Fields and Filters is a manager to manage the additional fields as well as the ability to filter them. (elements).
Component does not overwrite the Joomla core files.
- easy ability to manage fields
- 6 fields – input, image, textarea/editor, checkboxlist (checkboxlist field can be use to filtering), url, date
- flexible configuration
- add fields to different position of the article
- add values field without first saving article
- convection of editing article view with Fields and Fields, does not require the opening of the component in modal window
- default field templates
- module to display fields type filters
- ajax filtering articles
- hash navigation
- using the list view articles, without any additional CSS styles for the view filters
- default filter templates
Simple Syntax, #:You can insert Fields anywhere on your site by using Syntax:
- in the same article and component: #{field_id}
- in another article and the same component: #{fieldid,articleid}
- in another component: #{fieldid,articleid:option(e.g. com_content)}
- #{fieldid.{params}} - changing fields and filters parameters on the “fly” (format json), eg. {‘base’ => {‘showname’: 1}}
- #{fieldid,context} - in what context you need display the fields, eg.: modcustom.content. The field will be displayed only in the custom module
- #{fieldid,articleid:option,context,{params}} - Simple Sytax with all options
Changelog - v1.3.1
- Crop resize do not work in image field
- Pagination in some case not works correctly after filtering content
Changelog - v1.3.0:
- Hash Navigation in filters
- when the article was unpublished then the fields from another article disappeared
Changelog - v1.2.3:
- possibility to filtering with Filter Field option from menu type: Articles/Category List
- button "random" in filters
- Filters does't work correctly in Joomla 3.3.4+
- Filters does't get options form menu type: Articles/Category Blog | Articles/Category List
- Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function jquery.fieldsandfilters.js:601
Changelog - v1.2
- full support for Joomla! 3.2 and the newest version.
- more useful way adding a new layout for fields and filters
- change of the helper structure, now it is more comfortable to use
- fix bugs
Simple Syntax:
- there are two new syntax formats, which work like the earlier:
- #{fieldid, itemid:option, context}
- #{fieldid, itemid:option, context, {params}}
- itemid - eg. article id
- option - eg. comcontent
- context - eg. modcustom.content
- {params} - changing fields and filters parameters on the “fly” (format json), eg. {‘base’ => {‘showname’: 1}}
- the old version is still available
- the two new fields were added:
- possibility to put Simple Syntax into:
- field name
- field value
- field descirption
- “textare” value (field)
- (eg. article) content. When plugin prepare content body
- (eg. module) content. When plugin render body
- adding support for filters:
- archived articles
- featured arti
Fields and Filters
- Version:
- 1.3.1
- Developer:
- Tomasz Kulka
- Last updated:
Feb 04 2016
9 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3