It's a powerful classifieds tool for building the classifieds section on your website. It'll do all the hard work for you.
If you are looking for an easy to use Joomla extension for creating classified ads with your Joomla 4 or Joomla 5 (with the backwards compatibility plugin), then DJ Classifieds will be the best solution for you.
This classified ads extension is suitable to create any classifieds. It does not matter if you want to create a general ads section, job listing, real-estate ads, dating portal, or city portal classifieds.
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension comes with many useful features.
Your classifieds can bring you extra revenue by monetizing the many options available to users.
This extension offers advanced search module flexibility and provides a highly configurable location set up.
You can set an unlimited amount of custom fields.
Get the whole community engaged on your site, with auction selling options that do it a smooth and efficient service for both buyers and sellers.
Easily customize the layout of categories into a blog and table view, and even in the advert details view as well.
DJ Classifieds classified ads component has a built-in slider, which gives the possibility to display classifieds attractively!
Each user or advertiser can access a personal panel to manage ads.
DJ Classifieds users can add images and video URLs from Youtube or Vimeo.
It also offers many free modules - you can build your classifieds website easily and quickly.
DJ Classifieds works with many 3rd party Joomla extensions, and it offers premium apps - you can add extra functionality to DJ Classifieds, allowing to use additional features.
Some of the DJ Classifieds classified ads extension features:
- Auctions Buy now feature
- Watermarks Email templates
- HTML5 geolocation option to edit ads by unregistered users
- Conditional fields
- Recurring payments
- multi-upload Search in defined radius from Post Code. Now user can search classifieds only at a certain distance from his place.
- Possibility to display extra fields in category (table or blog) view. You can choose if you want to make a separate column for a filed in the table view or if you want to display all extra fields in one column 'additional info.' Possibility to disable adding adverts to a certain category. You can use this feature to force your users to post ads in subcategories, not in main categories. For example, in 'vans' instead of 'cars.'
- 'Move to the top of the list' feature - users can move their ads to the top of the list. And you can charge for that.
- Jomsocial integration plugin included
- Community Builder integration
- Yandex Maps support
- Easy social integration
- GDPR component integration.
- Responsive templates support
- Payment plugins - Payment plugins allow you to charge for classifieds with different payment methods.
- Types - Types are like additional categorization for adverts. You can use it for things like "free," "exchange," or whatever comes to your mind.
- Duration - If you want to charge a different price for the amount of time the advert is published, you can add unlimited durations.
- Monetize - Place any banner or AdSense ad in different module positions inside the component! There are plenty of module positions inside the component that you can evaluate for your promotional or other purposes.
- Locations - Highly configurable locations set up. Set country and almost any location scenario (country-state-city, or country-city-suburb-street, etc.), Works with google maps module, Unlimited locations
- Categories - Unlimited categories, Categories with images, Display amount of adverts in a category, Individual rates for category (you can charge for posting into a certain category), Restrict category to certain user groups
- Extra fields - In DJ Classifieds, you can set an unlimited set of custom fields to fit them into business areas your site will advertise.
- Show Google Maps on click
- Microdata tags support
- Print for ads
- Batch Processing
Multifunctional modules
- DJ Classifieds comes with free modules that let you build your classifieds Joomla website easily: search module, categories module, maps module, the user menu module
- Advanced search module - The search/filter gives you the option to allow to search/filter the results basing on many different conditions.
- Google-maps-integration
- Videos and images - let users add images and videos - youtube/Vimeo set amount of images set the weight of the images advanced images pre and post-processing [recreate] search for ads with videos and images
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.10.1:
(+) 'Payment return redirect map' param
(+) 'Ignore active Itemid' SEO param
(+) 'Itemid of Item page' SEO param
(+) global config params reordering
(+) global config 'Redirects' tab
(+) Ad preview 'Only in new ad' option
(+) field's 'Show assigned values only - include category' param
(+) quickicon component's configuration link
(+) 'Users can delete ads with category limit' param
(+) category icon display in header in category page
(+) search module 'Default location' param
(+) search module 'Hide 1. level of location' param
(+) search module 'Use active Itemid for results page' param
(+) items module 'Show empty fields' override param
(!) admin new item category fields loading FIX
(!) not empty geocoordinates check FIX
(!) admin profiles images display FIX
(!) 'Users can delete archived ads' in item FIX
(!) region route alias in full path display FIX
(!) item db error in 3rd party plugins FIX
(!) items layout with yootheme plugin FIX
(!) points payment showing up for recurring plans FIX
(!) canonical tags using active itemid FIX
(!) 'Show assigned values only' no values display FIX
(!) admin j3 duration edit js error FIX
(!) items lists show distance if no coordinates FIX
(!) blog show desc header if no intro desc FIX
(!) PHP 8.2.x deprecated FIX
(!) bank transfer payment duplicated currency in email FIX
(!) item menu item 'use global' empty option FIX
(!) additem images override compatibility FIX
(!) items lists column default values FIXES
(!) item name length over 191 update error FIX
(!) field's 'Linked value' for profiles FIX
(!) items tooltip border styling FIX
(!) search module results Itemid FIX
(!) search module search results ajax plugin route FIX
(!) search module j3 'autocomplete' js error FIX
(!) maps module 'L.markerClusterGroup is not a constructor' FIX
(!) user menu module favourites list routing FIX
(!) warning info if joomla user registration disabled
(!) lists sort values params with [none] option
(!) items list sort opts reordering
(!) sprintf %s support in reg/cat header selector
(!) admin fields field icon display
(!) admin plans 'recurring' info icon display
(!) cpanel no list warning show condition change
(!) emails disabled by admin check before email send
(!) seo item menu item support in URL
(!) admin fields category field 'All categories' icon
(!) active Itemid ignored in modules
(!) blog layout calc height script optimization
(!) plan name language constant support
(!) buynow unit name language constant support in item
(!) list sort options display improvement
(!) smart table no details section layout improvement
(!) missing menu items cats params overrides added
(!) items list header helper classes added
(!) plans view module positions added
(!) redirect after payment improvements
(!) admin profile image moved to a new tab
(!) additem points package info override compatibility
(!) j4 menu items basic switch params layout change
(!) admin coupon edit page layout improvements
(!) seo item/profile header params in menu items
(!) modal checkboxes js event trigger improvement
(!) items module config layout improvements
(!) items module type displayed next to the title
(!) maps module config layout improvements
(!) maps module leaflet markercluster js ver. update
(!) menu module 'se_cats' URL var support
(!) styling tweaks
(!) lang fixes
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.9
- Joomla 4 compatibility
- optimized performance
- jQuery instead of MooTools
- rewritten views/layouts
- new layouts
- reorganised configuration
- field multiple groups support
- favourite profiles
- profiles search in search module
- new 'Captcha' param for choosing captcha plugin
- meta keywords/description fields in regions
- new param to disallow adding adverts to regions
- Option to show results info in category/region
- ajax ordering in admin list views
- field checkobox 'Values separator' new param
- 'useglobal' menu items param support
- default image as svg (no-image.svg)
- 'Icon' field param
- new 'Link text' field param
- 'Profile verification user group map' new param
- durations labels new param
- additem hiding category if one only
- categories page 'Excluded categories' new param
- new 'userpayments' view
- admin export payments
- category tree mod. 'Excluded categories' new param
- new 'Expiration notification copy to admin' param
- 'Expiration notif. front/admin send limit' params
- 'Hide empty' params in cattree/regtree views
- 'Search by' param to set core fields for search
- item unpublished info in item page (for ad author)
- extended admin items search by word filter
- including ghost ads in orders/sales/bids history
- 'Auction ads renew lock' new param
- 'Reserve price not reached' info on userbids page
- userbids 'Ended' text for non-current auctions
- region column & filter in admin items table
- new 'Auction/BuyNow ads edit lock' param
- 'View all adverts' profile link in item page
- 'Show auctions' param in orders/sales history
- new 'Autopublish' option ('Edit only')
- hiding Add Item BuyNow if no Price field found
- items mod.: 'Closest to browsed item' ord. option
- Abuse reports for all users with captcha
- Option to hide adult content on all items list
- profiles page sorting params
- changing lists default ordering per menu item
- Leaflet plugin: 'Attribution Prefix' new param
- Ajax plugin: pagination 'Load more button' param
- admin field's 'Attributes' param textarea change
- loading profile fields in search module based on field group
- auctions improvements
- admin 'remove from all cats' form helper param
- 'no-image' class on imgs with default image
- hiding unchoosable promotions
- expiration email fail send improvement
- item region alias in old override url SEO improv.
- buynow form POST to GET change
- profile edit view core/more fields html wrappers
- cat id info in custom fields html wrapper
- captcha below verif. alert in registration change
- field search values save with spaces trimmed out
- loading 'default' theme overrides removed
- admin items list tooltip desc for Ordering column
- new lang const for no results in fav.profile items
- not used columns removed
- payment plugins lowercase change for j4 compatibility
- item price section moved to separate sub-view
- additem view split into subviews
- payment plugins' method output as a component's layout
- batch fields based on .xml files
- pkg description added
- Ajax plugin items infinite scroll improved support
- improvements
- support widget css conflict FIX
- fields display in profile FIX
- extra images payment FIX
- additem form validation FIX
- custom field's price negotiable checkbox label FIX
- admin field apostrophe js error FIX
- extra chars payment FIX
- extra chars price from category duration FIX
- playing youtube shorts videos FIX
- type reset during free renew FIX
- additem type labels required validation FIX
- djimage hide empty img on load FIX
- cid/rid in items list router FIX
- search zero values filter FIX
- point payment only for prom. move to top FIX
- useritems coupons payment method display FIX
- search module google places js error FIX
- deleted user profile link FIX
- complete auction after buynow FIX
- admin license warning FIX
- ended userbids showing buynow winning price FIX
- approximate date display timezone FIX
- loading date default values from profile field FIX
- 'key too long' install FIX
- Ajax plugin: pagination urls FIX
- Ajax plugin: duplicated items on blog sort FIX
- OSMap plugin: relative urls FIX
- Invoice manager plugin: loading lang file FIX
- Pagebreak plugin: error on params get FIX
- lang fixes
DJ-Classifieds ver.
- ! items promotions exp. date calculation after edit FIX
- ! ajax call routing FIX
- ! privacy policy modal FIX
- ! terms/privacy in modal in item page FIX
- ! items module add to favourites FIX
- ! add item to favourites without ID router FIX
- ! default theme items module fav icon FIX
- ! editing items from deleted plans subscriptions FIX
- ! Falang search fields translation FIX
- ! admin coupon controller save FIX
- ! admin item desc editor-xtd missing buttons FIX
- ! admin edit profile show fields if no profile saved
- ! image uploader jquery UI button lib FIX
- ! $item_cid warning in payment plugins FIX
- ! offers views overrides FIX
- ! quantity 1 on buynow item renew with 0 quantity
- ! ad expire in parameter numeric filter
DJ-Classifieds ver.
- ! ask seller email sending FIX
- ! loading js lib dependant scripts FIX
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.8.3
- admin items on xml forms
- admin profiles on xml forms
- admin items "Show front-end page" link
- admin items "Unblock" option
- admin edit item layout refreshed
- admin edit item: payment info with an option to complete the pending payment
- admin profiles "Show front-end page" link
- admin profiles "Region" filter
- admin profiles "Verified" flag change option
- admin offers j4 ready
- admin cpanel j4 ready
- items favourites menu item params
- useritems menu item default category param
- new 'Canonical tags' SEO parameter
- 'Don't index empty categories' new param
- 'Point price separator' new param
- add item duration select's empty value
- new 'Pre-fill location data' parameter
- 'Only ID in profile url' new param
- marking the active promotion on "back to edit/renew"
- not unpublishing ads when only promotions chosen (additem/renewitem)
- duration change possibility on "back to edit"
- 'date_exp' recalculation after payment on new items
- removing the previous payment when doing new one or editing advert
- password rules validation in registration form
- remembering basic user data on registration form
- image uploader with no MooTools dependency
- component's own captcha solution removed
- date literal 'M' format in custom fields support
- useritems theme override support
- admin js MooTools tooltips lib loading removed
- Search mod.: option to disable first cat. select
- PayU payment plugin’s recurring support
- ! editing advert after renew before payment FIX
- ! updating durations promotions additem/renew FIX
- ! free move to top activation message FIX
- ! subtracted points history translation FIX
- ! payments page layout improvements (additional colons)
- ! space in point price on additem page FIXES
- ! 'maxinputvars' limit reach admin field save FIX
- ! abuse terms checkbox label click FIX
- ! search module custom fields loading optimisation
- ! 'allowurlfopen' disabled check msg as lang const
- ! admin payment multiple types new line FIX
- ! 'show on click' custom field option improvement
- ! useritems redirect after free 'move to top'
- ! treating zeros as empty values in form fields FIX
- ! date custom fields negative timezone offset FIX
- ! payment validation script moved to view.html.php
- ! payment terms moved to the separate template file
- ! nocaptcha lib constructor FIX
- ! "back to edit" button on payment page after renew changed to "back to renew"
- ! Ask form wrong file extension notification FIX
- ! Sending Ask form message when wrong file uploaded FIX
- ! multicategories plug support in admin items filter
- ! Items module random ordering FIX
- ! dash in view name routing FIX
- ! date() fn replaced with JDate
- ! added missing plugin event to the list table FIX
- ! category custom fields additem ordering FIX
- ! falang all categories menu items routing support
- ! admin lists layout improvements
- ! price format in additem payable chars FIX
- ! checkAll in admin payments list FIX
- ! choosing last min-max search field val improvement
- ! thumbnails default values FIX
- ! additem display char price after cat. change FIX
- ! ad copy with images with no original image FIX
- ! items Price ordering FIX
- ! custom fields DB optimisation
- ! flagging expired auctions as won FIX
- ! updated license manager
- ! db profiles table primary key added
- ! regions lib cache warning FIX
- ! plans point price output improvements
- ! 'Multiple Attachment Upload' param disabled FIX
- ! Komento plugin 'stdClass::$created_by' FIX
- ! PayPal: sandbox notification FIX
- ! PayPal: recurring payment id store FIX
- ! lang fixes
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.8.1
- + option to remove ID from URL (for adverts, categories, regions and profiles)
- + new custom field type: image
- + new userbids view
- + regions alias support (with generate aliases option)
- + regions ordering support
- + 'After save' redirect param;
- + 'Wrong advert/category' redirect params improved
- + option to assign promotions to user groups
- + uploaded img preview in profile edit/registration
- + params to disable profile img in profile edit/registration views
- + multiple email addresses for notifications support
- + new admin category edit layout with params descriptions
- + new admin region edit layout with params descriptions
- + new admin promotion edit layout with params descriptions
- + admin batch setting parent region
- + admin option to recreate category images for all categories
- + admin save2copy region option
- + showing 'Alias' column in admin categories page
- + 'Visible only for admin/owner' field's param change to 'Viewing access'
- + separate params for link-type fields ("target", "rel")
- + language constants support in custom field labels
- + batch changing expiration date in admin items
- + category tree view ordering option
- + default items ordering by distance option
- + lang const as registration field group empty value
- + lang const support for custom field's empty value
- + lang const as empty value in selectlist fields
- + new 'Profile metadesc' param
- + admin custom field labels as links
- + admin categories search filter ID support
- + admin categories filter alias support
- + admin fields filter label support
- + group name as class in item/profile field wrapper
- + 'chosen' script for select fields in admin batch
- + failing image uploader message change with lang const. Support
- + menu item's account type as class in registration view wrapper views
- + renderModule global wrapper method
- ! duplicated fields when multicategories enabled FIX
- ! required radio values validation FIX
- ! displaying unpublished category page FIX
- ! displaying items from unpublished categories FIX
- ! send emails using 'fromname' instead of 'sitename'
- ! additem showing non-category custom fields FIX
- ! missing 'alt' attr in 3rd party profile images FIX
- ! payable desc new lines on edit FIX
- ! modattribs notice on payment page FIX
- ! googlemaps load with 3rd party maps in Profile FIX
- ! registration page redirect after error FIX
- ! profileedit fields load if empty djcf profile FIX
- ! catching captcha error on registration page FIX
- ! 0000-00-00 expiration date FIX
- ! items search when null db values FIX
- ! automatic plan expiration when 0 advert limit FIX
- ! admin fields chx labels bound with inputs FIX
- ! cat0 wrong reg label id FIXES
- ! search results with locations Itemid FIX
- ! undefined var $options admin fields Notice FIX
- ! undefined property $classes admin Notices FIXES
- ! author's url alias in item FIX
- ! additem 'Assign to constant variable' js error FIX
- ! Items module plugins support FIX
- ! profile field's "In regiration" parameter FIX
- ! profileedit Itemid redirect after save FIX
- ! free move to top useritems layout FIX
- ! reverted 'Show in item' field param proper showing
- ! admin field 'type' param required
- ! admin field 'label' param required
- ! admin 'All categories' field param enabled by default
- ! loading en-GB lang file in admin configs
- ! default 'schema type' param val changed to 'Offer'
- ! offers menu items hidden if plugin not installed
- ! category lib improvements
- ! img max. upload width & height params integer filter
- ! showing 'Offer' plan option only if plugin enabled
- ! admin items 'Unlimited' text styling match change
- ! lang improvements
- ! substr() -> mb_substr() in useritems
- ! onAfterPaymentStatusChange plugin event points support
- ! admin promotions page columns ordering change
- ! Items module: not displaying if no items
DJ-Classifieds ver.
- (!) saving radio custom fields FIX
- (!) field saving category Xref ordering reset FIX
- (!) promoted ads not first when random sorting FIX
- (!) items list page SEO title overwrite FIX
- (!) reverted option to show profile fields in ad page
- (!) showing category fields filter groups in admin FIX
- (!) params from link type fields in views FIX
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.8
- (+) Field groups support for all custom field types
- (+) Conditional fields plugin support
- (+) Recurring payments option in Subscription Plans
- (+) Refreshed layout of the admin Field Edit page
- (+) ‘Input type’ new custom field param
- (+) ‘Placeholder’ new custom field param
- (+) Plans expiration notification
- (+) svg support in category icons
- (+) account type filter in Search module
- (+) regions empty selector text override option
- (+) 'Ask Seller Form' custom fields support in Profile
- (+) 'Facebook comments metatag' new parameter
- (+) 'VAT information' param change to allow any number
- (+) 'Max image size' param change to allow any number
- (+) Places API support in registration
- (+) terms in registration moved to the end of the page
- (+) advert's full description as meta description
- (+) guest email input type changed to "email"
- (+) category class in advert's div wrapper
- (+) login page redirect for inactive ad from exp. notif. Email
- (+) ‘Site name in page titles’ Joomla! Global parameter support
- (+) ‘Profile title’ new SEO parameter
- (+) Category Tree mod.: 'Hide empty cat.' new param
- (+) Regions Select mod.: 'chosen' script support
- (+) 'Title header tag' new Advert view / SEO param
- (+) new [[advertlinkurl]] email template tag
- (+) seo item page title new tag support
- (+) group column in admin fields view
- (+) field groups filter in admin fields view
- (+) 'paypalemail' info text in admin fields view
- (+) custom field's HTML 'type' class in forms
- (+) 'Profile name heading tag' new param
- (+) seo prev, next items pagination meta tags
- (!) seo canonical link items list improvements
- (!) ad view postcode preceeding comma if no address FIX
- (!) abuse report terms checkbox label FIX
- (!) easysocialstream displaying only active ads
- (!) map update after region change
- (!) heading & class page params support in profile
- (!) lang fixes
- (!) Amp img thumbs params
- (!) img thumbs param support for all views
- (!) recaptcha v1 support removed
- (!) og & twitter meta description type from params
- (!) recapchta js 'couldn't find user-provided fn' FIX
- (!) Items module: showing contact custom fields FIX
- (!) bad "View all adverts" link in item view FIX
- (!) Catagory tree mod.: no content in deepest cat FIX
- (!) max image uploader size 10MB if no limit set FIX
- (!) 'Cost per point' for unlimited plans calc. FIX
- (!) payment 'back to edit' btn itemid FIX
- (!) captcha 'required' class in registration FIX
- (!) invisible captcha wrapper in registration FIX
- (!) buynow checkout login redirect FIX
- (!) Types required in radio layout on additem page FIX
- (!) 'ads per page' pagination issue FIX
- (!) additem copy map start address FIX
- (!) profiles with no profile data not displayed FIX
- (!) chx and link custom fields values on profiles FIX
- (!) datesort in 'Allowed sorting values' FIX
- (!) additem restricted durations with same days FIX
- (!) auction price min label with buynow additem FIX
- (!) heading & class page params support in registration
- (!) Bank Transfer 'info_bt' layout Itemid FIX
- (!) Leaflet: POI autocomplete list width FIX
- (!) config SEO section improvements
- (!) removed useritems renew days when durations on
- (!) category ad limit renew FIX
- (!) buynow order payment page notices FIXES
- (!) before description showing plugins content FIX
- (!) maps module: respecting items limit param when following search results
- (!) trailing seo title separator FIX
- (!) install script Notices FIXES
- (!) empty default profile value in custom fields FIX
- (!) rotating images in advert edit FIX
- (!) payment for wrong duration FIX
- (!) ad edit email when editing after preview FIX
- (!) wrong status in email after preview ad save FIX
- (!) no unlimited duration text in renew item view FIX
- (!) PayPal payment: JS form submit change
- (!) default profile value in askform fields FIX
- (!) paying for description chars issues FIXES
- (!) status change email sent after each admin edit FIX
DJ-Classifieds ver.
- Facebook comments FIX
- saving contact custom field core override FIX
- IE11 image uploader FIX
- imported ads with null contact values search FIX
- one from-to date field value in search mod FIX
- admin user profile js error FIX
- item meta keywords/desc from menu item FIX
- removed empty date value from search URL
- removed plan ID from points payment user info
- generating admin field name from label only when label empty
- payment canceled message type changed to a warning
- sanitizing js lang constants
DJ-Classifieds ver.
- admin item saving optimization
- admin category fields loading optimization
- removed empty cid/rid params from urls
- ignoring incorrect custom results page set in search module
- additem map marker from autocomplete improvement
- search module checkbox toggle by label click
- empty default profile field value FIX
- checkbox label toggle with multiple search mod FIX
- additem google undefined js error FIX
- backend field name saved from label if empty
- djc2 user plugin registration conflict FIX
- profiles/profile Itemid backward compatibility
- google maps api availability check improvement
- admin user subscription plan lang FIX
- double slash in server path FIXES
- missing alt attr for list sorting image FIXES
- auction timer js error after big FIX
- incorrect 'waiting for publishing' lang const FIX
- profile fields Falang translations FIX
- getting easysocial profile link improved
- 'getItemsSearchLink' backward compatibility
- unlimited plans assigned in back-end FIX
- PayPal server notification url FIX
- direct payment to admin plugin support
- user's first item as empty Single Ad menu item
- empty Itemid search results url 404 error FIX
- don't send emails when an empty email template
- falang item page category name support
- 'Custom fields values to labels' on Profile Edit support
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.7.9
- + durations user group access
- + additem default category parameter
- + image uploader tmp path parameter
- + 'apply ordering to categories' new back-end option
- + Items module: 'Recently viewed' ordering option
- + unlimited ads in plans
- + plans filter in menu item params
- + new 'geolocation' parameter
- + cattree module: 'follow category' param
- + filtering by promotions in admin payments
- + new 'CSS class' field parameter
- + ask form popup login redirect on Profile page
- + twitter meta tags support on ad page
- ! hiding buynow option for ad's author FIX
- ! additem page heading FIX
- ! Leaflet: missing getAddressLatLon support FIX
- ! additem js error with paid images FIX
- ! category tree module multicolumn layout FIX
- ! bank transfer back-end lang FIX
- ! seo search menu item FIX
- ! search module geolocation bug FIX
- ! mootools ajax request onFailure error log fixes
- ! maps module follow region from cookie FIX
- ! userplans SEF redirect FIX
- ! userplans redirect message type change
- ! website param on user plans page FIX
- ! Registration (system): removed 'Enabled' param
- ! unlimited expiration date in admin items list FIX
- ! saving fields with core field name FIX
DJ-Classifieds ver.
(!) checkbox & select field types search error FIX
(!) ef4 lazyloading conflict FIX
(!) ask seller form guest login popup not showing FIX
(!) unavailable region stored in cookie FIX
(!) back-end item promotions calendar icon FIX
DJ-Classifieds ver.
(!) - '404 view not found' search error
(!) - JModuleHelper::getModuleById() error workaround
(!) - search module js error without Google Maps
(!) - Search mod. follow location if the only category in URL
(!) - redirect issue after the guest's deleted ad edit
(!) - regions items count with blocked items
(!) - payment for the wrong duration in points payment
(!) - showing distance on items lists
(!) - back-end promotion expiration time
(!) - loading menu item's metadata on Add item page
(!) - loading menu item metadata on the Categories page
(!) - [[advert_category]] tag in the email after preview
(!) - date format in AMP item view
(!) - price format in AMP item view
(!) - admin user subscription plans unlimited label
(!) - br tags in Textarea fields in edit views
(!) - profiles alias in the URL change
(!) - "alt" tag in the profile image
(!) - ACL improvements
(!) - JomSocial contact support on the Profile page
(!) - 'Undefined index cid' Notice on Item view
(!) - disable unavailable promotion durations on renew
(!) - getting 'move to top' payment details
(!) - improved location coordinates response check
(!) - improved sanitizing js popup texts
(!) - Leaflet: custom marker anchor point
(!) - Leaflet: map start marker in Add item view
(!) - Leaflet: POI undefined name
Alta User Points App ver.
- payment option not for guests
Shipping for DJ-Classifieds ver.
- checkout form refresh
Invoices App for DJ-Classifieds ver.
- disable on point payments
JomSocial integration for DJ-Classifieds ver. 2.1
- enable on ad's Edit
EasySocial App ver. 2.1
- EasySocial latest ver. support
DJ-Classifieds ver.
(!) - polish language fix. It could happen with version that polish language was not loaded. This version addresses this issue.
DJ-Classifieds ver.
+ 'Ask form (Profile) - notification' email template
+ uddeIM integration plugin: Profile form support
+ option to show profile fields on profiles view
+ showing distance from searched address on ads lists
+ added hits/display no. to back-end items export
+ added 'item_expired' class to expired ads wrapper
+ added class for DJ-Reviews sort on smart table view
+ displaying 'hide on start' fields in print view
+ 'Archive advert' message type changed to Notice
! Search on category pages
! Duplicated link on item/profile page
! user items active ordering
! Default values from profile fields
! Default postcode value from category custom field
! Ad edit disabled submit btn with image limit
!profile Localisation label if no address
! background/special promotion info
! AMP displaying default currency
! 'cf values to labels' in date from-to fields
! '0000-00-00' in date from-to fields on lists
! after save ad event moved before sending emails
! multicategories locked category
! address search after user geolocation
! image uploader buttons clean theme color
! no published list menu item Itemid search
! profiles page heading
! additem warning if plan and proms disabled
! unnecessary spaces before colon
! back-end new item grey background
! search filter date from-to
! minor lang fixes
DJ-Classifieds ver.
! missing '#__djcfprofilesmsg' table
! empty profile contact message
! 'custom fields values to labels' profile blog
! google maps module 'fit to items'
DJ-Classifieds ver.
(!) search redirect post vars FIX
(!) payable images default prices FIX
(!) duplicated profile custom fields FIX
(!) user groups display in admin category access FIX
(!) profiles menu item missing language constant FIX
(!) lang fixes
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.7.8
+ added 'Blocked' admin items filter
+ added 'Verified' admin profiles filter
+ redirect to login page in item's forms
+ admin categories pagination & new subcategory filter
+ Profiles Search: added 'Account type' filter
+ moved terms, policy and gpr checkboxes at the end of the Add item view (just over buttons)
+ items module new 'user groups' parameter
+ Showing item's full category path in User Items
+ Showing category path in admin items list
+ new [[advertcategorypath]] email tag
+ displaying ad's name in Payment page
+ advert payment details in admin payments view
+ admin button for clearing inactive profile data
+ item's default category picture in 'og:image' tag
+ Website & Postcode profile fields as default value
+ 'Ads per page' in lists menu item's params
+ 'Expired ads auto delete' new parameter
+ warning message if no range search filter provided
+ 3 choosable sizes of ad's thumbnails
+ location in registration
+ 'Access expired' new param (w art expired ads autodelete)
+ Leaflet: OSMaps driving directions, ad's coords, map info (blog)
+ Category 'Ads limit' new parameter
+ additem address/Places placeholder support
+ admin Categories, Items & Profiles batch options
+ added 'With attachment' admin profiles filter
+ [[purchase_details]] tag support in 'Auctions - end - winner notification email' template
+ linking user names on admin items to djcf profiles
+ admin profiles latest attachment linked with icon
+ added display of category in the item view
+ new 'Payment completed' email template
+ default value from profile custom fields in ask seller custom fields
Fixes (in AIO package extensions):
! admin items table layout improvements
! admin items layout minor changes
! search redirect improvements
! hiding links on print view
! current uri print icon tmpl=component
! sort fields from params on Profile smart table
! showing disabled users' profiles on front
! recreate profile images in admin
! checking access restrictions in profile items
! sorting from params on Profile smart table
! date custom fields in Ask Seller form
! calendar buttons default theme
! Leaflet: "Error: Map container not found" issue on the profile edit view
! failed ajax calls notifications on Add item
! 'Front' email notifications trigger
! added item's Paid admin parameter description info
! 'Default country for places API' param's validator
! double slashes in image paths
! storing custom fields values in search module
! email templates available tags listings
! [[advertauthorname]] tag in ask seller email
! hide empty subcategories in search module
! locations list multiple idsuffix in url
! profiles images thumbnail
! search with selectlist custom fields
! saving category custom fields in admin
! custom fields values to labels table column
! [[paymentid]] tag in email templates
! cats adding restriction additional server check
! Multicategories empty main category back-end
! non sef sorting links on list views
! 'User - Profile' plugin registration conflicts
! 'Privacy Consent' registration conflict
! core Joomla User Fields registration conflict
! admin user profile map
! 'main' -> 'root' cat./reg. text change
! ask & abuse item forms simultaneous expand
! profile edit without Itemid redirect problem
! dash in promotion names lang
! items view date from to timezone
! profile edit undefined $token
! Leaflet: profile page Notices
! unnecessary space in table & blog custom fields
! edit profile button default styling
! showing region list without Itemid error
! 0 equals unlimitted in 'asklimithour' param
! date format strtotime unix time
! helper classes with category data in items wrapper
! warning if file size limit exceeded in ask forms
! fields groups admin ordering $type Notices
! 'Show map' button default styling
! free duration payment redirect
! Category Tree module: subcat columns layout
! showing fields from additional cats in ad view
! 'termsandconditions' checkboxes improvements
! classes with custom fields names in items views
! user subscription plans view improvements
! locked duration category search module conflict
! ordering ask seller fields by ordering
! admin 'clear' button reset search filters
! Profile edit layout
! improved Google Maps API error reporting
! admin lang improvements
! red/green expiration date on admin usersplans view
! categories tree alternative page heading
! hidden video bootstrap conflict default styling
! Profile/Registration checkbox/radio custom fields labels
! 'Start address from geoloc' google maps module js error
! added form token in profileedit/registration forms
! categories tree alternative page heading
! hidden video bootstrap conflict default styling
! Profile/Registration custom fields chx labels
! 'Start address from geoloc' google maps module
! added form token in profileedit/registration forms
! whatsapp link
! back-end img double slash
DJ-Classifieds ver.
(!) saving extra fields with custom date format FIX
(!) date format in extra fields on classic table FIX
(!) sending new ad email after edit FIX
(!) duplicated payments for some payment plugins FIX
(!) hiding page header on main region pages FIX
(!) module items sort by prom special FIX
(!) Profile Edit duplicated djmessages plugin FIX
(!) Przelewy24 guest email FIX
(!) XML export ampersand in description FIX
(!) XML export duplicated images FIX
(!) undefined variable $main_cat feed warning FIX
(!) print icon styling improvement
DJ-Classifieds ver.
(+) OSMaps Profiles Search module support
(+) new module position "djcf-cpanel" and nav improvements in the dashboard
(!) Profile redirect FIX
(!) AuthorizeNET payment redirect FIX
(!) PayU payment redirect FIX
(!) payments start date FIX
(!) Amp Profile SEF link in item view FIX
(!) Custom field date format in forms FIX
(!) date format in custom fields on smart table FIX
(!) 'Date from-to' custom field date format FIX
(!) Custom fields ordering in table views FIX
(!) Leaflet: 'Map img on start' param in admin FIX
(!) search module oneline layout itemid warning FIX
(!) Trying to get property 'description' Notice FIX
(!) 'Undefined property - $region_id' sales history FIX
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.7.7
(+) full OSMaps support
(+) Printable ad view
(+) new checkbox search filter logic type (AND / OR)
(+) added missing back-end views buttons (Publish/Delete/etc.)
(+) added items back-end active/expired filter
(+) Hide 1 level of the category in the search module
(+) New control panel design
(!) additional core user plugins support in Profile Edit view
(!) Showing ad's name in renew view
(!) 'Filter all' label in empty search radio values
(!) Items module default ordering changed to 'Add date including promotions'
(!) show cats for guests only on Add item view FIX
(!) unpublished regions display in back-end views FIX
(!) user items delete ad redirect FIX
(!) show default category img in profile items FIX
(!) locking categories tied to durations
(!) wrong items page redirect in search module FIX
(!) PayPal plugin: PAYPAL text moved to language file
(!) amp SEF urls FIX
(!) redirect router fixes
(!) menu items meta keywords & description FIX
(!) showing contact form for owner in Profile view FIX
(!) 'Couldn't find constant JPATH' installation warning FIXES
(!) 'Privacy Policy' wrong link on registration FIX
(!) onload ad view width change
(!) wrong metarobots when default order values in url FIX
(!) payment for incorrect duration FIX
(!) 'Use Global' in 'Show sorting' param in smart table menu item FIX
(!) 'Follow location' module improvements
(!) ad preview sends new ad emails FIX
(!) Language FIXES
(!) showing category desc in header in items view FIX
(!) showing page heading in items view FIX
(!) showing page title on items view FIX
(!) resetting promotion duration on ad's saving FIX
(!) renew promotions label layout FIX
(!) Removed duplicated error message from the notif. emails admin notice
(!) Maps module 'CatItem could not be converted to int' notice FIX
(!) Files attachments and image uploader conflict FIX
(!) registration system plugin SEF redirect FIX
(!) Bank transfer payment reprocessing on info page refresh FIX
(!) terms & conditions checkbox label in Payment form FIX
(!) search module regpath unexpected token FIX
(!) search module 'Show time' if no types FIX
(!) Profile Edit stripping special chars on save FIX
(!) Profile Edit redirect router FIX
(!) CONCAT_WS search FIX
(!) 'Terms & Conditions' registration plugin param moved to global
(!) improved radio values display in 'default' theme
(!) sorting by expiration date on blog and smart table FIXES
(!) recreating coordinates in admin with map plugins FIX
(!) DJ-EasySocial app update
(!) Multicategories plugin: deleting all custom fields on Add item view FIX
(!) 'Save region id' Regions module FIX
(!) checkbox 'Custom fields values to labels' option on smart table FIX
(!) terms & conditions checkbox label in Profile ask form FIX
(!) minor controller & model FIXES
DJ-Classifieds ver. 3.7.6
(+) Leaflet OpenStreetMap support in DJ-Classifieds core and DJ-Classifieds Maps module
(+) Support WIdget in administrator of DJ-Classifieds
(+) API update
(+) Script optimization in administrator profiles view
(+) Possibility to edit password and name in DJ-Classifieds user profile
(+) Showing hits/displayed in user items view
(+) Showing hits/displayed in back-end item view
(+) Profile Edit cancel link now redirects to Profile (not User items)
(!) Disabled generating coordinates when there are no Google Maps Keys
(!) Resolved problems with old links structure in the adverts RSS feed
(!) Resolved problem with warnings on adverts list
(!) Resolved problem with Terms & conditions checkbox labels
(!) Resolved problem with 'action' attr. in front-end forms
(!) Resolved problem with Bank Transfer payment for guests
(!) Resolved problem with Leaflet maps module with no markers
(!) Resolved problem with Ask seller form & localization in Profile without profile fields
(!) Resolved problem with Double slash in paths to promotions images on Add item view
(!) Resolved problem with Duplicated' calendar-setup.js' script
(!) Resolved problem with Double price in single ad view
(!) Resolved problem with All & regions menu item meta description & keywords
(!) Resolved problem with Auction timer when bids closed
(!) Resolved problem with 'Undefined variable: marker_txt' profile
(!) Resolved problem with PriceFormat decimal points in payment view
(!) Resolved problem with Profile ask seller redirection
(!) 'Save region id' Regions module FIX
(!) Checkbox' Custom fields values to labels' option on smart table FIX
Multicategories App 3.7.6 update:
deleting all custom fields on Add item view FIX
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver 3.7.5
New features:
- Possibility to define custom return urls in the PayPal plugin.
- Added support for new DJ-Reviews structure.
- New calendar script used in custom fields.
- Resolved problem with warnings on adverts list.
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver 3.7.4
New features:
- Blocking save button during advert creation , to prevent multiple store of new adverts.
- Possibility to hide page title on categories tree basing on "Show Page Heading" menu parameter
- Module DJ-CLassifieds CategoriesTree possibility to select layout
- Categories ordering parameter in DJ-Classifieds Category Tree module
- Added extra check for images requirement when adding adverts.
- Support in advert details for microdata tags from
- New parameter "Map image on start" allows showing the blank image instead of a map when an advert is loaded. A map is shown after clicking on "Show Map" button.
- Updated confirmation method of PayPal payment.
- Added support to "date from-to" custom field in ask seller form.
- Respecting postcode in address geolocalization used in new advert creation form.
- Including subcategories in selected category parameter of DJ-Classifieds Maps module.
- Disabled restriction that at least one duration have to be assigned to all categories.
- Possibility to clear user profile
- Possibility to limit the number how many adverts can be posted for last 5 minutes, last hour and last day.
- New tag [[purchase_details]] available in "Buynow - buyer notification email" [ID34]
- Remember selected duration after category change in advert creation form
- Contact form in user Profile
- Possibility to select Adverts types in DJ-Classifieds Maps module
- Possibility to assign selected from category custom fields to all subcategories.
- New parameter in DJ-Classifieds search module which allows to specify source of input hints (adverts, regions, categories)
- Possibility to use other then TinyMCE editor for description.
- Export user profile with all details to XML file
- Export adverts to XML file
- Automatic link generation for WhatsApp field
- Resolved a problem with missing days when buying some promotion again.
- Added no opener no-referrer to website link
- Resolved problem with a calculation for characters.
- Resolved problem with Bootstrap styling problem on labels elements
- Resolved problem with auctions counter
- Resolved problem with date format when the wrong date is provided
- Resolved problem with auction countdown on Safari browser
- Resolved problems with notices on profiles search results.
- Function cURL used for payment verification in DJ-CLassifieds PayPal plugin
- Resolved problem with notifications in helper from DJ-Classifieds Items module
- Resolved problem with Deprecated notification about function for article links generator.
- Resolved problem with currency always show on right side of the price field, when price using as a custom field
- Resolved problem with missing DS declaration in DJClassifiedsSEO library
- Resolved problem with "Drive Directions" in advert details.
- Resolved problem with fields types input box, text area, the date displayed as a label translation.
- Replaced all single apostrophes and QQ signs from language files.
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver 3.7.3
- GDPR solution for DJ-Classifieds
- New Profiles list view with search module.
- Resolved problem with preview while advert was edited by administrator
- Possibility to display archived adverts in adverts list and Search
- Possibility to select a type of using custom fields in DJ-Classifieds Registration
- Resolved problem with promotion days restriction after changing a category
- Displaying in user adverts view Images from the category when there is no image.
- Possibility to restrict "Ask Seller Form" via Subscription Plans
- Possibility to add and delete from Favourites in module DJ-Classifieds Items
- Resolved problem with default displaying of profile info in blog view.
- Resolved problem with missing mod attributes on blog adverts list.
- Resolved problem with missing durations to categories assignment in renew advert process
- Resolved problem with profile edition when fields group wasn't the assignment
- Added into ask form mail new tag [[contactauthorname_link]] which links to sender profile.
- Possibility to Follow user adverts
- Possibility to send into sender copy of a message from Ask Seller form
- Resolved problem with & in Subscription Plans redirection
- Resolved problem with links to files attachments during advert edition
- Resolved problem with RTL table title
- During advert creation when only numbers available in price then automatic coma deleting from price field.
- Resolved problem with displaying empty elements in multicategories plugin.
- Resolved problem with redirections after advert creation
- New sort option in DJ-Classifieds Items module which allows sorting via days left in promotion special
- Resolved problem with custom fields values while advert was edited by administrator
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver 3.7.2
- Resolved problem with promotions assigned to advert during manual payment confirmation
- Blocking save button while images uploading is in progress.
- Possibility to select path for storing advert images
- Possibility to select path for storing profile images
- Possibility to select path for storing category images
- Creating separate folders for images from each 1000 advert
- Creating separate folders for images from each 1000 profiles
- Creating separate folders for images from each 1000 categories
- Possibility to resize images during upload process.
- Possibility to display only adverts with auctions in DJ-Classifieds Items module
- Hidden favourites icons on list when favourites feature disabled in global configuration.
- Resolved problem with link to edit password in profile details.
- Resolved problem with showing categories durations on renew advert process.
- Custom page title for categories
- Administrator can edit and delete adverts on front.
- Custom fields groups
- New trigger "onBeforeDJClassifiedsDisplayAdvertMap" in administrator advert edition
- Promotions periods restricted to durations during advert creation
- Resolved problem with function "filegetcontents()" used in captcha
- Resolved problem with default ordering by name in Category Tree view
- Resolved problem with default ordering by name in Category Tree module
- Resolved problem with smart table position 'djcf-items-table' when there is less adverts than limit
- Resolved problem with translated label "Please login" in ask seller and abuse forms
- Resolved problem with adding to favourites where there was only one advert on list.
- Resolved problem with selecting module in DJ-Classifieds Regions Select
- Resolved problem with searching in custom fields from data range.
- Resolved problem with double load of categories selector in advert creation view
- Resolved problem with missing images during advert edition as guest
- Added in Ask Seller message auto change new lines to HTML
- Changed default social code link to SSL protocol.
- Auction timer in advert details.
- possibility to pay AUP points as standard DJ-Classifieds points.
- Resolved problem with missing author when editing advert in administrator by button Edit
- Resolved problem with missing images when editing advert in administrator by button Edit
- Resolved problem with currency position detail page of bank transfer payment .
- Resolved problem with missing default SEO title in adverts category page.
- Filter "price negotiable" in search module.
- New "Categories" parameter added to the "DJ-Classifieds - Shipping" plugin.
- "Offer" feature added to subscription plans app.
- price 0.00 converted to free shipping in the shipping plugin
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver
- (+) Google places in search address restricted to DJ-Classifieds country
- (+) Google places in advert edition address restricted to DJ-Classifieds country
- (+) Map dynamically changes upon the location in a submission form
- (!) Added correct Itemid for profile links in buy now list on User adverts view.
- (!) Resolved problem with sorting in user adverts view.
- (!) Resolved problem with reset link in Search module.
- (!) Resolved problem with profile links in a single advert page.
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver.
- Resolved problem with saving durations in the administrator.
- Resolved problem with single advert link added to Joomla menu.
- Resolved problem with Notices in new advert durations select.
- Added images to Search Alerts notification email.
- Resolved problem with missing item description tags in the abuse report.
- Adding support for translating custom fields in blog and table views.
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver. 3.7.1
- Resolved problem with category links generation.
- Resolved problem with redirection to payment when using free promotions.
- Resolved problem with inheritance of blog view layout.
- Links to password/email change in DJ-Classifieds Profile
- Avatar in registration view.
- Remember latest parent region while creating a new region in administrator
- Resolved problem with displaying of unpublished categories in Multi categories APP
- Profile link and avatar in the blog view.
- Support for videos
- New triggers' onAfterDJClassifiedsDisplaySalesItem' in sales orders and history views.
- The parameter to disable Administrator notification about advert Renewing.
- Possibility to restrict durations for categories.
- Terms and Conditions checkbox in the payment page
- Adding to favorites on the adverts list.
- Verified Seller
- Cache for categories disabled by default
- Cache for regions disabled by default
- User notification email after new points assigned by the administrator
- Resolved problem with favorites view and 404 redirections.
- Resolved the problem with auctions price start when the "buy now" option enabled.
- Resolved problem with extra images price calculation
- Added SSL protocol to PayPal payment plugin confirmation URL.
- Added support for videos from
- Deleted duplicated labels form component language files.
- Added to items module new source: "Adverts from an author of currently displayed adverts."
- Resolved problem with watermarks added on profile images during thumbnails administrator recreation
- XSS problem resolved in the blog sorting function
- Resolved problem with the captcha button during advert creation.
- Resolved problem with adverts displaying in the specific region.
- Field contact used when searching by word.
- Resolved problem with blog view on subcategories and subregions
- Resolved problem with displaying images in the DJ-Classifieds Items module on mobiles.
- Deleted old promotions price in administrator promotions view.
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver.
- Added new responsive "Magnific Popup" gallery
- Resolved problem with generating category links
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension - Mercado Pago Payment plugin ver. 3.6.8
- jroute form fix
- DJ-Classifieds payments library support
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension - Multi categories App ver. 3.7
- Resolved problem with prices in additional categories.
DJ Classifieds classified ads extension ver.
- Resolved problem with EasySocial avatar displayed in advert details.
- Resolved regions problem with Users expired Subscription Plans
- Resolved problem with links to new advert, user adverts, etc. when the view wasn't assigned to Joomla menu
- Resolved problem with displaying unpublished regions in Regions Module
- Resolved problem with showing on IE subregions in the Search module
- Resolved problem with listing adverts from regions.
- Resolved problem with user profile and files Attachments
- Resolved problem with missing theme library in module DJ-Classifieds Regions Select
- Version:
- 3.10.1
- Developer:
- DJ-Extensions
- Last updated:
Mar 18 2024
11 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)