- Articles Display

SJ Content Accordion
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SJ Content Accordion

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
SJ Content Accordion for Content ** is a premium Joomla extension that supports content componet . **SJ Content Accordion helps you show slide of articles like as the Accordion or Concertina. You can choose click or hover mouse on keys of Accordion and you can see the articles will be shown up rhythmically on the module. Highlight Features ★ Compatibility: Responsive design Multi-browsers...
SJ Content Cool Accordion with Content
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SJ Content Cool Accordion with Content

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
SJ Cool Accordion for Content module is a collection of articles inside an accordion. With smooth transition of tabs and showing tooltip when hover on tabs, the module will bring enjoyable differences for your site. SJ Cool Accordion Joomla extension is created for Content component and you can easily use this module for showing products, events or any things which you like on your site. You can...
FlexSlider for Articles

FlexSlider for Articles

By htmgarcia
Articles Display
Based on the best responsive slider jQuery plugin, this extension display your Joomla articles as slides automatically. It also updates by itself when you create new articles. Create a FlexSlider for Articles module and choose the article's category. As end result, you will get a working slideshow. It's that easy!...
SJ Grid Slider For Content
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SJ Grid Slider For Content

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
SJ Grid Slider for Content is a light-weight, high performance Joomla module that lets you present multiple Content items in a perfect grid layout. It comes with various options letting you configure it without manually changing code. SJ Grid Slider for Content is responsive and can be used on any page with an easy-to-use back-end. Beside setting the number of column for each screen size, you c...
Vina Articles Tiled
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Vina Articles Tiled

By VinaGecko.com
Articles Display
Vina Articles Tiled is a great module for Joomla 3 to display articles of Content Component in a responsive scroller and you can control number of row, column to display. This module is based on Jssor jQuery Slider - is announced as one of the best performance sliders. It's very lightweight and looks good on almost all major browsers and devices. It supports responsive design and works well on tou...
Headline JT5
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Headline JT5

By Joomlatema.net
Articles Display
Headline JT5 Module is a Unique extension developed by Joomlatema.Net. Module reads content articles from Joomla ® category and shows them at frontend as two-block static content or two-block slider. The module allows you to display your Joomla content as single news block on one side and multiple news block on the other side (left or right). Features: - K2 Support - Module Mode (Static...
Recommend It
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Recommend It

By Pixel Point Creative
Articles Display
Recommend It is a content plugin that recommends articles from the same category. It uses jQuery to nicely slide in the recommended articles when the user reaches the bottom of the page. When they scroll back up, it disappears again. You can also close it for good by using the close button and it will not be shown again until the page is reloaded. Features: Responsive Supports Joomla and K2 Custo...
JM Accordion
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JM Accordion

By JMInfotech
Articles Display
JM Accordion is an advanced Responsive Joomla Jquery Accordion module to create vertical and horizontal accordions with Joomla Articles and custom contents....


By Peter v.d. Hulst
Articles Display
Extranews plugin: Older,Newer,Related,Random,Popular,Lastest and Same Author Articles The original plugin for Joomla 1.5 - 3 has been created by Viet NguyenHoang but is not available online anymore. Peter v.d. Hulst has adapted the plugin for Joomla 4+, including some bug fixing and enhancement also for Joomla 3. Features: - Display a list below the article with Related (based on Meta Keywords...
CG Scroll

CG Scroll

By conseilgouz
Articles Display
CG Scroll Module displays, using scrolling mode, RSS Feed/an article/an articles category/latest articles. From a AppNity idea ( https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/scroll-feed-display ), and updated to work with latest Joomla/PHP versions....
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By CreateWeb
Articles Display
CW-timeline is a Joomla® module to show beautiful timelines on your website. Show the world what you have accomplished over time. CW-timeline is ideal to showcase: Company history Project progress Personal achievements Construction stages Future projections Many more CW-timeline comes with a variety of different layouts to choose from and can be customised in many ways. CW-timeline is best s...
Hot Full Carousel
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Hot Full Carousel

By HotThemes
Articles Display
Hot Full Carousel is FULL for two reasons. No matter if you have 3 or 20 slides, it rotates in the same direction all the time, like a carousel. The second reason is the responsive features. This is a responsive carousel with responsive behavior. This module can have a fixed width, but can also use the full width of the screen. To make it happen, you must publish the module in a module position th...
BM Articles Smooth Slideshow
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BM Articles Smooth Slideshow

By Brainymore
Articles Display
** Module BM Articles Smooth Slideshow is an Amazing slideshow for content component. ** This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. You can set number items of paging to show. Eg: you have 7 items but you only show 5 on paging you can do it. Smooth slideshow support 4 nice effect, it make you slideshow is really smooth. You can paging with 3 different type: show thumbnai...
Vina Article Scrollbar
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Vina Article Scrollbar

By VinaGecko.com
Articles Display
We are pleased to announce that we have released new Scrollbar module for Joomla 3: Vina Article Scrollbar. This module will help you to show more article of Joomla Content Component in grid layout (you can control row and column), using the vertical and/or horizontal scrollbar(s) to see articles. You can use this module to show specify articles from a category or some categories, you also can cho...
n3t Article

n3t Article

By Pavel Poles
Articles Display
Module to display selected article. This could be usefull as alternative to core 'Custom HTML' for administrators, who prefer to edit all their content at one place in articles manager, or for those withou access to module manager....
SC Random Article

SC Random Article

By Simon Champion
Articles Display
A very simple plugin that allows you to set up a URL for each of your categories that will redirect to the page for a random article from that category. eg, something like this: http://mysite.com/mycat/random will select a random article from the mycat category, and redirect to it....
Mx Sticky Sections
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Mx Sticky Sections

By mixwebtemplates
Articles Display
Sticky Sections module displays joomla content or unlimited custom items in many different scrolling sections effects. Data Source: Articles Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Tag Filter Featured Articles Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction Count Open Link - New Window / Same Window / Popup window Article custom fields - Yes / No Category Title - Yes / No Item Title...
JT Infinite Content

JT Infinite Content

By Joomlatema.net
Articles Display
JT infinite Content is a joomla module to display more joomla articles endlessly using a load more button at the bottom of the page. It uses jquery and created by JoomlaTema.net. JT Infinite Content is a dynamic Joomla module designed to enhance your website's user experience. It seamlessly integrates jQuery functionality to effortlessly load more Joomla articles with a user-friendly "Load More"...