- VirtueMart extensions

Wishlists for Virtuemart
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Wishlists for Virtuemart

By Nordmograph
VirtueMart extensions
Offers wishlists and compare features for Virtuemart3 customers: Wishlists , Havelists , Collection lists , Favelists , Wedding lists, Recurrent purchases lists , etc. Key features: Unlimited lists (wishlist havelist favlist etc...) A list can be set to Wedding list mode so that when a purchase is made from this list, product is removed from the list (or tagged as purchased) and list owner can b...
Oanda Currency For VirtueMart
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Oanda Currency For VirtueMart

By MGS Creativa
VirtueMart extensions
Oanda currency plugin for VirtueMart 3 This currency plugin for VirtueMart 3 uses the services of Oanda.com. This plugin supports a wide range of world currencies in a fast, reliable and secure way and also implements an effective cache system, so all Oanda.com currency requests get cached and the upcoming recuests are handled locally to speed up the conversion process. The default cache lifetime...
OS Virtuemart Dropdown Category
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OS Virtuemart Dropdown Category

By OSTheme Team!
VirtueMart extensions
Display all virtuemart category in a drop down box. You can set your style very easy. Try to use and like it. With fading animation and link directly to selected category, OS Virtuemart Category can surely be your most used module on your website Demo at: This product at LadaDeal: http://www.ladadeal.com/virtuemart-dropdown-category...
Product Hits Counter for Virtuemart
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Product Hits Counter for Virtuemart

By Nordmograph
VirtueMart extensions
This content plugin for Virtuemart increments the hits field in VM products database table and / or shows a hits counter on product details page. Make sure plugins are enabled from Virtuemart configuration page....
JB Advanced Cart for Virtuemart
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JB Advanced Cart for Virtuemart

By JoomBoost
VirtueMart extensions
The best ajax cart module for virtuemart with quantity update, product remove using ajax technology, also you can show products cart list in dropdown, plain or overlay view. Main features list 👁️ Plain, Dropdown or Overlay view of products list 🔄 Ajaxified Cart 📱 Responsive Design 🏎️ Review quickly cart products 🛒 Ajax Update quantity of products on cart 🚫 Ajax Remove prod...
google Sitemap for virtuemart

google Sitemap for virtuemart

By Studio 42
VirtueMart extensions
Easy add your products and categories sitemap in Google webmastertools with this component. Setting Free Go to your virtuemart 2+ SiteMap component, all your virtuemart language are displayed and you have only to click the links to preview the XML file or copy the text in the input box and paste it to google. The code is improved to minimise your server memory needs und run at maximum Speed....
Name Your Price for Virtuemart
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Name Your Price for Virtuemart

By Nordmograph
VirtueMart extensions
This simple Virtuemat VMcustom plugin allows you to add a custom price field to some products. When added, if the product price is set to 0, the customer decides the price. If a price is set, the customer can add a value to the price. The input value utomaticaly updates the item price. Plugin supports 'on the fly' currency conversion and sends a warning alert if page page is left or refreshed with...
Slim shopping cart for VirtueMart

Slim shopping cart for VirtueMart

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
VirtueMart extensions
The return of the very successful "Slim VirtueMart shopping cart" for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 1.1.* (more, than 3000 downloads overall). Fully translatable, FaLang and core multilingual engine aware, bare-bones, one-line, text based cart module. The cart uses VirtueMart language files combined with his own language file. You can tweak it as you wish. The one-line text content is placed in the sa...
Postfinance Payment Module for Virtuemart
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Postfinance Payment Module for Virtuemart

By Masterhomepage
VirtueMart extensions
PostFinance has 100 years of experience and expertise in the corresponding payments . Thanks to continuous innovations PostFinance is one of Switzerland 's leading payment service providers. The total solution of PostFinance as a payment service provider offers several packages that can be offered according to customer requirements in connection with credit card payment or foreign payment....
Shipping Label Print For Virtuemart
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Shipping Label Print For Virtuemart

By VirtuemartExtended
VirtueMart extensions
Joomla 3 Virtuemart 3 compatible Highly customizable… Bulk Print Perfectly intergrated into Virtuemart 1.x 2.x 3.x NO CORE HACKS, Elegant 600+ Google Fonts This plugin allows you to print shipping labels in bulk in just one click, it's powerful and elegant and highly customizable....
Order Backend Edit For Viruemart
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Order Backend Edit For Viruemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
In VM3 / VM2 it is sometimes hard to edit products of created order becuse only thing offered are plain text fields for name, SKU and price. This plugin enchaints virtuemart back-end edit interface. It adds searchable drop-downs for Name and SKU. It also makes all price/discount/vat fields editable. Every change updates price boxes accordingly by attribute price value. Drop-downs for attribute...
VM Cart AutoSave
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VM Cart AutoSave

By Web-expert.gr
VirtueMart extensions
Virtuemart Cart Auto Save is complete software designed to: make it easy for your website visitors to recall their shopping cart automatically when they come back to help you increase your product sales from orders that are abandoned (not completed orders). Virtuemart Smart Cart Store client's cart for both guest and registered. PopUP modal to consent for GDPR and get subscribed to abandoned c...
BIT Virtuemart Most Popular
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BIT Virtuemart Most Popular

By Barg-IT
VirtueMart extensions
Need an overview of the most popular products of your online shop at a glance? BIT Virtuemart Most Popular lists the best selling/most viewed products in Joomla's control panel. The module - counts the views/clicks of your products - counts the sales of your prdoucts - lists the conversion rates of your prdoucts - handles products with variants (child products) - lists the most...
VM AusPost Shipping Estimator for VirtueMart
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VM AusPost Shipping Estimator for VirtueMart

By GJC Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
This is a VirtueMart 3 Joomla 3 Module that provides live domestic & international shipping estimates from the AusPost Server. You need to apply to Australian Post for an api key to use the estimator. Simply enter it in the plugin configuration. CURL must be enabled on your web server (normally is - if not ask your host) It can estimate International and Domestic shipping (set in module admin) I...
Downloadable Checkout For Virtuemart
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Downloadable Checkout For Virtuemart

By VirtuemartExtended
VirtueMart extensions
Supports virtuemart 3! Virtuemart Digital Products Checkout Process Extremely Easy! Skip Billing and Shipping For Virtuemart Downloadable Products No Core Hacks This extension contains a module and a plugin, it's used on virtuemart 2.0, for downloadable products only. It only asks customers to input email address in the final checkout step, and the customer will receive the formal joomla use...
Product Zoom Images for Virtuemart
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Product Zoom Images for Virtuemart

By Cmsmart Team
VirtueMart extensions
Joomla Virtuemart Zoom Plugin has been developed to help visitors zoom in or zoom out products’ images in details, applied to main images and image thumbnails. The Virtuemart zoom plugin is used when hover the mouse over main images or image thumbnails, coming in two main zoom shapes: circle or square. The plugin zooms - in the product image’s details, and opens it up or zoom it out. The thumb...
VP Payment by Shipment
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VP Payment by Shipment

By Abhishek Das
VirtueMart extensions
Disable or enable payment methods by the selected shipment method for VirtueMart. Hide or show your desired payment methods when a shipment method is selected by the user. Install it, enable it, set your rules and you are ready to go. FEATURES: Payment methods by Shipment methods plugin for VirtueMart. Compatible with VirtueMart 4 and VirtueMart 3. Compatible with Joomla 4, Joomla 3 and Joomla...
Add Buyers to Joomla Groups for VirtueMart
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Add Buyers to Joomla Groups for VirtueMart

By Open Tools
VirtueMart extensions
With this VirtueMart 2 plugin, all buyers of a product can be automatically added to or removed from a Joomla user group or a VirtueMart shopper group. Typical use cases are: Automatically add buyers to Joomla groups, which enables them access to certain parts of the site (e.g. club membership) Make certain products in VirtueMart only available to buyers of another product Give previous buyers...