- Unique advanced performance optimization for highlighting terms in content items: average server database load and memory usage are significantly minimized.
- Frontend views 'List of Categories', 'List of Terms from Category', 'Single Term' and 'Add a Term'.
- Frontend edit and creation of terms.
- Separating of term full title and abbreviation (only abbreviation is highlighted in content).
- Highlighting of terms in Joomla articles (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in article page and category articles listings, categories descriptions, custom HTML and 'Articles - Newsflash' modules.
- Highlighting of terms in Alter Glossary terms descriptions (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories), categories descriptions.
- Highlighting of terms in K2 items (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in item page and category items listings, categories descriptions.
- Highlighting of terms in EasyBlog posts (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in post page and posts listings.
- Highlighting of terms in TZ Portfolio+ articles (with configurable allowed/disallowed categories) in article page and category listings.
- Highlighting of terms in Hikashop category and product descriptions.
- Highlighting of terms in SobiPro category descriptions and entry fields.
- Highlighting of terms in VirtueMart product descriptions.
- Highlighting of terms in Web Links category and link descriptions (can require custom layout override).
- Highlighting of terms in SP Page Builder pages and modules.
- Highlighting of terms in DJ-Classifieds items and category descriptions.
- Count of term page views.
- Alphabet filtering of terms with ability to configure preferred letters, separate letters into lines and add spacing between letters. Missed alphabet letters can be auto-disabled.
- Search filter for tags with optional advanced search methods "Contains", "Begins with", "Exact" and "Sounds like".
- "Sounds like" search method can use combinations of Soundex, Metaphone and Daitch-Mokotoff (works with Cyrillic terms) phonetic algorithms.
- Bootstrap Tooltip or Bootstrap Popover types of tips for highlighting terms in content with configurable tip placement (top, bottom, left or right), Joomla 2.5 can use default MooTools-based tips.
- Optional wrapping of highlighted term into a link to individual term page.
- Ability to highlight terms on all menu items, selected menu items, all menu items except selected.
- Native Joomla permissions system for creating, editing, editing state and editing own terms.
- Nested terms categories, optional frontend display of terms counts in category.
- Separating of term definition into introtext and fulltext, configurable display of introtext and/or fulltext in term category listings, individual term page and term tip.
- Featured status for terms, featured terms can be optionally displayed first in category listing.
- Intro Image and Main image selection for term category listing and individual term page.
- Up to 5 configurable links for term, list of related links is displayed in individual term page.
- Related terms feature, list of related terms is displayed in individual term page via "See also:" links. Terms are self-related: no need to setup relation of term B to term A if you already configured relation of term A to term B. Related term is easily configured via auto-suggestion list of available terms once you start typing term title.
- Next/Previous terms links in individual term page.
- Ability to configure list of HTML tags with optional CSS classes where terms won't be highlighted (essential feature for keeping your titles and links clean).
- Case-sensitive / case-insensitive term highlighting with global setting and individual term setting.
- Ability to highlight term only once in text with global setting and individual term setting.
- Ability to highlight all permutations of a collocation term.
- Ability to customize colors and font size of tooltips and popovers.
- Option to auto-fill meta description of term page with term's definition text.
- Option to auto-add page terms to meta keywords of content item page.
- Display a list of terms used in Joomla or K2 article.
- Integration of Komento and JComments comments for individual term page.
- Import of your current glossaries on demand (free of charge).
- Native Joomla tags support.
- native Joomla custome fields support.
- Search, Smart Search and OSMap plugins.
- Advanced routing mode: links to terms don't include ID.
- 'Alter Glossary - Category' module: displays terms from selected categories.
- Term synonyms and original titles.
- Notify admin on frontend term creation/update.
- Email user on frontend term creation.
- Term usage statistics.
- Fetch short term description text from Wikipedia.
- Terms CSV export and import.
- Term mentions: individual term page contains list of pages where the term is used.
- Editor button for adding term links.
- Term suggestions in frontend glossary search field.
... and much more - check full description on our site!
Alter Glossary
- Version:
- 4.2.0
- Developer:
- AlterBrains
- Last updated:
Oct 05 2024
5 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5 J5 (b/c plugin)