DateDiff, by cs - Joomla Extension Directory



Free and simple module to countdown/countup from the current date or calculate the difference between two events and display the result as "» years » months » days" and/or days and weeks.
It does not make use of 32/64-bit unix timestamps, so it will also work for dates outside the range 1970 (1901)-01-01 through 2038-01-19. The function respects leap years, but does not take into account the 10 days removed in the year 1582 from the calendar (October 5 through October 14, 1582) to fix calendar drift.


  • countdown/-up from current to a specified date or
  • caslculates the difference between two specified dates
  • output via dependent variables for »years (y) »months (m) »days (d) and/or
  • independent output for "total" days (D), weeks (W) and remaining days of the weeks (w)
  • output via variables for prceding and/or succeeding labels
  • different and individual formatting possibilities for header, middle (content) and footer area
  • no flash, no javascript
  • "modul class suffix" supported

More detailed information about each parameter setting can be found in the popup help text of the module parameter settings pane of Joomla!s admin back-end.


  • upgraded to also run on Joomla! 3.x
  • variables for lables added
  • minor bug fixes

Nice but simple

Posted on 16 February 2010
It does exactly as it promises, shows the difference between two dates. So, if you need to show the difference between two dates, try this module.

Though it works as promised, I need a bit more, in order to use it. So here's an improvement suggestion:

Make the module only appear if todays date is between date1 and date2.
Owner's reply: Thanks for the review. I am afraid I don't understand your suggestion correctly. Can you please contact me via a forum to explain? (use the 'Support' link above or forum.jommla.org). Thanks!


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Last updated:
Feb 04 2015
10 years ago
Date added:
Feb 16 2010
GPLv2 or later
Free download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System