Dropfiles, by JoomUnited - Joomla Extension Directory


Editors, Downloads, File Management, Editor Buttons, Content Submission

Dropfiles, the easiest and powerful download manager for Joomla. The download manager UI has been built to save a lot of time and allows you to manage a massive number of files. The extension comes with a Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox integrations.

Get the most powerful yet easiest download manager for Joomla. Create and order file categories using drag'n drop, then load a category or a single file directly in your content. Dropfiles brings you many professional features to manage files: 1-click ordering, 4 responsive themes, full-text search engine, comprehensive download access limitation, download statistics, file backup and much more!

Dropfiles video demo: https://www.joomunited.com/products/dropfiles
Google Drive Joomla Integration: https://www.joomunited.com/products/dropfiles/google-drive-connection
Dropbox Joomla integration: https://www.joomunited.com/products/dropfiles/dropbox-connection
OneDrive Joomla integration: https://www.joomunited.com/products/dropfiles/onedrive-connection
OneDrive for business Joomla integration: https://www.joomunited.com/products/dropfiles/onedrive-for-business-connection

The Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox integrations with Joomla bring a two-way synchronization for your files. So, you can manage and synchronize files from Dropfiles, OneDrive or from Google Drive or Dropbox. An import file tool is also available to take back files from other component or server folder.

Administration main features

  • Upload and display files in 3 clicks
  • Manage files, categories, file options, themes from the text editor (no need to go in the component)
  • File and categories are automatically opened on editor button click
  • Apply one of the 4 theme per category
  • Set category level and ordering using drag’n drop
  • Category accordion and compact interface to manage numerous files
  • File import from any other component or server folder
  • Order files with drag'n drop
  • Possibility to restrict file display / category per Joomla user
  • Possibility to copy or move files (copy/cut/paste) from one category to another with drag'n drop
  • Advanced ordering tool: order file by type, title, description, file size, date, version, hits
  • Advanced ACL for file administrators by action (create, update files, manage own files view files only,...)
  • Download statistics dashboard with filter and chart by files/category/dates
  • Column AJAX filtering in file listing
  • Define the display information in theme
  • Send custom Email notification on action: file upload, file modification, file download, file remove
  • Works with all page builder through text block or Joomla module block
  • HTML5 fast uploader
  • Create a theme easily, just duplicate a folder
  • Download and upload files from mobile devices
  • Remote download (download a file stored on an external server)
  • File multicategories

File importer

  • Import files from your server (from any folder)
  • Docman file importer
  • Edocman importer
  • jDownloads importer
  • Phoca Download importer

Frontend main features

  • Frontend file management with dedicated template
  • Upload form with predefined category for file upload
  • Define ACL on file action (edit file, edit own files, delete files...) per Joomla user groups
  • 4 responsive theme with icons set
  • Native Joomla ACL on files categories in one click
  • Google previewer tool integrated
  • JoomUnited instant file previewer for file formats: ai,csv,doc,docx,html,json,odp,ods,pdf,ppt,rtf,sketch,xd,xls,xlsx,xml
  • Sound and video player
  • SEO optimization with file rename and prefix option
  • Visual customization of each theme
  • Search engine with full text in documents
  • Filter files by category, tags, dates
  • Joomla native tags integration

Google Drive Joomla integration (included)

  • Connect with your Google Drive account
  • Insert and manage Google Drive category of files
  • Files are uploaded in a dedicated folder and sub-folders on your Drive
  • Upload files on Google Drive website folder and push the files on your Joomla website!
  • Title, version, description are also sync
  • Display and download native Google Docs

Dropbox Joomla integration (included)

  • Connect with your Dropbox account
  • Insert and manage Dropbox category of files
  • Files are uploaded in a dedicated folder and sub-folders on your Dropbox
  • Upload files on Dropbox website folder and push the files on your Joomla website!
  • Title, version, description are also sync

OneDrive and OneDrive for business Joomla integration (included)

  • Connect with your OneDrive account
  • Insert and manage OneDrive category of files
  • Files are uploaded in a dedicated folder and sub-folders on your OneDrive
  • Upload files on OneDrive website folder and push the files on your Joomla website!
  • Title, version, description are also sync

Best Service ever!

Posted on 25 January 2024
The function is great and offers many features. The backend functionality is great and can easily be adapted.
Ease of use
It's very intuitive to use and ease to handle. Easy to find all the features and well explained.
Best service I have ever had in my life! Contacted the service because of a ranking problem. Received fast, professional and friendly answer.
Pretty good in order to make me understand. All features are understandable, documented.
Value for money
I would have paid even more. Means not expensive at all and worth every cent
I used this to: I use it daily for a download are on my website. 100% recommendation!
Allows me to add documents to articles and modules really quickly and easily with a variety of useful layout themes
Ease of use
Simple! Drag/Drop addition makes the process quick and easy. The Mullti-Category option is awesome to avoid file duplication across cats.
First class! I normally experience a reply and fix (if needed) within 24 hours of ticket being raised.
Really good. The video clips make it clear how the extensin works and can be used.
Value for money
Excellent. I've subscribed for a few years now and don't plan to change!
I used this to: Education websites where Polices, Reports and Newsletters have to be added by admins with limited technial know-how and they all report how easy DropFiles it to work with,
Excellent 100%. Easy to configure, easy to navigate for the frontend users.
Ease of use
Amazing, idiot proof, no programming, just enjoy the way to use it.
Reactive, kind and efficient. Little problem solved in just a couple of hours.
Complete, 9 files on line, nothing missing, and if something is wrong on your site, be confident the good support is there.
Value for money
For this excellent extension, good alternative to present different file to your users, we are ready to pay even more :-)
I used this to: PDF to preview or download via our beekeeping portal apiculture dot com
It has a few bugs that don't make sense mainly around permissions
Ease of use
Its is easy to use but hard to get your head round permission settings and the bugs don't help
Good support, they fix minor bugs quickly, more serious ones are harder to communicate and get fixed
As with all these types of components documentation is out of date
Value for money
Excellent value for money, even with issues very good storage for documents
I used this to: A charity that looks after stroke victims needed a repository of files at various levels of access. I do this for free to save them money that could be used better elsewhere.
Funziona alla grande. Solo un piccolo problema nella sinconizzazione prontamente risolto dal supporto
Ease of use
Molto facile da usare, i tutorial spiegano tutto nei minimi dettagli
Ho avuto un problema con la sincronizzazione con Google Drive, in poco tempo il problema è stato risolto.
Ottimo supporto!
Value for money
Ti fa risparmiare un sacco di tempo soprattutto nella sincronizzazione in cloud. Ottimo il rapporto qualità prezzo
I used this to: Lo uso sul sito di un mio cliente che ha centinaia di cartelle da sincronizzare fra il cluod e il sito.

Very good extension & Support

Posted on 04 November 2021
plusieurs possibilités d'utilisation, les fonctionnalités sont nombreuses et bien pensées! je recommande
Ease of use
très facile à la prise en main et ergonomique. les modules sont intuitifs. Il faut quand-même avoir un minimum de connaissances Joomla!
Un support très disponible. Les réponses arrivent vite et les techniciens sont aimables avec les clients. Je trouve que c'est indispensable
Rien à signaler. La documentation est complète et imagée. Si des fois certaines infos particulières n'y figurent pas, je demande au Support
Value for money
Rapport qualité prix au top! il n'y a rien de mieux à ce prix là.
I used this to: Pour le travail.
Notre utilisation est adressée à 67 personnes qui l'utilisent chaque jour.
A wonderful product. The functionality is well implemented and new features are often added
Ease of use
It can be used as a file storage and compatibility with Joomla, EasyBlog, EasyDiscuss content is also well implemented
The technical support is very good. They promptly solve current problems and consider suggestions for product development
The component is easy to learn, so I didn't use the documentation
Value for money
Good price. There are often promotions and discounts for subscription renewal
I used this to: I'm using this for a website - novorosmk . ru / nmk / dokumenty
The site uses various themes to display file categories, as well as remote placement of files on Google Drive

Assistenza TOP !!!

Posted on 06 May 2020
Ottimo componente per gestire un area download del sito. Ha molte funzionalità e funziona bene anche con i files caricati su Google Drive
Ease of use
utilizzo facile e intuitivo anche senza leggere la documentazione
Veramente disponibili e veloci nelle risposte. Mi hanno aiutato nonostante gli abbia negato l'accesso al backend per motivi di privacy.
Value for money
Il prezzo è giusto. Per me vale certamente il costo che ho pagato.
I used this to: io lo utilizzo per sincronizzare l'area download del sito con Google Drive
Easy file upload. Fast loading of a large number of sites. Several design options.
Ease of use
I have never seen a more convenient and simple component. Everything is done literally in 2-3 clicks.
Value for money
Very expensive! Even for such a convenient and functional component, the price is too high.
I used this to: URLs are generated automatically based on the names of categories and files. If the site is not in English, then you will have these URLs: sitename/files/123/---/6/filename and there is no way to fix them! There are no aliases. This is a huge minus....

Excellent support

Posted on 15 October 2019
Excellent for a document management project. It has all the features I need
Ease of use
Easy to use. Also documentation is provided with video tutorials
Excellent support. The support is wonderful he answered all my questions.
Value for money
Excellent value for money. You won't find anything better. Happy with the product and the price.
I used this to: I used it for a Document management Project. Can be used as download manager.
My Maps location
Paid download

My Maps location

By JoomUnited
Maps & Locations
Get the most advanced Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap & Mapbox search and display locator for Joomla with super advanced features. My Maps Location load automatically how far the visitor is from you, a shop, or any location that you have located. With My Maps Location it's possible to select location, record, categorize and display locations on a global Map or as a listing. Too many options...
SEO Glossary
Paid download

SEO Glossary

By JoomUnited
Get the most advanced and market leader glossary, dictionary extension for Joomla. Define terms, generate nice and automatic definition tooltips, display definitions in your Joomla content. With SEO Glossary it's easy to define one or billions terms in your website. With SEO glossary you can create multilingual dictionary, glossary, glossary of abbreviations, and much more. Furthermore the extens...
Social Backlinks
Paid download

Social Backlinks

By JoomUnited
Social Share
Social Backlinks automatically posts your Joomla, K2, ZOO, Hikashop, RedSHOP and Virtuemart selected content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Vkontakte. This extension feed all the social networks with your content in a smart way. Social Backlinks is the only component to use the automatic configuration to post on social networks. No more need to create a new social account, application,... just...
Linky Map
Paid download

Linky Map

By JoomUnited
Maps & Locations
Have you ever wanted to display a clean & well designed map on your website? Now it becomes true without any custom development and without any flash technology! Get the most advanced vector map generator for Joomla with unique features. Linky Map is using data from Google Geochart to generate map with custom marker, region colored, with tooltips and HTML sidebar. You can create a hundred of cust...
Paid download


By JoomUnited
Droppics is the easiest image and gallery manager for Joomla. Indeed, with Droppics you get a complete solution to manage a gallery AND single image on your website. No more need to go into the component and go back in the article to manage images, you need just to create a picture's gallery (1 click), drag and drop pictures (1 click) from the article editor, and finally insert an image or a gall...
Tag Transform
Paid download

Tag Transform

By JoomUnited
Tags & Clouds
Tag transform is a unique extension to display your Joomla native tags in a nice way. Since Joomla 3.1, the tagging system enhance the content management in Joomla. All your articles can have tags and then create a semantic link with all tagged content. But how about automatically adding your tag in a module and display tags in various way? Tag transform module allows you to display your tag as a...
My Testimonials
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My Testimonials

By JoomUnited
Testimonials & Suggestions
My Testimonials is Joomla extensions that allows you to get clients testimonials and display them the way you want. It's fully integrated with Google Rich Snippet. Add clients feedback or get their testimonial from your website frontend/backend, then display your score and review in Google search results. My testimonials got integration with the Google Company Rich Snippet, review and testimonial...
Layer Slideshow
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Layer Slideshow

By JoomUnited
Layer Slideshow provides a unique experience to create slideshow with multiple layers like a pro designer. Layer Slideshow is expandable. The extension is already build with 5 designed themes that include up to 5 layers each. Each theme can be applied in one click on each slide. Layer Slideshow will enhance your creativity. Becomes a real artist and build your layout without any design knowledge....


By JoomUnited
DropEditor brings to you and your users a unique experience in Joomla content edition. Whether you are an occasional or regular content redactor, DropEditor will save you a lot of time with unique inbuilt edition features. For example, it contains a column edition tool that let you create your own layout and using the template tool you can save and reuse it! You have also a really easy to use ima...
Paid download


By JoomUnited
Tables & Lists
Droptables is the only table manager for Joomla that offers a real spreadsheet interface to edit tables in Joomla, it comes with features such as one click table themes, Excel and Google Sheets synchronization, calculation functions, auto-generated charts. As Droptables is fully managed from your editor, it works in the same way both frontend and backend. Usually tables require HTML/CSS knowledge...
Speed Cache
Paid download

Speed Cache

By JoomUnited
Joomla has a native cache and GZIP compression system, that's a good start. Speed Cache comes over as a natural improvement of the Joomla page cache system with a lot of performance, compatibility and features enhancement. Speed Cache brings: a powerful static page caching, compatible with user sessions, a full browser cache system, a preloading cache system and a URL inclusion cache control. Som...
Item rating
Paid download

Item rating

By JoomUnited
Ratings & Reviews
Item rating is a powerful review and rating system for Joomla and K2. The extension has a flexibility in review and rating you've ever had before. You can add unlimited rating group with unlimited criteria inside. Each criteria can be a different voting tool like percent bar, star, icons or thumb up/down. Then you get a global score and you can write a review. All the vote and review can be done...
Team Chart
Paid download

Team Chart

By JoomUnited
Contact Details
Team Chart is a unique extension to generate flow chart for companies. Usually building a flow chart require some HTML/CSS knowledge to build something beautiful. With team chart component you can generate one or several flow chart in few minutes directly from an article unsing an AJAX building tool. Plus, the number of flow chart is unlimited, the person already added in your chart can be transf...
My Maps location for Community Builder
Paid download

My Maps location for Community Builder

By JoomUnited
Community Builder extensions
My maps location plugin for community builder allows you to add a Geolocation in user profile in two ways: You can map existing CB fields with My Maps location. Then all you members will be listed as a location in My Maps location. Add a map tab in CB profile, so every user can click on the map to define his location Option to use autolocation to locate the user position Option: - Map type opt...
My Maps location for Hikashop
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My Maps location for Hikashop

By JoomUnited
HikaShop extensions
My maps location for Hikashop is a complete integration with Hikashop/Hikamarket multi-vendor solution. ** Main features ** Main features: Search for place and find where to get products Search for product name and find the place to get it Search for vendor name and get the closest products Search product in all the multivendor shop Compatible Hikashop essential and business Compatible with Jo...
My Maps location for Jomsocial
Paid download

My Maps location for Jomsocial

By JoomUnited
JomSocial Extensions
My maps location plugin for Jomsocial allows you to add a Geolocation in user profile in two ways: You can map existing Jomsocial fields with My Maps location. Then all your members can be searched with the powerful My Maps location search engine Map the Jomsocial address field of your choice with My maps location address field Jomsocial native App, can be set as core app or not Option: - Map...


Last updated:
Sep 24 2024
5 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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