Extension Specific

Samport for Virtuemart
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Samport for Virtuemart

By GJC Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
This is the VirtueMart 2.0 Samport Payment Plugin to connect to the the Samport payment gateway at checkout. Samport is one of the most popular suppliers of payment solutions and terminal products throughout the Scandinavian region. This plugin connects you to their Hosted E-commerce solution. Once you have applied for a merchant Account from Samport you will have access to their WebManager wher...
Sj Filter for K2
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Sj Filter for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ Filter for K2 is a high-performance and flexible search and filtering module for your K2 Joomla sites. It supports multiple filters, multi categories searching by using extra fields and lots of base field filters. Filtering any criteria as keywords (author, tags, rating, categories...), users easily find and catch the items you want within several seconds that help saving a lot of time. Joomla...
My Maps location for Hikashop
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My Maps location for Hikashop

By JoomUnited
HikaShop extensions
My maps location for Hikashop is a complete integration with Hikashop/Hikamarket multi-vendor solution. ** Main features ** Main features: Search for place and find where to get products Search for product name and find the place to get it Search for vendor name and get the closest products Search product in all the multivendor shop Compatible Hikashop essential and business Compatible with Jo...
CB profile

CB profile

By M Rodenburg
Community Builder extensions
This plugin allows you to show Community Builder user profiles in the content. Features: - show multiple user in the order that you want - Resize picture - Select a CB user list to show - Show by username or email - Create own template with every field you want - Randomize users - Show top x users...
K2 Articles for EasySocial

K2 Articles for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This plugin works hand in hand with the K2 article app that is included with EasySocial. This plugin enhances K2 and integrates with K2 from within EasySocial. These are the available integrations: Display authors avatar from EasySocial Allow viewer to follow author Allow viewer to add author as friend Display author's badges in K2 Display author's points in K2. Activity Stream generation for K...
SJ Cool Showcase for K2
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SJ Cool Showcase for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ Cool Showcase for K2 is a responsive Joomla extension that impressively presents K2 items as a showcase or gallery with nice design and feature included. This responsive Joomla module comes with 4 stunning layout styles with highly flexible back-end that allows you totally control the module to fit your needs. Besides, it includes gallery slider to navigate through all gallery images of item a...
EasyDiscuss Signature

EasyDiscuss Signature

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This custom field app allows you to render the signature field within EasySocial allowing you to unify the profile editing process on the site....
Payment Processor [World Pay]
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Payment Processor [World Pay]

By Rob Joyce
LMS King extensions
This is the WorldPay Junior payment plugin for the Joomla LMS King Professional System. It uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the WorldPay site for payment and then back to your site to complete the process. Special Requirements: None (ssl certificate not required) Installation Instructions: Install as a Standard Joomla! Plugin and then Publish and Configure it....
Authorize.net Payment (AIM) for Event Registration Pro
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Authorize.net Payment (AIM) for Event Registration Pro

By JoomlaShowroom.com
Registration Pro extensions
Authorize.net Payment Plugin (AIM) for Event Registration Pro 2.5/3.x versions makes your website ready to use Authorize.net payment gateway to accept credit/debit cards on your event registrations and bookings in safe way. Accept Credit Card Transaction directly on your website and all transactions are done behind the scenes. Authorize.net is most widely used payment gateway to process payments...
Vina Tiled Category for JShopping
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Vina Tiled Category for JShopping

By VinaGecko.com
JoomShopping extensions
Vina Tiled Category for JShopping is a great module for Joomla 3 to display category of JoomShopping in an modern and professional way. This module is based on Jssor jQuery Slider - is announced as one of the best performance sliders. It's very lightweight and looks good on almost all major browsers and devices. It supports responsive design and works well on touch devices. You can set Root Catego...
SJ K2 Listing
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SJ K2 Listing

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ K2 Listing - A premium Joomla extension for K2 component. The module of us will make your site more lively with nice hover effect and by using 4 various themes you can easily config the module to be compatible with the site. Please to visit the demo for seeing how nice the module is working. Give SJ K2 Listing module a try and you'll instantly love it! It's easy to use and fun to develop Jooml...
SJ Categories Full For K2
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SJ Categories Full For K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ K2 Categories Full is a Joomla extension made for K2 Component. It supports you in showing your categories more beautiful and useful to visitors! With this, your K2 categories will show necessary information with many exciting effects! SJ K2 Categories Full Joomla extension illustrates your K2 categories with full of images, titles, brief descriptions... You can place as many modules as you wa...
JF Latest Members
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JF Latest Members

By JoomForest.com
JomSocial Extensions
JF Latest Members is a beautiful members slider module for JomSocial. Module is easily customizable. User Members can be filtered by Profile type, respect online settings, set-up members limit etc. In module you can change color styles, add google fonts or add custom CSS styles....
WT JoomShopping Favorite

WT JoomShopping Favorite

By Sergey Tolkachyov
JoomShopping extensions
WT JoomShopping Favorites is an alternative wish list (favorite products) for JoomShopping. The functionality of favorite products is implemented using cookies. As standard, the JoomShopping wish list button is displayed only in the single product view. There is no in the products list. When using various hacks to add a wish list button to the product category view, the button redirects to the pro...
Free Shipping Info for Virtuemart
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Free Shipping Info for Virtuemart

VirtueMart extensions
Free Shipping Info module for Virtuemart JOOMLA 3.x and 4.x E-commerce Ajaxified. This module works with the Virtuemart component and displays an info message to users telling them how much they should add to their cart to have the free shipping and so encourage them to purchase more and more You can see demo by clicking on the demo link. After the success that our module got with Joomla Versi...
SJ Zoo Slideshow II
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SJ Zoo Slideshow II

By SmartAddons
Zoo extensions
SJ Zoo SlideShow II allows you to create multiple slideshows within your Joomla! website. The module is supported 5 themes and 25 effects and a lot of parameters which help you easy to config for accommodating in administrator. Highlight Features ★ Compatibility: Responsive Layout Support Joomla Joomla 3.x and Joomla 4 Alpha Fully browsers compatible Support caching ★ Functionality:...
Payment Processor [Plugnpay]
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Payment Processor [Plugnpay]

By Rob Joyce
LMS King extensions
This is the Plug'nPay payment gateway for LMS King.payment gateway Joomla LMS - LMS King is The Newest and Best Open Source Joomla LMS!, Scorm 1.1, 1.2, 2004 compatible. This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site to make payment and then back to your site for order updating. Special Requirements: None Special features: AVS For more inform...
TZ Flex Grid

TZ Flex Grid

By TemPlaza
Extension Specific
TZ Flex Grid is a module with smart grids which is responsive with flexible and beautiful style. They will adapts automatically on all devices, all screen size. - Grid style with 4 basic style will provide you a beautiful gallery with Smart Grid - A vertical masonry with a clean bottom edge - If you like the uneven brick-like look (Google Image or Flickr style), then horizontal masonry style is a...