- File Management



By Mad4Media
File Management
ProFiles is the next generation web file manager. From the creators of Proforms and Mad4Joomla. ProFiles maps the look and feel of a desktop file explorer to the web. The usage of this web file explorer is almost the same as you know it from your favorite operating system. Even system-related characteristics such as short keys for element selection are taken into account per operating system....
Quantum Manager

Quantum Manager

By NorrNext
File Management
Quantum is a File and Media manager which can cover most of the necessities and save a lot of your time during the work with the content. It is compatible with Joomla 4 and Joomla 5 (no Backward Compatibility plugin required) and is PHP 8.2+ ready....
FF Explorer

FF Explorer

By Mr.Meo
File Management
FF Explorer is file manager on joomla site. Features are supported: - edit file - new file - new folder - upload file - download file - change file permission - extract archived files: 'zip', 'tar', 'tgz', 'gz', 'gzip', 'tbz2', 'bz2', 'bzip2' - support editting database To Save File: Hit Ctrl + S (or CMD + S on Mac )...
JMP File Manager
Paid download

JMP File Manager

By JoomHelper
File Management
JMP File Manager is the ultimate file manager for Joomla 3 and 4. It is inherited from the elFinder platform (a popular open source) This extension is inspired by the Finder program used on the Mac, which helps you manage files from the web with ease. It works on modern browsers for both desktop or mobile. elFinder has been tested in the latest Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE and Opera. Key Features:...
Glenn's Newsletters

Glenn's Newsletters

By Glenn Arkell
File Management
A simple module to show a listing of files in a particular folder (within media manager) which shows the file names as links. If the file name has "_" (underscores) in them, then the displayed link shows as a space for aesthetic purposes....
Phoca Commander

Phoca Commander

By Jan Pavelka
File Management
Phoca Commander is Joomla! CMS component - it is dual panel file manager (like Total Commander, Midnight Commander, Krusader, ...) working in Joomla! CMS. See demo (video) Phoca Commander features: - Change Attributes (CHMOD) - Rename - View - Edit - Copy - Move - New Folder - Delete - Unzip (Unpack) - Zip (Pack) - Upload Inline actions: - View - Edit - Download Requirements: Joomla! CMS...
Restricted FS

Restricted FS

By dgrammatiko
File Management
Introduces restricted access to a specific part of the images folder (images/user/userName, where userName is the actual user name). The plugin could be enabled per user group. The code is tiny, extremelly efficient and doesn't require any configuration other than selecting the user groups that will act upon it. Also, no nasty hacks or monkey patched code. It's a proper solution that doesn't need...
Amazon S3 Filesystem

Amazon S3 Filesystem

By Akeeba Ltd
File Management
Integrate Amazon S3, CloudFront and Amazon S3–compatible storage with Joomla!'s Media Manager. Only for Joomla! 4 and later versions. This plugin allows you to save your media files to Amazon S3 and third party storage services compatible with the Amazon S3 API (with S3 signatures version 2 or 4). You can optionally use this plugin with Amazon S3 buckets serving as origins for an Amazon CloudF...
Easy File Uploader

Easy File Uploader

By Michael A. Gilkes
File Management
This is a flexible file upload module. It allows the administrator to specify a destination folder, and allows the user to upload files to it. The administrator can also specify how many files that can be uploaded simultaneously, as well as the text in the front end. You can even have more then one module of its kind on the same page. Main features: > Upload files to a specified folder in the 'i...


By Yannick Gaultier
File Management
4LOGS is a simple plugin that lets you manage all log files on your site.You can view, download or delete all log files produced by Joomla or extensions you are using. 4LOGS works the same on Joomla 3 to 5 View all available log files, sorted by folder, date and time View their content with a single click Download any log file to your computer Delete any one of them Delete entire log folders in...
R2H ImageManager
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R2H ImageManager

By R2H
File Management
ImageManager for Joomla! allows you to move and rename images without breaking the image-link in Articles and Custom HTML Modules. Simply drag & drop your images to restructure and clean-up your website. You can also view a list of all unused images and delete them. Currently avaliable in English, Dutch, French and German. KEY FEATURES - Move images easily (drag & drop) - Easily rename images -...
Easy Flash Uploader
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Easy Flash Uploader

By Michael A. Gilkes
File Management
This is a flexible Ajax-based file upload plugin that allows the user to upload files to it to the server with visual feedback of the upload status via a progress bar. This plugin allows the administrator to specify a destination folder, the design of the front end uploader, and an email notification of the successful upload. You can even have multiple plugins on the same page. As of version 4.0...
Paid download


By Dmitry Vadis
File Management
Uplo application offer a flexible, powerful and yet simple way to upload, users documents, images etc. It is an exceptional uploading tool with many features to satisfy the most demanding users. Fit in any business plan, where needed robust advanced upload function. Suitable for sites dealing with translation, documents exchanging, architects, legal offices, engineers offices etc. Implemented with...
Paid download


By Michael Russell
File Management
This module displays a button feature to allow people to download a file—e.g. a ZIP file or a PDF, image or video—and hide the location where the file is stored. It is useful in cases where people may want to restrict access to downloadable files to registered, logged-in users. The module displays a counter of how many times it has been viewed. More information, together with a working demo...
agile Downloads
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agile Downloads

By nx-designs
File Management
A module for Joomla! that dynamically offers the contents of one or more folders for download. In addition, the module allows you to protect individual folders to prevent access to files in them by unregistered website visitors. It often happens that you want to / have to offer a list of documents for download on a website. To install a heavy file management component for this purpose is mostly o...
KL My Media
Paid download

KL My Media

By KreativeLizard
File Management
Get One Media Folder per User. Ideal to keep Media Folders more streamlined, especially on multi-author websites. By default, Joomla! allows users to see all files in the media folder. This may not be a big deal, however, if you manage a website with multiple authors, then you may want to keep their media separated, private and well organized. KL My Media is a plugin that enhances the Joomla! c...


By Norbert Kuemin
File Management
Add WebDAV support to your Joomla installation with following features: - Basic directory functionalities: get, add, delete - Basic file functionalities: get, add, delete, copy - Locking capabilities: lock, release - Add additional attributes to files - Quota support - Access control using Joomla Roles...
Ark Media Manager Pro
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Ark Media Manager Pro

By Webx
File Management
The Ark Media Manager is a comprehensive file management system designed to allow users to easily manage their website's images, media and files. With: * Image editing, * Drag-n-drop uploading, * HTML5 audio & media playback, * Support for inline editing, * Support for the Ark Editor, TinyMCE and other 3rd party solutions using the Editor-XTD button. It’s the first in its class of all-encompass...