
Embed iFrame
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Embed iFrame

By JoomHelper
Popups & iFrames
Inserting iframes is becoming more and more popular. However, for security reasons, some Joomla editors still limit this feature. Unlocking features is also difficult for new users. Embed iFrame will help you insert iframes/Youtube/Twitter into articles or modules more easily. Main features of the plugin: - Works on all versions of Joomla - Supports inserting YouTube Video, Twitter Feed, Twitter...
JMP File Manager
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JMP File Manager

By JoomHelper
File Management
JMP File Manager is the ultimate file manager for Joomla. It is inherited from the elFinder platform (a popular open source) This extension is inspired by the Finder program used on the Mac, which helps you manage files from the web with ease. It works on modern browsers for both desktop or mobile. elFinder has been tested in the latest Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE and Opera. Key Features: - Easy...
Youtube Feed Pro
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Youtube Feed Pro

By JLexArt
Social Media
Youtube module is used to display Youtube channels, Youtube playlists, Youtube videos or Youtube Mixed Source on your website. The output is displayed as a Grid, Slide, Horizontal, Vertical and Youtube Background Video. If you are looking for a Youtube module with lots of features, this will be a good choice. Styles/Themes - All Responsive Design: Grid (Lightbox) Slide (Work with touch devices...
JLex GuestBook
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JLex GuestBook

By JLexArt
Guest Book
The Social Network and GuestBook Extension for Joomla. It allows you to create your own Social Network with Photo , Video, Link & Polls and other features that work out of the box. Modern and Easy Use is the most important - Timeline Items are arranged and displayed along the scroll bar in timeline format - Responsive display on most devices. Automatically load more older items when scrolling to...


Site Map
This component was imported from ( / github ) This previous component is not more maintained It was containing component comxmap The new repo is providing comjoxmap component for Joomla 4.0 +...
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By J!Extensions Store
Cookie Control
GDPR for Joomla! is the state of the art to manage cookies, resources, consents and have your website compliant with the EU GDPR law and Google CMP v2 certified by Infotrust Consent Mode Inspector. It is the only trusted software in the world that can actually block cookies and resources and that is able to track any consent requested on the website. And if you are afraid of finding and classifyin...
Geek Elasticsearch
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Geek Elasticsearch

By JoomlaGeek
Site Search
HIGH PERFORMANCE SEARCH FOR JOOMLA! Geek ElasticSearch is the most powerful, extremely fast, highly relevant and flexible search and filter system for your Joomla site. Our extension uses the Elasticsearch engine - a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine to index data and perform the search. Hence, it is possible to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data quick...
Mx Super news

Mx Super news

By mixwebtemplates
News Display
Super News module displays custom items in beautiful layout. The pro version has 28 styles and can display joomla content or custom items. Main settings Style - 29 styles Image over - Yes/No Image over styles - 12 styles Blur effect - Yes/No Custom background Items distance Version - Standard / Slider Load fontawesome - Yes/No Custom CSS Data Source: Articles ( in pro version ) Select Categor...
Scroll Box Pro
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Scroll Box Pro

By Infyways Solutions
Articles Display
Scroll Box Pro is the most flexible and feature-rich scrolling module for Joomla! It allows you to effortlessly scroll any text or Joomla article (No K2). With an easy-to-use interface and powerful customization options, this module enhances your site’s engagement and readability. 🎉 Scroll Box Pro – The Ultimate Scrolling Text & Article Module for Joomla! 🚀 ✅ No jQuery Required –...


By MAXXmarketing GmbH
Shopping Cart
JoomShopping Online Store, responsiv! For Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.x, 4,x and 5.x is the most easy to use OnlineShop for Joomla. More than 400.000 new Online Shop Users in 3 years! On the Website you find also demo online store installation and links to shops which was created with JoomShopping Shop. The Shop can be used for selling different products. There are also functions in the online store for...
Custom Tables

Custom Tables

By Joomla Boat
Tables & Lists
The Custom Tables extension allows you to create, manage, and display custom data on your Joomla site. It is helpful if you need to display data that is not part of the standard Joomla content structure. For example, you could use this extension to create a custom table for product information, customer data, or any other type of data that you need to display on your site. The Custom Tables is th...
Crusco Canonical URL

Crusco Canonical URL

By HTML Crusco
SEO & Metadata
The Crusco Canonical URL plugin offers complete control of Canonical URLs in Joomla and solves content redundancy problems caused by two or more different URLs pointing to the same page. It places the correct canonical tag link in each Joomla item. ✔ Supports ⭐ all Joomla! elements and the popular ⭐ Convert Forms and ⭐ SP Page Builder extensions! Articles Multipage articles Single artic...
Latest News Enhanced Pro
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Latest News Enhanced Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Articles Display
Latest News Enhanced Pro is a full-blown component with blog views and an all-in-one news/articles module presenting the latest, featured, popular, future (even pending), related or random article snippets in a consistent professional fashion. It has tons of features and is extremely flexible. It is highly configurable and expandable but remains easy to use. Features: powerful selection of arti...
Latest News Enhanced

Latest News Enhanced

By Olivier Buisard
Articles Display
Latest News Enhanced is an all-in-one news/articles module presenting the latest, future (not pending), featured, popular or random articles in a consistent professional fashion. Features: multiple ways to select news articles (standard Joomla! or K2): by categories, tags, authors, date range, *** custom field ***, exclude/include specific articles, show related items (through keywords or tags...
Mx Swiper2
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Mx Swiper2

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Swiper 2 slider displays k2 items, articles content or unlimited custom items. Articles Select Category Child Category Articles - Include / Exclude Category Depth Tag selection Featured Articles - Only / Hide / Show Article Field to Order By - Article Manager Order / Featured Articles Order / Hits / Title / Id / Alias / Created Date / Modified Date / Start Publishing Date / Finish Publishing Date...
Mx Awesome News

Mx Awesome News

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
If you run a blog or add new articles regularly, is important to arrange the latest articles and show them to your visitors in attractive way. Awesome News does exactly that by displaying joomla content, K2 items or custom items in in carousel or wall mode. The Styles, and some features in free version are limited. Article options are available only in the pro version. General settings Style - D...
Mx Snowflakes

Mx Snowflakes

By mixwebtemplates
Style & Design
This free joomla module comes in two version. Default version is pure css3 snowflakes animation and the script version is based in jquery. Give to your website spirit of Christmas with snow flakes. If you want to give to your website spirit of Christmas with snow flakes, this is the right extension for you. In Css version setting, is optional to select snowflakes or round dots at the size of your...
Mx Slider2
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Mx Slider2

By mixwebtemplates
Mx slider2 is a responsive module, which displays articles from multiple categories or custom items in slideshow. Module settings has the option of "Slides Per View" which can be used to have multiple items visible. Data Source: Articles Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Tag Filter Featured Articles Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction Count Open Link Category Title...