News Display

Content Captions JT
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Content Captions JT

Articles Display
Content Captions JT Module for Joomla enables you to display the images attached to your joomla content on your site with captions on them. Module generates captions from images' TITLE and/or INTRO text in articles and displays them with a sliding or fading overlay effect on the images. The module resizes the image that you have assigned to the article lays it out with fading or sliding overlay....
Article Details Profiles
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Article Details Profiles

By Olivier Buisard
Content infos
Use the full power of the Joomla! framework to create multiple Article Details configurations and design separate article details for different areas of your site. Features: use the plugin's syntax to target individual articles, setup multiple configurations (by creating module instances) and modify article, category blog and featured articles blog header and footer layouts, show different layo...
Flex Hover Slider
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Flex Hover Slider

By olwebdesign
Articles Display
Flex hover slider has effect when hovering over an image, and animated title and descriptions. It displays joomla articles from selected categories with photo, title, text info and read more button. Article settings Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Featured Articles Tag Filter Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction Count Open Link Articles custom Fields - Yes / No Cat...
Navigation - Articles - Category

Navigation - Articles - Category

By Christelle Olivier
Articles Display
An extension based on mod articles category module of Joomla with the same features and the navigation between articles in more. Based on mod articles category module, it offers the same features, displaying of articles on normal mode or dynamic mode, filtering options, ordering options, grouping options and display options. Display two buttons to allow an interactive navigation between article...
Random Article Module
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Random Article Module

By MoeDesigns
Articles Display
The MoeDesigns Random Article Module allows you to display articles from a specific category or section in a number of fashions. You can have it randomly pull just one article or multiple articles. You have the option of specifying how the articles are displayed: Title, Intro Text and Body; you can turn each one on or off allowing you full control over what is shown. You also have the ability to p...
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By nx-designs
Articles Display
6 Widgets to showcase your content* WidgetsBox our new content extension lets your Joomla! articles shine in new brilliance. In addition to the Grid Layout, our WidgetsBox also includes the Slideshow, Slider, List, Switcher as well as an Accordion Layout to showcase your articles **and more will follow*. Your Articles, your Content Our WidgetsBox helps you to display content dynamically on your...
JT Columnar
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JT Columnar

Articles Display
JT Columnar is an extension to display articles from selected Joomla Users as columnists. The Module uses Joomla's own User-System. It displays selected Users' Article or Articles. It has a lot of options like Columnist's image, Article Count, Link to related category etc. Features Admin Panel Options: Module Padding Columnist Item Margin Columnist Item Padding Show /Hide Pretext Show Columnis...
Daily Quotes - Weekly

Daily Quotes - Weekly

By JM-Experts!
The Module Displays a Quote based on the current day. You can enter Quotes for all days of the week and module will automatically change them based on the current day. Additional Features. - Readmore link for each day. - Enable/Disable readmore link. - Manage module width from module parameters. - Change Read more text from module parameters. Version 1.0.5 Joomla 3.0 Compatible Use HTML for qu...
VTEM News Drawer
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VTEM News Drawer

Articles Display
The module is an easy to use, fixed-width horizontal accordion module for Joomla. The idea is to have some horizontal accordion tabs that slide out when hover or click. It display any type contents such as K2, Joomla! articles, images from specific folder(s). You can even use the 'loadposition' plugin to display a another module inside a article. The VTEM News Drawer module comes with a lot of dif...
Rapi Content Waterfall
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Rapi Content Waterfall

By RapiCode
News Display
Rapi Content waterfall is a module that displays K2/Joomla items in “masonry like” layout based on an unbeatable script. You can filter articles by category or load more news by a mouse click. The module offers 3 amazing grid/masonry theme that you can use to deliver the news item with a beautiful animation to your visitors. Fully responsive Module is fully responsive and Due to the use of spe...
DJ-TOC - YOOtheme Pro element
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DJ-TOC - YOOtheme Pro element

By DJ-Extensions
Article Elements
Generate an automatic table of contents for your articles. DJ-TOC plugin is a feature for YOOtheme PRO, which allows you to generate the automatic table of contents in articles based on headers h1 to h6. It works perfectly for long texts, such as terms and conditions, privacy policies, etc. You can easily customize the table of contents to suit your needs by applying the appropriate styles for...
Frontpage Featured Links

Frontpage Featured Links

By FosIgo
Articles Display
Frontpage Featured Links module show recently added articles in module position instead of list of links below featured intro articles in frontpage of a site....
mhp accordion module
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mhp accordion module

By Masterhomepage
Articles Display
mhp accordion is a Joomla native Accordion Module which allows you to display your contents/articles with nice effect. mhp accordion has four styles as Default, Button, Simple and FAQ....
BM Articles Moon Slider
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BM Articles Moon Slider

By Brainymore
Articles Display
This module support for Content component. This module show your items with images and descriptions on two parts (left or right). You can config to show image on left, right or top This module support responsive, it display nice on every device and every screen size. You can get data from categories or from specific items. This module support get images from : Intro Image, Full article image or...
Animate while scrolling
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Animate while scrolling

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Animate while scrolling module displays articles in beautiful horizontal layouts during scrolling. Data Source: Articles Select Category Child Category Articles - Include / Exclude Category Depth Tag selection Featured Articles - Only / Hide / Show Article Field to Order By - Article Manager Order / Featured Articles Order / Hits / Title / Id / Alias / Created Date / Modified Date / Start Publi...
BF Multi Content Display
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BF Multi Content Display

By Blue Fractals
Articles Display
BF Multi Content Display displays categories, featured articles and ordinary articles with Bootstrap responsive layout. This module is compatible with Bootstrap versions 2 and 3. Category and article customisation parameters are available within the module. This tool is perfect for creating category or article lists/grids, image gallery, portfolio, etc. Features: Display categories with introt...
JT Tabs

JT Tabs

Article Elements
JT Tabs is Free a Joomla 4 tabs module that allows users to display selected content and modules in a tabbed format on their website. With this module, users can create unlimited tabs and customize them with various options such as tab titles, content, and modules. It is a user-friendly and responsive module that adapts to different screen sizes and devices. JT Tabs is ideal for displaying product...
SJ Content Listing
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SJ Content Listing

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
SJ Content Listing Joomla module is used for content component. With hover effects, the module will make your site more lively. Please to visit the demo for seeing how the module is working. SJ Content Listing reads data from section/category and allows choose many categories. We support 4 themes for showing module and hover effects. Highlight Features ★ Compatibility: Responsive design...