custom fields. Features: Custom Fields Profiled users by creating custom fields. You can choose to create the following types of fields: text, textarea/editor, image, radio, checkbox, email, date, GoogleMaps (Pro version only), hidden, link, delimeter. Avatar Easy Profile allows users to configure their...


By Tassos Marinos
Social Share
This plugin allows you to easily create tweetable fancy content and quotes for your blog readers. Using a simple shortcode, your selected text is highlighted and made tweetable that can be shared to Twitter with a single click! Make people tweet your content, not you! Syntax {tweetme} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod {/tweetme} The Problem It hurts...
WDS Twitter Widget Slider Pro
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WDS Twitter Widget Slider Pro

By Robert Long
Social Display
Add a Twitter Feed To Your Website with Several Display Options Simply set-up your twitter info and add your user names separated by commas and your feed is shown on your site as a great looking, sliding feed. Features: Multiple Twitter User Names can now be used, just separate with a comma in the admin. Scrolling Twitter Tweet option with speed control Add Multiple Twitter User names and Vie...
JMZ Widget Twitter

JMZ Widget Twitter

By jumazi
Social Web
Allows visitor can hover on it to see what is going on over in Twitter land, right from your website.Some millions of people have Twitter accounts and use it on a regular basis. This includes both individuals as well as businesses. If you have a website and a Twitter account, the Twitter widget slider is something for you. Main Features: Easy to Install Fully customizable features enable you to...
Slide Out at Page End
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Slide Out at Page End

By Contona.com
Popups & iFrames
★ On scrolling the page to the bottom, a box will slide out. ★ On that box, sliding contents will show. ★ You can show articles from the selected category or from all category. ★ You can put anything in that box like Testimonials, Texts, Links, Facebook Like box or twitter feed, video, Images or any promotional offer etc. ★ Option to choose: Slide Out from Left or Right. ★ Many styling...
Mitsol Tweets
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Mitsol Tweets

By mridul samadder
Social Display
Mitsol tweets displays tweets as slide view or vertical display view for any user-tweets, hashtag-tweets, search-tweets. Watch demos and images for all these views and stunning features not to be missed. There are lots of settings of these two views as written under features below, it also caches tweet data from twitter into database to deal with twitter Api request limits. Mitsol tweets package...
RP Twitter Feeds

RP Twitter Feeds

By RP Extensions
Social Display
This module enables you to show the Twitter timeline on your site. Successfully tested on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera and Safari. Install the module, enable it and choose Module assignment (on which pages you want this module to be assigned), it will start working and then you can configure it according to your requirements. Features - Easily configurable - Configure based on height & width - C...
Twitter Summary Card for Articles

Twitter Summary Card for Articles

By Fernando Arturo Martínez Aguilar
Social Media
Twitter Summary Card can be used for many kinds of web content in this case for blog posts and news articles. It is designed to give the twitter users a preview of the content before clicking through to your website. This plugin adds Twitter Summary Card meta data to your Joomla Articles. Twitter Summary Card can be used for many kinds of web content in this case for blog posts and news articles...
Clean Twitter Slider

Clean Twitter Slider

By Dave
Social Display
Clean Twitter Slider displays search results in real time! This Twitter widget is ideal for live events, broadcastings, conferences, TV Shows, or even just keeping up with the news. Clean Twitter Slider For Joomla 2.5 and 3.0 This module allows you to display Twitter Tweet updates that contain only the search query you want on your Joomla site....
Social Meta Tags

Social Meta Tags

By The Krotek
Social Web
Automatically creates Open Graph (Facebook) and Twitter card meta tags for articles, ads or other kinds of pages from different content components. With OG and Twitter tags your articles will be properly parsed and displayed by social networks ★ FEATURES ★ Adds OpenGraph tags to the header: title, description, image, url, locale. Adds Twitter tags to the header: title, description, image, u...
Elfsight Twiter Feed

Elfsight Twiter Feed

By Elfsight
Social Media
Introduction With Elfsight Twitter Feed, you can add on your site a customized feed of one of the most popular social media. Embed your own Twitter feed with header and action buttons, create a collection of Tweets by hashtag or display customer testimonials about your products from Twitter. Allow your users all Tweet actions right on the website: retweet, reply, like, share. Choose the best layou...
JUX Twitter Feed
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JUX Twitter Feed

By JoomlaUX
Social Display
JUX Twitter Feed is a cutting-edge Joomla extension that seamlessly integrates the power of Twitter into your website, allowing you to effortlessly display real-time Twitter feeds or embed curated lists of tweets. Whether you're a blogger, business owner, or social media enthusiast, this extension empowers you to keep your audience engaged and informed with the latest updates from the Twitterverse...
AA Easy Twitter Widget
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AA Easy Twitter Widget

By AA Extensions
Social Display
AA Easy Twitter Widget helps you, Easily embed Twitter Embed, Twitter Timeline Feed , Follow Button to your Joomla Website. Features it has : ✅ By this module you can embed specific Tweet. ✅ By this module you can show Twitter Timeline. ✅ By this module you can show a Follow Button. ✅ It is fully responsive. ✅ You can do override css with it. It has custom css option. ✅ It works nice...
IWS.BY Twitter Button
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IWS.BY Twitter Button

IWS.BY Twitter Button - the module adds a floating button to quickly go to a Twitter page, using the Twitter login specified in the module settings. Main features of the module: Support for Joomla 3, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5. A simple module that adds a floating customizable button to the site, allowing you to go to the specified Twitter page. Simple addition: install the module, configure it and...
Content Sharing - Webhooks

Content Sharing - Webhooks

By Felix Galvao Batista Neto
Articles Sharing
Introducing "Content Webhooks for Joomla" – a revolutionary plugin designed to seamlessly integrate real-time notifications into your Joomla website. This powerful tool is engineered for website administrators and developers seeking a robust solution to automate workflows and enhance content management processes. Key Features: Real-Time Notifications: Automatically sends webhooks when article...