Contact Enhanced also works as a Business Directory, just use Employees as Contacts.
Contacts Enhanced is a contact manager and form component packaged with lots of features:
- GOOGLE MAPS and Directions;
- UNLIMITED FORM FIELDS: Now you can have as many custom fields as you wish. You can request whichever information you need from the users that contact you; Available field types: Text, Multitext(textarea), SelectList, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Date, Date Range, Number, Number Range, MULTIPLE FILE UPLOADS (ATTACHMENTS), SQL*, Integration with newsletters ;
- Bootstrap Compatible;
- AJAX form Submission
- HTML Emails & Templates;
- CAPTCHA (compatible with reCaptcha, SecurImage & any Captcha plugin), Free SecurImage Captcha plugin included;
- Advanced Security features
- Save Abandoned Forms;
- Newsletter integrations: Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, AcyMailing
- Google Docs Spreadsheet integration;
- Embed the form into articles;
- Responsive design;
- HTML5 Compatible;
- Send abandoned forms to recipient;
- Records sent messages in the database
- Saves Abandoned Forms
- QR Code integration;
- If the user is logged in this script will get the name and email recorded in the database, preventing the user to mistype his email
- It will get your users IP Address, Browser, Operating System and Screen resolution
- It uses jQuery (Joomla's default Javascript Library) to validate the form and for other scripts;
- You can set each form to redirect to a specific page when the message is successfully sent
- and much much more.
Form Fields Available
- Text Field
- CheckBox
- Date
- Date range
- Free text
- Hidden input
- Multi-text (textarea)
- Multiple File Upload
- Number
- Number Range Password
- Radio Button
- Select List
- SQL (get data from your database)
- Multiple SQL;
- Newsletter Integration:
- Campaign Monitor;
- AcyMailing;
- MailChimp;
- Constant Contact;
- Advanced Custom Fields
- Javascript (add js code to the page);
- CSS (add css code to the page);
- PHP (add php code to the page);
- Pagination
- Button
Plugins and Modules available
- Content Plugin, which enables you to embed the form, map and contact details in an article;
- Contact Enhanced Module, allows you to display the form, map and/or contact details in any module position
- Feedback Plugin, Displays a site tab on your page and loads a modal window (lightbox style) with the form (optional);
- Contact Locator / Store Finder Plugin, is integrated with Google Maps, so it that allows customers to locate your stores / contacts easily. Packed with Geo Location and Google Maps Direction your customers will never be lost again getting to your locations. The store finder will be able to list of nearby stores / contacts around your web visitors from nearest to the furthest distance away;
- Search Module, displays the a search box and optionally you can display a select box for Category, Contact Position, Country, State and City. When the Country is selected it will load the respective States for the country selected and once the State is selected it will load the cities in that state.
- Birthday Module, Displays upcoming birthdays of contacts;
- Contact Creator Plugin, Creates a Contact automatically for each new user (optional);
- Mailto2CE Plugin (Mailto Links to Contact Enhanced), changes all mailto links to a modal link to Contact Enhanced Form, protecting your emails from Spambots (optional);
- Alpha Index Module, displays Alphabetic search links. It will filter contacts starting with the respective letter (optional).
Formulários Customizados Com algumas características interessantes
- MULTIPLO Upload de arquivos (ficheiros)
- Número ilimitado de novos campos no formulário
- Compatível com o Bootstrap;
- Formulário com envio via Ajax
- Tem integração com os Mapas do Google e direções;
- Emails em HTML & Modelo (templates) de emails;
- CAPTCHA (compatível com reCaptcha, SecurImage e qualquer outro plugin de Captcha)
- Integração com programas de Newsletter: Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, AcyMailing
- Integração com o Google Docs Spreadsheet;
- Possibilidade de incluir formulário em artigos;
- Design Responsivo;
- Compatível com HTML5;
- Grava emails enviados no banco de dados
- e muito muito mais.
Contacts Enhanced é um gerenciador de contatos e formulário de contato com muitas possibilidades:
- Campos de Formulário Customizados;
- SecurImage Captcha plugin incluso gratuitamente;
- Integração com Google Maps;
- Usa o jQuery para validar o formulário e em outros scripts;
Tipos de Campos de Formulário
- Texto
- CheckBox (seleção multipla)
- Data
- Texto livre (HTML)
- Hidden input
- Caixa de texto (textarea)
- Upload de arquivos
- Número (select)
- Radio (seleção)
- Select List
- SQL (executar uma query no banco de dados)
- Integração com Newsletter:
- Campaign Monitor;
- AcyMailing;
- MailChimp;
- Constant Contact;
- Campos Avançados
- Javascript;
- CSS;
- PHP;
- Paginação de formulário
- Butão
Plugins e módulos disponíveis
- Content Plugin, Coloca um formulário em um artigo;
- Contact Enhanced Module, Coloca um formulário numa posição de módulo;
- Feedback Plugin, mostra uma aba no lado do site com link para uma janela modal (pop-up) com um formulário;
- Localizador de contatos / Loja/filial, integração com Google maps, mostra todos os contatos no mapa;
- Módulo de pesquisa;
- Módulo de aniversário;
- Plugin Criador de contatos, Cria um contato novo toda vez que um usuário é criado (optional);
- **Plugin Mailto2CE ** (Mailto Links para Contact Enhanced), muda todos os links mailto para links que carregam o Contact Enhanced numa janela modal previnindo spammers;
- Módulo Alpha Index, most links de pesquisa de A a Z (optional).
Contact Enhanced também pode funcionar com um diretório de empresa (lista telefônica), funcionários como Contactos.
Contact Enhanced Component
- Version:
- 5.3.2
- Developer:
- Ideal Extensions
- Last updated:
Jan 06 2025
2 months ago - Date added:
- Oct 30 2008
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5