iCagenda, by JoomliC - Joomla Extension Directory


Events Management, Events Calendars, Events Registration, Calendars & Events, Events

Events Management extension with a calendar module.
Cross-plaform J5 / J4 / J3.10
Available in more 40 languages, iCagenda has a responsive and flexible design, with a theme pack installer inside.

  • Period events (start and end date and selection of weekdays) and/or single dates and time
  • Contact information (email, phone, address, venue...)
  • Frontend Search Filters
  • Frontend submission form
  • Registration to events with options
  • Event Cancellation feature to inform your visitors of events cancelled.
  • Privacy explicit consents for Personal Data are stored in database (comply to GDPR REGULATION (EU) 2016/679)
  • Support for Joomla Privacy Tools Suite (plugins ActionLog and Privacy)
  • Export to csv file of a list of registrations (with admin filters and options so that you could export data by event, date and/or user)
  • Simple mass email for registered users to a specific event
  • Back-end Advanced ACL Access Permissions.
  • Front-end buttons: Print and Add to Calendar (iCal, Google, Yahoo, Outlook calendars)
  • Checkbox Terms and Conditions option for submission and registration forms (default text, article or custom url. Consent to terms is stored).
  • Custom Fields (types: text, list, radio buttons, url, email...) for registration and event forms.
  • Create individual registration form with flexibility for any event.
  • Feature Icons : create icon for a specific feature.
  • You can also insert a Map using OpenStreetMaps or Google Maps (embed or javascript API), an image and an attached file.
  • The description of the event is using your favorite editor (possibilities to add video, media...).
  • Multiple options to do more...

Display of events takes the form of a list, for which you can apply filters (upcoming dates and/or past, category(ies), ordering by dates...) and customize graphic elements (choice of theme, number events displayed per page, date format in your culture (for languages available in iCagenda), etc ...)

The Theme Manager allows you to use your own theme pack for iCagenda and install it easily via the component.
Two Themes are included in iCagenda : default and ic_rounded.

iCagenda Free includes:
- Component iCagenda
- Library iC Library
- Module iC calendar
- Plugin Search
- Plugin Action Log
- Plugin Privacy
- Plugin Installer
- Plugin Quickicon
- Plugin Autologin
- Plugin iC Library

iCagenda Pro includes:
Free core features +
- Module iC Event List
- Plugin Payment by PayPal
- Plugin Smart Search
- Event frontend edition
- Versioning for categories and events (J4/J5)

Available in more 40 languages (other in process) :
Afrikaans (South Africa), Arabic (Unitag), Basque (Spain), Bulgarian (Bulgaria), Catalan (Spain), Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Croatian (Croatia), Czech (Czech Republic), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Netherlands), English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Esperanto, Estonian (Estonia), Faroese (Faroe Islands), Finnish (Finland), French (Canada), French (France), Galician, German (Germany), Greek (Greece), Hungarian (Hungary), Italian (Italy), Japanese (Japan), Latvian (Latvia), Lithuanian (Lithuania), Luxembourgish (Luxembourg), Macedonian (Macedonia), Norwegian Bokmål (Norway), Persian (Iran), Polish (Poland), Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian (Romania), Russian (Russia), Serbian (latin), Slovak (Slovakia), Slovenian (Slovenia), Spanish (Spain), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey), Ukrainian (Ukraine), ...

You can use this version 3.9 of iCagenda joomla 3.10 > 4.x > 5.x
It is a cross-platform version.

Cool extension, great support

Posted on 08 October 2024
Cool way to publish events, and is good for various scenarios, calendar and event views are efficient
Ease of use
intuitive, i have chosen this from the free version, purchased because paypal function is cool
i had a little problem with the paypal function because of my settings, the support helped me in less than a day =)
i had to search around the forum and the pro support tickets, almost complete
I used this to: publish events for a jym, let customers buy the tickets directly from the registration
Excellent composant pour une asso qui doit gérer des événements avec inscriptions limitées aux membres.
Ease of use
Facile à mettre en place, toute la configuration est assez intuitve
Si je pouvais mettre 1000% je le ferais. Cyril est très réactif !
Par contre là, hélas, le lien ne donne rien. Mais heureusement Cyril répond vite !
I used this to: Association de randonneurs qui organise des séjours, affichage public et inscriptions réservées aux adhérents. Bouton configurable en texte et en lien (vers un autre formulaire si nécessaire)
iCagenda does exactly what it's supposed to do as a tool for publishing event listings, sorting, filtering, generating interest, and more...
Ease of use
Despite its wide complexity, the tool is easy to install, set up and start using in practice very quickly.
Author support is excellent. The author is willing to give advice and help almost immediately and can even incorporate suggestions.
The documentation is very comprehensibly elaborated, intuitive and comprehensible even by less experienced web authors.
I used this to: I have been very satisfied with the tool for several years, using it for example to promote hundreds of events of a large cultural center, a community center for foreigners and others. Website visitors appreciate clarity, filterability, but also generating the history of events.
Owner's reply: Thank you Daniel for your review!

I'm happy to see users enjoying using it since years! :)

Alles Super

Posted on 13 August 2023
Es ist leicht zu bedienen und es funktioniert super. Eine leichte Installation ist wie immer möglich und die Konfiguration ist leicht.
Ease of use
Ganz leichte Bedienung und eine schnelle Einarbeitung in die Komponente sind möglich.
Es lässt sich im Handumdrehen installieren.
I used this to: Anzeigen von Events im Bundesland Bayern in Deutschland. Alle Events sind super leicht erklärt und es gibt sehr hohen Response
Owner's reply: Vielen Dank für die Bewertung!
Tienes que saber algo de código para editar plantillas. Y desde el punto de vista de cliente que usa el backoffice es ràpido funciona bien.
Ease of use
uso sencillo y simple pero perfecto. Es muy intuitivo y se maneja bien. Y muestra todo lo que quieres
Lo mejor, sin duda. Rápido y dispuesto a investiguar cualquier consulta que hagas que crea que puedan mejorar el producto.
Tal vez lo más pobre, pero al ser intuitivo se aprende rapido. Una ayuda para principiantes haría que muchos decubrieran lo bueno ques es
I used this to: Para mis webs, de mis amigos, para clientes y lo utilizo para eventos e información de cursos
Owner's reply: ¡Gracias por tu comentario!
quick and easy to add events with multiple, non consecutive, days
this was the only add-in that I could find that could do this easily
Ease of use
very quick to install, very easy to use, clean interface with several language packs
I used this to: clients that organise events that need to display them on their site and collect registrations
Owner's reply: Thank your for your review!
I do my best to make iCagenda easy to use ;-)


Posted on 16 July 2022
We have been using iCagenda for the past 6 years and we are so happy with it! It has multiple language versions, components and functions.
Ease of use
Our clients who post the events and offers from frontend, find the system quick, intuitive and easy to use.
System perfectly meet the needs
With every update comes the progress as the product constantly improves. The support of
ICagenda´s owner is always prompt and efficient.
All issues after updates have always been addressed immediately and
executed without delay.
I used this to: We have never had a problem so
I can only recommend it! It is the top product with the top service...
Owner's reply: Thank you for your review!
Feedback from long-time users is always helpful for future iCagenda users!
A peu près complet pour un usage non commercial.
A titre personnel, ne me manque qu'un statut "Paiement validé".
Ease of use
Très intuitif, en langue française, se qui facilite les choses. J'avais un besoin auquel la verson gratuite a répondu à 90%!
Très bon et réactif, même pour utilisation de la version gratuite
bonne, même si les vidéos à cette heure se limitent à la version précédene.
I used this to: Association loi 1901, donc pas de nécessité de booking complexe.
Owner's reply: Merci pour le commentaire !
Effectivement, dès que je trouverai un peu de temps, je ferai de nouvelles vidéos tuto, cette fois basées sur J4.
L'objectif restant une extension ne nécessitant pas de lire une longue doc pour pouvoir l'utiliser ;-)
Icagenda is my favorite eventcalendar on different sites. organising club events, booking courses etc is very easy to setup -selfexplanining
Ease of use
Lots of relevant options, placed where you expect them in the backend. Nice view even without using own css.
i use the pro version, had one issue after an update. !!! reported at 20.15 hrs - answer within 5 minutes - solved at 03:20 hrs BRILLIANT!!
Complete clear, straight forward.. I found everything I was looking for during setup... most of the stuff is self explaining..
I used this to: An eventpage a local portal for local public events, a course booking systen for register participants for sport courses and a carneval club event overview.
Thx Cyril & team for this great extension!
Owner's reply: Hello Matthias,
Thank you for your review and sharing your usage experience!

Fabulous support

Posted on 08 August 2021
Very straight-forward. Does exactly what we want & need. We use different versions of the events list on different pages.
Ease of use
Simple to setup, use and maintain. Each tab for the setup offers most details needed to do what is needed.
Fantastic support! All questions have been answered very quickly.
Obviously Cyril and his team really care about customer satisfaction
I didn't see documentation such as user guide, but the setup is straight forward, the Forum answers most questions, and support is superb.
I used this to: The largest non-profit educational platform on the internet. It is right on the homepage, thus this extension must be performing 100% at all time.
Owner's reply: Thank you Serge for your review!

Great to know you perform iCagenda at 100% !
iC Login

iC Login

By JoomliC
Site Access
Extend Joomla's default user authentication. Allow users to log in to your website with an email address instead of a username. Install the iC Login package and be ready to log in via email on the front end of your site! This extension includes two plugins that allow the use of a user's email address when logging in and the use of the email or username when resetting the password. You can set bo...


Last updated:
Mar 10 2025
4 days ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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