
e-Commerce, Shopping Cart, JoomShopping extensions

JoomShopping Online Store, responsiv! For Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.x, 4,x and 5.x is the most easy to use OnlineShop for Joomla. More than 400.000 new Online Shop Users in 3 years! On the Website you find also demo online store installation and links to shops which was created with JoomShopping Shop.

The Shop can be used for selling different products. There are also functions in the online store for selling musik files or videos. Products can shown with text, pictures in the online store and also audio or video files can be added to description in the shop. Other online store features: Customized PDF Bills. Modules for easy integration of payment providers and also import and export of datas are available.

The shop is special for those users who have also the target to get a good listing in Searchengines because JoomShopping was created from Webdesigner with many years of Searchengine Optimization.

The Online Shop sourcecode of the shop is written in high quality for easy adding features and for stability and high security.

The JoomShopping Shop / Online Store Supportforum you find on the website and there is also video installation manual for free of charge.

JoomShopping Online store easy to install.

Functionlist of JoomShopping Online Store:

General Onlinestore Features
Shoppers can manage their User Accounts
Multiple Currencies
Multiple Payment Methods (Paypal, Nachnahme, Vorauskasse, Lastschrift, Sofortueberweisung). Ability to add new Payment Methods
Product Ratings & Testimonials
Multi languages
Manages an unlimited Number of Products and Categories. Image for every Category.
Images, videos, demos can be used for each Product.
Different Attributes can be added to Product.
Order History (Customer can see all his orders)
Tax Management (for each Product can be different tax mode and for delivery too)
Delivery Management. Multiple ways of delivery (Standartversand, Express). Different price modes for different countries and depending on weight. Ability to add new delivery methods.
Order Confirmation Mail is sent to Shopper and Store Owner
Different templates for Categories
Different templates for Products
Purchase without registering

Administration Features
Categories Management
Product Management
List of Orders
Manufacturers Management
Taxes Management
Order Status Management
Payments Methods
Delivery Methods
Prices for Delivery
Shopper Groups for Customers
Comments & Testimonials
Manage different Currencies, Countries
Import & Export

Die Möglichkeiten die man mit dieser Shopkomponente hat, sind schier unendlich. Einsteiger wie auch Fortgeschrittene werden damit happy
Ease of use
Die Funktionsweise ist selbsterklärend und wächst je nach Anforderung
Bester Support den ich je erlebt habe. In dem zugehörigen Forum wird stets freundlich und hilfsbereit unterstützt, wenn es mal hakt
I used this to: Verkauf von Friseurkosmetik. Der Shop wurde am Anfang als Gutscheinshop genutzt und kann problemlos skaliert werden

Joomshopping 5.2.

Posted on 12 January 2022
We are using the shop since 2014 and very satisfied. Smooth operation without any errors!
Ease of use
In the Joomla Administration it is very easy to use with detailed documentation and lots of images in the forum.
Outstanding quick support in converting our shop to Joomla 4 with Joomshopping 5
I used this to: The Capri Club Deutschland e.V. use it for Spare parts Ford Capri
Does basic stuff using free download, but things you really need like managing shipping costs per category needs a commercial add-on.
Ease of use
Not very easy to understand - some add-ons are installed via Component others via Joomla. Installing wrong way can break your website!!
They respond quickly via forum, but I have been unable to login twice now.
Very poor, almost nothing available. Not easy to figure out what the add-ons actually do either.
I used this to: Small e-commerce site selling both physical products and digital downloads - but you can only sell one of the other!
Meeting the basic requirements of a shopping cart system, easy to use and configure, smooth operation without any errors
Ease of use
Easy to use with detailed documentation and lots of images, anyone can control and work on it
I used this to: My sales systems, including domestic and foreign, are for small and medium projects
In addition to the basic functions of the component, the developer also makes a unique add-ons to extend the functional component.
Ease of use
Excellent functional, user-friendly and intuitive component to create an online store.
Fast and high-quality support
Really awesome as a free extension
Ease of use
Easy to use, If you have basic Joomla Knowledge.
Support is professional.
Briefly describe
I used this to: Client's business site.

Best ecomerce for Joomla

Posted on 09 October 2015
Very functional, but some features are developed in payment modules.
Ease of use
Very easy
Great support
You can find documentation in the web site and forum

Never had so many problems

Posted on 23 September 2015
good, but some features are just too hidden, and, good until an update has to be applied, this is the beginnning of chaos
Ease of use
having to search around the entire component is too annoying
not pretty effective
I used this to: shopping cart

Beware This Kart

Posted on 23 April 2015
Could never get PayPal Pro extension to work. Support ruined the site twice and made me fix it! They always blamed PayPal for the issues.
Ease of use
Overall organization of the back-end was good.
Horrible. Ruined live website twice & didn't notify me site was down. Refuses to refund for buggy PayPal Pro ext. Took constant follow-ups.
Documentation was okay. Some I could not read because it was in German.
I used this to: Used this for an online shop. The shop lost money due to support's inability to fix the issues, downtime caused by support and in the end would not refund the money even when PayPal proved there was an issue in the software. Buyer beware!


Posted on 24 September 2014
I tryied this extension because I wanted to set up a joomla 3 e-shop and I had no alternative. I have to say that I am really impressed. This is my favorite e-commerse solution now. Most easy to set up, bug free and full of very usefull functions. A complete e-commerce sollution.

The only problem is that everything except the free package, is very expensive and you have to buy it separately for each website(licence codes). If it was cheaper to use, or if you had to buy it only once, I would definately never use anything else again. I would give 4 stars because of this, but they deserve the 5 stars because of their good work. Lets hope that you 'll do something about your prices guys! cheers!


MAXXmarketing GmbH
Last updated:
Feb 01 2025
5 days ago
Date added:
Jul 09 2008
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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