This is a simple-to-use module that is used to list the contents of a folder in either a table or a list. The folder listing can display the filename, with or without the extension, with or without the date modified and file size, as well as a icon representing the file type. It has the feature of allowing the user to specify whether the filename listed should be linked or not.
Main features:
- List files in a specified sub-folder of the Joomla root
- Show a limited number of files or the entire list
- Show icons for file types
- List files in either a table or a unordered list
- Sorting in Ascending or Descending order, by filename, date modified or file size
- Option to show/hide size, date, or date and time of the files
- Option to link to the files or not
- Option to force download files when link is clicked
- Option to specify a list of file types that should not be listed
- Color scheme of the table rows and border can be customized
- Module Manager colors available through custom Color Picker
To use this module as content in an article, first ensure than the loadmodule plugin (Content - Load Module) is Enabled. Second, give an arbitrary Position to the Easy Folder Listing module, such as 'xlist', and configure the parameters. Thirdly, in the article, type '{loadposition xlist}'. Please ensure that the Menu Assignment is set to 'All' or to the specific article that it is to be displayed in. To control which types of users have access to this module, set the Access Level in the module.
Easy Folder Listing
- Version:
- 3.1.3
- Developer:
- Michael A. Gilkes
- Last updated:
Feb 04 2024
1 year ago - Date added:
- Nov 18 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5