Access & Security

Easy Youtube Embed

Easy Youtube Embed

By Infyways Solutions
Access & Security
The Easy YouTube Embed Plugin is designed to simplify the process of embedding YouTube videos on your Joomla website. Here's an in-depth look at each feature: Features Embed YouTube Videos Anywhere: Easily embed YouTube videos into articles, modules, and custom HTML positions across your Joomla site. Customizable Parameters: Control autoplay, controls visibility, looping, muting, playlist, star...
Stop User Edit

Stop User Edit

By Amreeta Ray
Site Access
This plugin is used to stop users from changing their username or password. it works for the username specified by the administrator. You can also redirect the user to a specific URL if the url is specified in the redirect url plugin parameter. Users to be separated by comma ex "john,harry,tom" etc....
ReCaptcha for Easy Shop

ReCaptcha for Easy Shop

By JoomTech
Access & Security
EasyShop ReCaptcha allows you add the Google re-captcha for registration, checkout and ask question form and now let's say Goodbye to Spam-Bots. KEY FEATURES Enable/disable re-captcha for registration form Enable/disable re-captcha for checkout form Enable/disable re-captcha for ask question form...
Login using Phone number | Email | Username
Paid download

Login using Phone number | Email | Username

By miniOrange
Site Access
Login using Phone number / Email / Username for Joomla – Joomla Login using a phone number email or username allows you to modify the login option for your users. You can allow your users to login using their phone number or email or username. Also, it allows you to restrict the login option for the users. Free Version Features:- Unlimited users export - The import Export plugin helps you t...
Bink's QuickLogout

Bink's QuickLogout

By Steve Binkowski
Access & Security
A plugin for Joomla! 3.x CMS to allow for one-click logout links Bink's QuickLogout plugin will change existing links in the document to point to Joomla's logout process. Joomla's logout process normally takes the user to a confirmation page, where the session is logged out after clicking "Log Out" a second time. The calculated URL generated by QuickLogout will skip that confirmation step, loggin...
WR Protect
Paid download

WR Protect

By Aurone
Access & Security
An innovative website protection based on artificial intelligence. Discover a smart way to protect your website by detecting and blocking hacking attempts. Each protected website constitute a node in our security network, all websites under WR Protect protection are united to form a web protection against malicious requests. With WR Protect, secure your website, build trust with your audience and...
Content Filter Pro
Paid download

Content Filter Pro

By Function90
Site Access
**Filter Joomla Article Content, K2 Article, Seblod And FlexiContent According To UserGroups Usernames and User Ids ** As the name itself says, it filters out the content. It is a Joomla! plugin which filter the content of an article according to users' Joomla! usergroup, username and user ids. There are several cases when you want to show some content to particular type of users and want to hide...
UT Login

UT Login

By Unitemplates
Access & Security
UT Login is a Joomla module that simplifies access to your website by keeping your users on the page they are on, you can also select a page for them to see on the login, logout or registration page. FEATURES - Show icon, text, button, text and icon or button and icon in the link - Two form widths - Responsive form - Button Size (2 options) - Button Color (all bootstrap colors) - Select login red...
SAML SSO login with Google Apps

SAML SSO login with Google Apps

By miniOrange
Access & Security
**SAML SSO – Secure your website login by Google Apps Login which lets you Single Sign-On (SSO) into Joomla using Google credentials (G-Suite) for your users or employees. Users can do a One-Click Login to their Joomla account with their Google Credentials, thus eliminating the need to remember multiple sets of usernames & passwords. This plugin also has support to map roles and user attributes...
JMP Social Login
Paid download

JMP Social Login

By JoomHelper
Site Access
JMP Social is used so that users can quickly register or login on your site if using their social network accounts: Facebook, Google, Twitter and VK Facebook Login, Google Login, Twitter Login, VK Login...
iC Login

iC Login

By JoomliC
Site Access
Extend Joomla's default user authentication. Allow users to log in to your website with an email address instead of a username. Install the iC Login package and be ready to log in via email on the front end of your site! This extension includes two plugins that allow the use of a user's email address when logging in and the use of the email or username when resetting the password. You can set bo...
Ruxin Login Notification
Paid download

Ruxin Login Notification

By RuxinCode
Site Security
Ruxin Login Notification is a great plugin that notifies you via email when someone logged in to your site. - Ability to ignore user groups. - Ability to ignore specific user. - Send the IP, username, real name, ID, email and login time to your email after user login....
Ruxin Admin Url Changer
Paid download

Ruxin Admin Url Changer

By RuxinCode
Access & Security
This plugin is for changing the Joomla admin address. Easily change the management address to the desired address For example, convert administrator to admin ->
Custom Gateway OTP Verification | User Verification on Registration
Paid download

Custom Gateway OTP Verification | User Verification on Registration

By miniOrange
Access & Security
OTP Verification using Custom Gateway for User registration. OTP (One time passcode) Verification Custom gateway plugin plugin verifies the Email Address/Mobile Number of users by sending verification code (OTP) using your gateway during registration through our Email verification and SMS verification features. This plugin removes the possibility of a user registering with a fake Email Address/Mo...
Hide Items

Hide Items

By Matt Thomas
Site Access
No more is the day of hidden Joomla menus!!! This plugin that removes list items from your page buffer before they are rendered by the browser. To use: Define a series of lists, consisting of when to fire the plugin and what to remove. List syntax is: X:class1,class2,class3; X2:class4,class5,class6; X3:class1,class3,class5 Where X is the menu item, when being viewed, to fire the plugin, and...
Kratos Anti Spam

Kratos Anti Spam

By Claudiu Maftei
Site Security
Kratos Anti Spam is a Joomla plugin, built to stop bots from sending spam through all website forms (i.e.: contact forms, VirtueMart ask a question, comments, etc.) CAPTCHA ALTERNATIVE -STOP SPAM -STOP HACKING -Don't require users to input captcha codes, or to answer questions -Invisible to the user -Block post resending/duplication -One click install -No conflicts with other extensions -No javas...
Password Complexity Checker

Password Complexity Checker

By eclent
Site Access
Natively, Joomla 3.x does not have a progress bar that shows to the users the level of complexity of the password they are entering when registering or editing their profile. This plugin does exactly that! Once installed and configured, users will see a progress bar that "grows" and changes color in real time depending on the level of complexity of the password they are entering. The level of com...
IPS Community Suite Login

IPS Community Suite Login

By The Krotek
Site Access
Allows your visitors to login with their IPS Community Suite (IP.Board) credentials. After first successful login a new Joomla user will be created and all available profile data will be taken from forum database. ★ FEATURES ★ Allows to login with forum username, email or both. Imports profile data on first login. Follows Joomla account activation rules and respects all latest authenticatio...