
NorrCompetition Image Moderation
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NorrCompetition Image Moderation

By NorrNext
Photos & Images
This plugin for NorrCompetition provides deep Image Analysis using benefits of SightEngine prevents users to upload images that does not correspond ethical values and may violate site's Terms of Use. Nudity Detection Weapons, Alchochol & Drugs Offensive Graphic Violence & Gore Text Moderation in Images Embedded Text & Watermarks QR Code Moderation Tobacco Products AI-Generated Images Minors (chi...
Indicadores Económicos Chile

Indicadores Económicos Chile

By Juan Angelo Iturra Echeverría
Currency & Exchange
Module to show Chilean economic indicators, the data show are: - UF - UTM - Dollar - Euro - TCM All information is extracted from the Central Bank of Chile. More information DEMO:
OS Virtuemart Product
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OS Virtuemart Product

By OSTheme Team!
VirtueMart extensions
One of the advance of OS Virtuemart Product was the columns and pagination handling. It can limit how many product in 1 page you want to show and automatically create pagination correlative to it. With fading animation and link directly to selected category, JV VirtueMart CatPro can surely be your most used module on your website. All parameter options for the OS VM product module. Type Products T...
Vina Treeview for Menus
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Vina Treeview for Menus

Menu Systems
Vina Treeview for Menus is a great module of Joomla 3. It's allows display Joomla Menus in a tree view, like a file explorer. This is useful for using Joomla Menus as business directory or any listing type. You can run multiple Vina Treeview for Menus on a single page with much more options via module parameters. Main Features: 6 module styles: Default, File Tree, Red Tree View, Black Tree Vi...
Code Seller

Code Seller

By Amreeta Ray
Paid Downloads
I have decided to provide all my components for free. Please use it and if you find it useful please give your valuable feedback. Code Seller is completely revamped and upgraded to meet demands of developers. It can now generate a unique download id for every order purchased and allow your users to update their product remotely. This will comply with JED requirements. Codeseller has lots of featur...
Switch language in product for Virtuemart
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Switch language in product for Virtuemart

By Studio 42
VirtueMart extensions
Automatical associate language(s) for all your product, categories and manufacturer having translation in your shop. Only to do is adding a menu link to your VIrtuemart home page. Use the same render and Flags as Joomla Core, this mean that most of time, you have only to unpublish the core language module and set the virtuemart language switcher in the same position in your template! Better SEO...
Admin Customizer
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Admin Customizer

By Solidres Team
Admin Styling
Welcome to Admin Customizer - Beautify your Joomla admin! We’ve been working with Joomla! a lot, and we look at the Joomla! admin screens almost every single day. To be honest, it is boring. The Joomla! admin template allows us to configure some colors using its parameters, but it is quite limited and it is also very time-consuming to find a good and satisfying color scheme, is there a better/q...
Sixe Captcha

Sixe Captcha

By Sixe Team
Access & Security
Captcha plug-in is used for Joomla forms to add human-computer interaction captcha function to prevent spam code to automatically submit forms to Joomla website, which has completely replaced the Google captcha plug-in. SixE verification code plug-in form protection is very simple, after the plug-in installed this verification code can automatically match the form function. Available in Joomla for...
Content Protection
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Content Protection

By ExtensionCoder
Site Access
Joomla Content Protection will help you protecting your joomla site content from being copied. Just install add a small plugin on your website and Content Protection Extension for Joomla defend web content from being plagiarized. ✔️ No Coding Required You do not need to know coding! It is an install and use extension! Default parameters are as seen at demo! You can change everything via exte...
Player Squad JT

Player Squad JT

Sports & Games
Player Squad JT Module helps you to display the Player Squad of your Team on your site. You should enter player info on admin area. Module has up to 5 player groups and each group has up to 10 team members. ** Features:** - Up to 5 player groups - Each group has up to 10 team members - Player Image - Social Media Icons - Link to Player Profile - Player Description Text - Player Nationality - Playe...
User Reminder
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User Reminder

By JoomCoder
User Reminder for Joomla lets you manage your registered users with customizable email reminders. Remind them to complete the registration process or invite them to login in again. This component will prompt users to complete their registration or encourage community members to return to your website. This tool removes the manual process of keeping you register user list clean (a very manual proce...
Role Based Redirection/Access
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Role Based Redirection/Access

By miniOrange
Access & Security
Role-Based Redirection in Joomla miniOrange Role Based Redirection plugin can be used to restrict and redirect users to different URLs based on the Joomla user's role. By using this plugin you can redirect your users to a particular URL after log in and logout based on the role/group of that user. To know more about Role-based redirection/access click here JOOMLA ROLE-BASED REDIRECTION / ACCESS...
IWS.BY Twitter Button
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IWS.BY Twitter Button

IWS.BY Twitter Button - the module adds a floating button to quickly go to a Twitter page, using the Twitter login specified in the module settings. Main features of the module: Support for Joomla 3, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5. A simple module that adds a floating customizable button to the site, allowing you to go to the specified Twitter page. Simple addition: install the module, configure it and...
Mollie for Phoca Cart
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Mollie for Phoca Cart

By NorrNext
Phoca Cart Extensions
With this Mollie payment plugin, you can receive payments through various methods supported by the Mollie platform on your Phoca Cart online store. Key features of this solution: - Phoca Cart 4.+ and Phoca Cart 5.+ ready - Joomla 4+ and Joomla 5+ native plugin (no Backward compatibility plugin needed) - PHP 8.2+ ready - Support of Joomla Update System (ability to update extension in few clicks th...
JS Export User to CSV
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JS Export User to CSV

By JoomSun
Users Import & Export
Export all user information to CSV file with just one click. Supported fields to export: - Basic fields: username, name....etc - Profile fields: address, birthday, website. (You enable it by going to Plugins > User - Profile) - Custom fields: These are the fields you use with the user extension. (Users > Fields)...
TorTags extension for sh404SEF

TorTags extension for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
To use it: Install and activate sh404sef 3.4.x..x or newer component for Joomla 1.7+ Copy the file found in the package to your Joomla installation in /components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/ directory. Be sure that TorTags component is enabled in the sh404sef configuration (Use sh404SEF plugin if available is choosen in the Configuration>By Component tab) Be sure to have a menu item (can be in a hi...
EXT Carousel products for JoomShopping

EXT Carousel products for JoomShopping

JoomShopping extensions
Universal module carousel products for JoomShopping based on jQuery plugin Roundabout. Сarousel includes 4 types: Last Products, Top Products, Bestseller Products, Label Products. Features: Joomshopping 3.x - Joomshopping 4.x Roundabout 2.4+ Select version jQuery Checking download jQuery Automatic generation of ID Product name Product price Product Label Intro description Product Rating Nu...


By Sergey Pronin
Contact forms
The module is made to ensure that the visitor could leave your phone number and he called back a representative of the site. When you click on the "Call Back" form opens in a popup window....