- Galleries

Simple Image List

Simple Image List

By Istopan
Joomla 3 module for image lists. Options Horizontal or Vertical list Image folder for images Image width Image Height Background Color Title...
Vina CSS3 Image Gallery
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Vina CSS3 Image Gallery

By VinaGecko.com
Vina CSS3 Image Gallery is a cross-browser and responsive module for Joomla 3.x to display images/photos in dynamic grid layouts with nice CSS3 animation and will display your image gallery in a responsive full page slideshow/lightbox. Being compatible with most of the browsers, unlimited color, flexible configuration Vina CSS3 Image Gallery is a perfect choice to display your portfolio, images of...
Easy Photo Gallery
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Easy Photo Gallery

By Infyways Solutions
Easy Photo Gallery is an easy to use awesome responsive image gallery extension. The image gallery extension comes in a pack which contains all versions of plugin and module . The plugin or the module can be used in a Joomla! website as per the requirement. The extension fetches images from the directory specified , auto resizes it and show up the large image in a lightbox . This extension can al...
ARI Photo Gallery
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ARI Photo Gallery

By ari-soft.com
"ARI Photo Gallery" v. 1.4.0 is ready. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Photo Gallery extension creates slideshow based on images from specific folder(s), from Flickr or Picasa services. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Can display images in random order; * Support ability to sort images by name, date; * No flash. Pure javascript and CSS; * Can show photos from Picasa albums; *...
Dolby Gallery
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Dolby Gallery

By PulseExtensions Team
Today we will show you a nice effect for images with jQuery. The idea is to have a set of rotated thumbnails that, once clicked, animate to form the selected image. You can navigate through the images with previous and next buttons and when the big image gets clicked it will scatter into the little box shaped thumbnails again. When the window gets resided, the positions of the thumbnails will aut...
Art Gallery
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Art Gallery

By Artetics
Art Gallery is responsive image gallery component with nice zoom feature. Features: Create gallery, indicate image folder and you are all set 2 layouts: random image positions (responsive) and rows/columns Rotates images within a defined angle Several settings Lightbox (zoom) feature when image is clicked Can go through the images in a lightbox Images can be dragged and dropped on the page Thum...


By anton
PhotoFEED is a Joomla! module to display your Instagram feed into your Joomla! website. It uses bootstrap to support multi devices and load fast! Display Instagram images has never been so easy! --CHANGELOG-- 1.6.0 modal behabior (now im ok) 1.5.8 accesibility fixes 1.5.7 lazyload support remove fa dependency add header 1.5.6 Comments and profile in blueimp 1.5.6 blueimp gallery added Fav to...
AA Galleria Gallery
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AA Galleria Gallery

By AA Extensions
This module gives you a responsive Joomla gallery that is a joy to use. It gives you a streamlined experience for creating and managing responsive Joomla galleries that look great on any device. It is fully responsive. Features it has : ✅ You can add unlimited images. ✅ You can easily configure it, it has a nice option. ✅ Simple theme background color ✅ You can add as many as gallery it...
Genius Image Gallery for Joomla
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Genius Image Gallery for Joomla

By Genius WebDesign
Genius Image Gallery for Joomla is a beautiful Responsive jQuery-powered image gallery module for Joomla 2.5 & Joomla 3.xx Display images directly from your Facebook albums by entering your FB album ID directly in the Joomla module settings or display images from photo albums stored in FW Gallery component (Free Joomla component included in the package). Choose between 3 awesome presets, Google gr...
Gallery WD Lite

Gallery WD Lite

By Web-Dorado
Gallery WD Lite is a great responsive gallery. It can be used for adding galleries and gallery modules for various pages of the Joomla website. The images can be listed both in various view options and can be combined into multiple albums or viewed in a slideshow. There are no limitations for the amount of images. The features of the extension are multiple and highly customizable. The main feature...
WT Content Image gallery

WT Content Image gallery

By Sergey Tolkachyov
WT Content Image Gallery for Joomla Image gallery plugins package for insertion into Joomla articles and modules, as well as wherever the content group plugins work. Create your own image gallery layouts. More info on developer site Shortcode {gallery}...{/gallery} - layout default {gallery tmpl=tmplname}...{/gallery} - layout tmplName.php in plugins/content/wtcontentimagegallery/tmpl Insertin...
Fotorama Responsive Gallery
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Fotorama Responsive Gallery

By Joomlatema.net
Fotorama Responsive Gallery is a simple, stunning, powerful and and mobile-device compatible jQuery gallery has a lot of options on backend. Features and Admin Panel Options : - Joomla 2.5 -3.x-4.x and 5.x compatible - Publish your Your Images as a Responsive Gallery - Thumbnail or Dot Style navigation - Compatible with mobile devices (swipe-touchscreen option) - A lot of backend Options - Module...
SJ Instagram Gallery

SJ Instagram Gallery

By SmartAddons
SJ Instagram Gallery is FREE Joomla module that allows you to display photos from an Instagram account. Your photos will be well arranged as a gallery with grid layout. Each photo will be displayed as a pop-up window when clicked. This flexible Joomla module is totally worth for your website. In addition, the friendly user Admin interface is really easy for you to control any parameter we provide...
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By Mike Feng
"The sleekest media gallery for Joomla!" SIMGallery 7.0 has been released and it works with Joomla 4 natively! SIMGallery is the TRUE community-driven gallery. Integrated seamlessly with JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder and JomWall (JS/ES/CB/JW) it allows your users to create and manage their own albums, photos and videos. SIMGallery mirrors the gallery feature of Facebook EXACTLY! Brows...
My Album

My Album

By Remco
My Album is a free, lightweight and easy to use image gallery component for Joomla! Features: > Support for JPG, GIF en PNG image formats. > Thumbnail navigation incl. automated thumbnail generation & scaling > Fast page generation using server-sided caching > Easy to use front-end management interface > Supports resizing of master images > Simple captioning system included > Upload individual im...
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VTEM Gallery is a Joomla! Extension. It is an image gallery with slideshow.It provides many high-end features that will be described in detail throughout this document. Now it is BA Gallery Key features: - 2 type layout for category list - 6 type layout for image list - Fully customizable thumbnails: change their width and height as well as the resizing method (maintain aspect, disregard aspect a...
gallery phocabar list

gallery phocabar list

By Jonh Smith
1.- DESCRIPTION Gallery Phocabar list is a slideshow album images module. With this module, we will create multi album slideshow using jquery. This will be showing the album of images, the next and previous slider images on hovering the arrows with list album images 2.- FEATURES List of features : - show the all images of Album when import - update new nice theme - Show title gallery ( page na...
Juicy Gallery
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Juicy Gallery

By PulseExtensions Team
We created an image gallery with a Juicy look. We will have albums that will expand to sets of slightly rotated thumbnails that pop out on hover. The full image will slide in from the bottom once a thumbnail is clicked. In the full image view the user can navigate through the pictures or simply choose another thumbnail to be displayed. ★★ GENERAL FEATURES LIST:- -> Nice look and display your...