Joomla! Extensions Directory - Extension Specific - Page 162

Extension Specific

JAK2 Filter and Search extension for sh404SEF

JAK2 Filter and Search extension for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
To use it: 1. Install and activate sh404sef 4.1.x component for Joomla 2.5+ 2. Copy the file found in the package inside folder Joomla 2.5.x in your joomla installation in /components/comsh404sef/sefext/ directory. 3. Be sure that K2 component and JomlArt K2 plugin is enabled in the sh404sef configuration (Use sh404SEF plugin if available is choosen in the Configuration>By Component tab) 4. Purge...
Properties Navigator for Jomres
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Properties Navigator for Jomres

By Rodrigo Rocco
Jomres Extensions
This plugin adds a navigation bar at the top, bottom or both of the properties detail page allowing users to navigate through the searched results without the need of going back the result list. Normal or Loop mode... the loop mode has an endless navigation once the last property is reached instead of disabling the next button it will link to the 1st found property. Ajax (render on the fly) or r...
Product Zoom Images for Virtuemart
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Product Zoom Images for Virtuemart

By Cmsmart Team
VirtueMart extensions
Joomla Virtuemart Zoom Plugin has been developed to help visitors zoom in or zoom out products’ images in details, applied to main images and image thumbnails. The Virtuemart zoom plugin is used when hover the mouse over main images or image thumbnails, coming in two main zoom shapes: circle or square. The plugin zooms - in the product image’s details, and opens it up or zoom it out. The thumb...
Category Menu For Sobipro

Category Menu For Sobipro

By kishoreweblabs
SobiPro Extensions
Category Menu for Sobipro display categories from a SobiPro section. It can be used as category navigation menu or simple category module. The module can be configured to show Sliding menu (According menu) or simple flat list menu. Sobipro does not have any module to show all categories in joomla template. You have to manually create menu item for each category to show in joomla template. If you...
RSEvents! Pro Integration for RSForm! Pro
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RSEvents! Pro Integration for RSForm! Pro

By RSJoomla!
RSForm! Pro Extensions
Create custom event registration forms for RSEvents!Pro using RSForm!Pro. This plugin will enable you to assign RSForm!Pro forms as registration forms for RSEvents!Pro - our Joomla! Event Management extension. In order to make the plugin work, you need: * Joomla! 3.x * Latest version of RSForm!Pro * Latest version of RSEvents!Pro This RSForm!Pro plugin is free to download once you have an a...
Maps and Itineraries for JEvents
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Maps and Itineraries for JEvents

By Nordmograph
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This module will display a map of the upcoming jEvents events. It will adapt to the page where it is published, for example if you publish the module on a month view page, it will only display events for that month, same for years, days, category views etc... Each event marker infowindow will show Event summary start and end date and time, location and event category. It will also show a Geo QRCod...
VP Payment by Shipment
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VP Payment by Shipment

By Abhishek Das
VirtueMart extensions
Disable or enable payment methods using the selected shipment method for VirtueMart. Hide or show your desired payment methods when the user selects a shipment method. Install it, enable it, set your rules, and you will be ready. FEATURES: Payment methods by Shipment methods plugin for VirtueMart. Compatible with VirtueMart 4 and VirtueMart 3. Compatible with Joomla 5, Joomla 4 and Joomla 3. Di...
Add Buyers to Joomla Groups for VirtueMart
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Add Buyers to Joomla Groups for VirtueMart

By Open Tools
VirtueMart extensions
With this VirtueMart 2 plugin, all buyers of a product can be automatically added to or removed from a Joomla user group or a VirtueMart shopper group. Typical use cases are: Automatically add buyers to Joomla groups, which enables them access to certain parts of the site (e.g. club membership) Make certain products in VirtueMart only available to buyers of another product Give previous buyers...
BM Tab Ajax Slider For K2
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BM Tab Ajax Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This is an amazing module for show categories's items like a tab. The module support for K2 component. It is a supper tab with many config help you control it. The module use ajax to load data, help your website look nice. This module maybe called is 'Tab Ajax Category', because each tab is one category was selected in module's config. When click to tab, the data will be loaded to tab content area...
WWM Related Products Slider for Virtuemart

WWM Related Products Slider for Virtuemart

By Jobin Jose
VirtueMart extensions
Related Product Slider For Virtuemart is a plugin that can be used to integrate a slider on your virtuemart product details page. Using this plugin you can create a simple and beautiful slider for your related products or accessories of a products in virtuemart. Ready for Virtuemart 3.x 1)Custom Title option for your related product section. 2)Enable and Disable title. 3)jQuery library load based...
My SobiPro entries for Community Builder
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My SobiPro entries for Community Builder

By Nordmograph
SobiPro Extensions
This CB plugin displays User's Sobipro entries sorted by section with some optional Sobipro fields. Demo link shows Jomsocial version but it is similar to CB's. CB2.0 ready...
VM - Shipment - Fastway
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VM - Shipment - Fastway

By eKerner · technical developer
VirtueMart extensions
Joomla Virtuemart plugin VM - Shipment - Fastway by eKerner.com.au Virtuemart Shipment Plugin for Fastway Courier Services. Employs the Fastway API - Tested in v3 (latest at 28/10/2013). Tested in Joomla 2.5 with VirtueMart 2.0 and Joomla 3.x with Virtuemart 3 :) Features - Supports countries: Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa. - For multiple cart products: Splits into multiple par...


By Michael Richey
SEBLOD extensions
Tired of seeing ::cck:: in your Joomla RSS and ATOM feeds? SEBLODFeed will process your SEBLOD tags in your feeds just like you see them in your site. Sponsored by Jeremy Goimard, this extension scans your feed output and replaces the SEBLOD tags with your SEBLOD content. If you see Jeremy in the forums, and you use this plugin - be sure to thank him for commissioning its creation. Jeremy thin...
AutoMeta for K2
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AutoMeta for K2

By Mohamed Abdelaziz
K2 extensions
AutoMeta for K2 is a plugin to automatically generate meta keywords and description for K2 items from item title, category, tags and extra fields. AutoMeta for K2 helps to automate generation of meta keywords and description for K2 items, using values of: Item title Category name Tags Extra Fields Just write the required format for keywords and description in the proper parameters, and the plu...
BM Tab For K2

BM Tab For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
BM Tab For K2 is a special module to show items of K2 component. Because the module doesn't use any javascript, it only use CSS and CSS3. Although has no javascript but the module still has nice effects! Please Enjoy it. This is an easy and simple module to show your articles like a Tab. Module support to show items of content component. You can control number of tabs (items number). You can se...
Add AudioFly Playlist for SJ HTML5 AudioFly
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Add AudioFly Playlist for SJ HTML5 AudioFly

By ExtensionSpot
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a classic playlist display that works with the AudioFly music player. Its key feature is that it allows you to play the entire playlist with one click. This Joomla module allows you to display an entire music folder as a highly customizable playlist, with a very easy and straight forward setup. The Playlist Display add-on has the "Play all" option, so your visitors can play all the music...
Hikashop Facebook (Meta) Pixel Tracking
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Hikashop Facebook (Meta) Pixel Tracking

By Joomlamax
HikaShop extensions
This plugin inserts your Facebook Pixel Code in order to track events on your site. Features: - insertion of pixel base code on every page - insertion of the the standard event "ViewContent" on product detail pages (tracking of product name, SKU, sales price and currency) - insertion of the the standard event "AddToCart" oncart page (tracking of SKU, sales price and currency) - ins...
Advanced Ordernumbers for VirtueMart
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Advanced Ordernumbers for VirtueMart

By Open Tools
VirtueMart extensions
The most flexible and complete solution for your VirtueMart webshop to customize your order, invoice and customer numbers and the order passwords! Your order / invoice numbers can contain running counters and many variables, including: - Year, month, day, time - Country of the customer - Random letters or digits - Any fixed string - Invoice numbers can be set equal to the order number Endless po...