Component for dispaying maps by Google Maps v3 service. You can also use module and plugin.
You can
* create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks
* multilingual interface
* configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control,
Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, Traffic Layer, Bicycle Layer, Transit Layer)
* create any routes (use Directions API) and paths (use polylines)
* set you custom image on placemark
* you can specify KML Layer for map (field on map tab), just write URL for KML or GeoRSS
* you can also display not only one KML Layer and control its behavior
* markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code
* you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping when map zoom out)
* you can group placemarks and show|hide all group with addition control, create many clusters with its own icon
* you can use MarkerManager functionality to show|hide markers depend on zoom
* you can use OpenStreetMap layer
* you can use Places API
* you can use Elevation API
* you can use contact and user information in placemarks
* you can use New Zeland Topomaps layer
* you can use OpenTopoMap layer
* you can use plugin to call from K2 items
* you can add custom map types and use it
* you can use Projection in custom map types
* you can use Styles for map
* you can use InfoBubble as InfoWin
* you can enable for registered users enter placemark from front end
* you can set Google Maps API Key for monitoring or billing over quotas limit
* you can use Street View
* you can create polygons (areas), circles and polylines
* you can manage KML Layers (show|hide it by its list menu)
* you can set rate for your placemarks
* you can set labels for placemarks, with its styles
* you can use placemark table view or placemark details view
* third party content plugins work in some description fields
* you can import your placemarks from CSV file
Developed using Google Maps JavaScript API V3
Developed for Joomla 3/4/5
You should keep in mind - the extension archive is more than 2M: The File Size Upload Limit (uploadmaxfilesize) on your Web Server might be set to low to allow larger files to be uploaded. By default PHP allows files up to 2 MB.
Zh GoogleMap
- Version:
- Developer:
- Dmitry Zhuk
- Last updated:
Feb 12 2025
6 hours ago - Date added:
- Nov 18 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5