
Site Search, Search Results, Custom fields

JL Content Fields Filter - This is a free module that filters Joomla articles on custom fields.

You create fields in the admin panel of Joomla and want to filter articles in the category depending on these fields, then this extension is for you.

Features JL Content Fields Filter

  • Compatibility Joomla 4, Joomla 5
  • Support for Joomla articles.
  • Support for Joomla contacts.
  • Support for Joomla tag.
  • Support for filtering articles in the category by the following fields: text, radio, list, checkboxes.
  • The ability to automatically filter when changing settings.
  • Possibility of obtaining a direct link to the filtered articles.
  • AJAX filtering - does not require reloading the page.
  • Choosing filter templates in the Joomla field settings.
  • The ability to sort materials by parameters.
  • Templating fields in the filter module.
  • Multiple modules on one page.
  • Select a visual representation in the field settings.
  • Filtering input from and to - suitable for filtering by price or by size.
  • The possibility of certain categories in the field settings.
  • Filtering in subcategories.
  • Ability to operate the filter without jQuery.
  • Option to display the module only in categories.
Potent filtratge d'articles Joomla per custom fields. Permet opcions interessants, com triar format del filtre, amagar valors i altres.
Ease of use
És senzill d'utilitzar. Només has de definir a cada custom field com el vols filtrar, i configurar el mòdul de filtrat.
I used this to: FIltrar una categoria d'articles pel contingut de 3 custom fields, combinables entre sí.
Seamless functionality and a powerful tool if you need to filter your own fields.
Ease of use
Easy installation from JED and quick module setup on the website. We have been using it for half a year without any problems.
I used this to: We use the module to filter between custom fields on websites focused on trips.
The features described seem what I'm looking for but it's impossible to verify, the module does not appear
Ease of use
The component seems simple to use but the result is null because the module does not appear
After days the developer doesn't respond to my support requests on the forum
The documentation is hasty and incomplete, and the forum seems abandoned
I used this to: I should have used it to filter Joomla custom fields but I had to uninstall it
This module is an awesome counter part to Joomla Custom Fields as it allows you to add Filtering functionality to them.
Ease of use
Just install the extension, configure the module according to your needs. Then go to your custom fields and choose the ones to use in filter
Really easy to read documentation so I did not need to use it but for sure it's awesome.
Simple and to the point. Really easy to understand. Just a couple of articles which show the features and functionality.
I used this to: To explain awesome features to the students of the Joomla courses I provide in my joomla academy site ManualesJoomla

Very simple filter

Posted on 26 February 2019
Very convenient to use for a small catalog.
Ease of use
Very simple and clear solution
easy and
Ease of use
very easy
i dont know i haven't need support
enough to do my work
I used this to: products filter
Fonctionne très bien
Ease of use
Facile et simple d'utilisation
Meilleure solution par module
M'a aidé même si la réponse n'a pas été rapide (mais c'est gratuit)
I used this to: site petite annonce simple

Very nice extension

Posted on 21 August 2018
Did take a couple of minutes to figure out how the module works, but after that it worked like a charm!
Ease of use
Very easy to setup!
Didn't need any support!
The documentation is not great, but fortunately the extension in not that difficult to setup.
Using this extension is easy and it is possible to create a modern catalog based on standard Joomla articles. Ajax filter.
Ease of use
It is easy to configure the module without questions.
These guys are always in contact and replies quickly via support forum.
I used this to: Create custom Filed on my website Barro Homes Inc

Good extension

Posted on 23 January 2018
Content Fields Filter. Extends basic functionality to operate the fields. You can easily and quickly make interesting directory or news site
Ease of use
Very simple
Quick answer, help to solve the problem
Easy and detailed documentation
I used this to: Com_fields
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JL Content Fields Filter

Last updated:
Aug 02 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Dec 20 2017
GPLv2 or later
Free download
m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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