
Search & Indexing, Site Search, Tags & Clouds, Search Results, Custom fields

Filter your Joomla Articles and Contacts using Custom Fields, Categories, Tags and native fields. Combine it with the Smart Search to filter the search results, OR create pages, based on preset criteria.
Lightweight and SEO friendly.
Try the Pro version for AJAX based requests and additional features.


Fully customizable, blazing fast filters, from Custom Fields, Categories, Tags and native fields (like the Created By and the Created Date)..
In the front-end, you are only getting filters relevant to the visited page's content.
Multiple display types for each filter: Links, Checkboxes, Drop-down lists, Calendars, Range Sliders, Radio Buttons, Buttons, Buttons Multi-Select.
Integrate it with YOOtheme Pro, to design the results page to your liking.

Combine with the Joomla’s Smart Search

Refine further the Smart Search results, using filters relevant to the shown results.

SEO and User Friendly

  • Beautiful Search Engine Friendly URLs.
  • Less than 6kB (minified and gzipped) css and vanilla javascript.
  • Page Title and meta tags, based on the selected filters.
  • Canonical Tags.

Related Tags

Joomla Custom Fields Filter, Article Filter, Contacts Filter, Custom fields, Categories, Tags, Field Filters, Filters, Search, Smart Search, Yootheme Pro, multiple tags, multiple categories.

Fabulous Component for filtering any kinds of Joomla Categories, Tags, etc. Especially usefull in conjuction with Yootheme Pro templating
Ease of use
You have to read the docs and learning curve is a bit... But totally manageable for non coders like me
Fast. Kind. Efficient. - Sakis has helped me for a custom need (Smart Search output) in no time. Thats how it should be.
There are some Examples and Tutorials which gives you a quick inside on how to start. For me that was enough.
I used this to: Filtering 150 People Assets which are added as Joomla native Articles and results are displayed within Yootheme Pro
Performante Filterfunktion auf Basis des bestehende Joomla Suchindex. Durch die Unterstützung von Yootheme Dynamic Content noch wertvoller.
Ease of use
Es erfordert ein bisschen Zeit zur Einarbeitung, aber die viele Möglichkeiten machen das wieder gut!
Sehr schneller und kompetenter Support. Auch wenn die Sache mal etwas länger dauert.
Umfangreiche Dokumentation und Use Cases, die die Einarbeitung erleichtern.
I used this to: Um ca 20.000 Joomal Artikel (Produktpräsentation) anhand 15 verschiedener Kriterien zu Filtern.
funktioniert super und ist mittels Overrides auch weiter auszubauen oder anzupassen
Ease of use
nach kurzer Zeit gut zu handhaben und leicht verständlich, sowie logisch
Der Support antwortet schnell, freundlich und kompetent. Ebenfalls beantwortet er auch fragen um Overrides anzupassen.
I used this to: Mitarbeiterverwaltung auf Custom Fields Basis, mit Filter Option.
Excellent filtering tool for Joomla - used it to filter on custom fields and works very well with YooThemePro
Ease of use
You do have to read the manual and then give your head a wobble to understand how it works, that's not a bad thing!
Excellent, prompt and accurate. Very speedy turnround and plain english explanations for al the questions that we had.
Very good. written in a very logical order; just follow along and the intructions will enable you to succeed.
I used this to: Filtering on custom fields to give a precise filter to searched for information rather than a lot of unnecessary noise - very impressed.
Filter category or smart search results, a real plus for Joomla specially when you have a lot items (15 years old website) !
Ease of use
As soon you have read the doc, easy to instal parameters. Just some features to undestand and it's done.
Great, efficient and fast support. You can also search in others support ticketThey are also listening to your suggestions! This is amazing.
Documentation simple to understand. You have to read it to understand how it works, but not such complicated...
I used this to: Filter smart search results on a magazine website with more then 3 000 items. Works great. Soon, a date filter, this is just great !

amazing filtering functions

Posted on 29 December 2023
love the new added ability to filter articles in joomla using this plugin. makes us look like wizards.
Ease of use
have to do quite a bit of things in order to hook up all the ways to get the filtering to work, but the gratification after it's setup is A+
support has been consistent, and responses within 24 hours, likely within 12 hours, when they are active in their workday hours.
the documentation is not very verbose, but is effective, which makes it quite better and easier to navigate.
I used this to: filtering a list of providers that have different specialties and professional doctor degrees and certifications - to help patients find the right doctor they are looking for.
This product allows you to provide extremely-sophisticated filtering with no code.
Ease of use
It is easy to implement, but not always easy to conceptually understand how all the parts come together.
In my one need for support, they were able to solve my problem. It was not as quick as I might have liked, but it was effective.
The info is there, but I would have liked a better conceptual overview. But maybe that's just me.
I used this to: Allowing users to filter lists of trainers and events, making it easy to narrow down their selection by language, country, format, topic, etc. jFilters combines nicely with Yootheme to make powerful, flexible grids using either the standard grid or the Grid Pro add on.

Works well

Posted on 04 December 2023
Works well, generates nice urls. Works well with Yootheme Pro. Yootheme Pro layout is downloadable.
Ease of use
Almost out-of box, but there are documentation, and tutorials. Yootheme Pro layout is downloadable.
I used this to: Real estate agency, filter the params, categories, custom fields

Works Great!

Posted on 18 October 2023
Has just about everything you expect for a filtering extension. Easy to set which extra fields you want to filter by.
Ease of use
Easy to install, configure and setup. Pretty intuitive on how to configure the filter fields.
Support was prompt and helpful. Response time was good and they followed though with everything.
Pretty good documentation and examples to make customizations. Clear and concise examples.
I used this to: A J3 to J4 migration of a site that has a few thousand research articles.
Works seamlessly, well built, very professional and a must have for anyone wanting to sort through joomla content
Ease of use
Very easy to set up, intuitive and quick to get working on site. Straightforward to set filters up, in fact they are set up automatically:)
Brilliant support, all queries answered and a huge help in tweaking the filters to work exactly for my site's needs
easy to follow docum,entation, well laid out, not over bearing, most possible case scenarios covered
I used this to: a tourism website to filter through all the different countries, resorts, transport modes etc etc - a life saver - i dont know what i would have done without this extension!


Last updated:
May 17 2024
2 months ago
Date added:
Oct 22 2021
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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