AwoCoupon is your intelligent coupon and gift certificate solution plus it has EASY all over it! Easy to install, easy to use, easy to manage coupons and gift certificates...
Compatible Shopping Carts
- Virtuemart (1.1.x to latest)
- Hikashop (1.5.x to latest)
- EShop (1.3.9 to latest)
- RedShop (1.1.x to latest)
Professional Coupons
Any type of coupons you can think of is possible! Percentage off, Amount off, Bulk Buy discount, Buy one get the second one 50% off or buy skis and get €20 off ski boots... Easy with AwoCoupon! You can create a wide variety of coupons specific to products, customers, manufactures, vendors... and of course shipping coupons.
Gift Certificate Feature
Sellable gift certificates! These are automatically e-mailed after the purchase and it's up to you to define not just the e-mail, but create your own, store-specific gift cards. Multiple profiles possible, just pick your image, font, colors, texts... or use default settings. And what more, customers can load, store, and track their Gift Certificate and its balance in their customer account. Any balance is then automatically available to be used as a full or part payment at checkout.
Coupon Features
- Apply discounts without the use of coupons
- Create discounts specific to products, categories, manufactures, and vendors (include/exclude)
- Create discounts specific to customers and shopper groups
- Create discounts specific to Countries and/or States
- Buy X Get Y coupons
- Shipping coupons - general or unique to shipper or shipping type (can be limited to specific products)
- Option to enter multiple coupons in the front end (with ability to make coupon exclusive)
- Parent coupons - join multiple coupons into one to create complicated promotions
- Optional start and end date
- Minimum order total trigger
- Percentage off, Amount off, Bulk Buy discount, Buy one get the second one 50% cheaper...
- Option to exclude discounted products from coupon promotions
- Option to restrict coupon by country/state
- Option to restrict coupon by payment method
- Create a coupon link to automatically add coupon to cart using format ?addcoupontocart=[code]
- Option to use Coupon engine alongside AwoCoupon
- Customize coupon error messages
- Reports - History of Customer Coupon Usage, Coupon Generated Sales vs Total Sales etc.
- Import function - great for creating large number of coupons
Gift Certificate Features
- Sellable gift certificates automatically emailed out upon purchase
- Choose how your gift certificates look - Set up your own gift certificate profiles
- Optional expiration
- Customers can use gift certificate as many times as it takes to use up the value
- Customers can load, store, and track their gift certificate balance in the customer account
- Gift certificate balance is automatically available to be used as a payment at the checkout
- History of Gift Certificates Usage Report
- Upload your own codes
- Vendor Emails - easily set up and send vendors vouchers that have been purchased instantly
- Import function - great for creating large number of gift certificates
- Version:
- Developer:
- Seyi Awofadeju
- Last updated:
Mar 16 2022
2 years ago - Date added:
- Jul 22 2018
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Related extension :
- AwoCoupon Starter
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4