Joomla! Extensions Directory




By BlueCoder
Site Search
Filter your Joomla Articles and Contacts using Custom Fields, Categories, Tags and native fields OR create pages, based on preset criteria. Combine it with the Smart Search to filter the search results, Lightweight and SEO friendly. Try the Pro version for AJAX based requests and additional features. Filters Fully customizable, blazing fast filters, from Custom Fields, Categories, Tags and nativ...
Tag Transform
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Tag Transform

By JoomUnited
Tags & Clouds
Tag transform is a unique extension to display your Joomla native tags in a nice way. Since Joomla 3.1, the tagging system enhance the content management in Joomla. All your articles can have tags and then create a semantic link with all tagged content. But how about automatically adding your tag in a module and display tags in various way? Tag transform module allows you to display your tag as a...
Ideal Related Articles
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Ideal Related Articles

By Ideal Extensions
Articles Display
Ideal Related Articles (iRelated) displays related articles to Joomla articles. Quickly increase your readers' engagement with your articles by adding Ideal Related Articles inside your content. Automatically added Related Articles can increase your internal traffic up to 10%. Just install and activate. To attract attention and improve SEO you can manually link out to Related Articles across the w...


By Denis Mokhin
Tags & Clouds
MyCloud generates a Cloud or a List of meta keywords of your content. Features Shows cloud of meta-keywords of your articles Shows different size of your keywords Shows different opacity of your keywords Shows rank of keyword in brackets or as a power You can select categories of articles, where module takes keywords from You can choose "Search" or "Smart Search" component to use You can select...
Tags - Filter

Tags - Filter

By Rene Kreijveld
Tags & Clouds
This Joomla 3.x module allows you to filter your category blog on a chosen tag. When you click on one of the tags, the category blog is updated and only show the articles that have the chosen tag....
CW Tags
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CW Tags

By CW Joomla
Tags & Clouds
Complex Tagging system for Joomla content! Unique system for IMAGE or TEXT tags!! - based on rich settings. AJAX & jQuery powered - for fast and interactive management. Autocomplete suggestions for search tag input and add tag input! Own search engine. FEATURES - Text or image tags, under or above article content - Displaying related articles in article detail - configurable parameters - Display...


By Denis Mokhin
Tags & Clouds
MyTags plug-in will take meta-keywords of your article and put them after title or after article as tags-links. Easy to use and easy to configure. Usage: Download latest version of plug-in. Install plug-in, using Extensions - Extension Manager. Make base settings of plug-in, using Extensions - Plug-in Manager. Activate plug-in...
Tags Simple Cloud

Tags Simple Cloud

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Tags & Clouds
This Module displays tags used on the site in a simple cloud layout. Tags can be ordered by title or by the number of tagged items or random, and limited to a specific time period. Number of displayed tags, colors of links and background color of the module can be set from the parameters. Recommended for webmasters who want simple, fast loading sites. Based on Popular Tags core module. Changelog:...
Alter Tags
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Alter Tags

By AlterBrains
Tags & Clouds
Displays item tags in backend lists and adds tags for Joomla! users, articles, categories, contacts, menu items, modules and Regular Labs Advanced Module Manager. You can add tags for Joomla! users: assign tags in backend user edit page and see item tags in backend user list. You can add item tags column in backend articles, categories and contacts lists. You can configure background and foregr...
Qi TagCloud

Qi TagCloud

By Qi Huang
Tags & Clouds
Qi Tag Cloud is an easily customizable Tag Cloud for Joomla! It was Easy Tag Cloud Easy Tag Cloud is a tag cloud extension for Joomla! created in 2010, it is trusted by a lot of websites but the development was interupt from 2016 because of my personal reasons. Now I decide to recover this project and rename it to Qi Tag Cloud, the features are inherted from Easy Tag Cloud v2.8 but rebuild the c...


By Michael Gollner
Tags & Clouds
Create a 3D tag sphere based on the free jQuery TagCloud Plugin. Supports mouse hover scrolling. Usage is simple like this example: {TagSphere tags=IT Solutions,Programming, Web Design, PHP, AJAX, jQuery, Javascript, Apache, MySQL, Linux, Windows, Server, Joomla} ** Version 1.3 ** - Bugfix: Using the right parameter for the width now....
World Tag Map

World Tag Map

By Top Position
Tags & Clouds
World Tag Map is an extension that combines an interactive HTML5 vector world map and Joomla tags. In a simple way you can enter a tag associated with a country, and this will be shown on the map. A tab is added to the administrator of tags, where you can define the country, color, link and tooltip. Each tag thus becomes interactive on the map, with a different color, a link to filter by tag, o...
Aggregation Field for SobiPro
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Aggregation Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro Aggregation Field allows users to add tags to an entry that will create a hyper-linked keyword in the front-end output that site visitors can click to view all related entries that have been tagged with the same keyword. Key features tag lists to aggregate keywords multi-aggregation lists (several list types simultaneously usable) tag list view with XSL template predefined lists wit...
Tag Filter for K2

Tag Filter for K2

By Simon Champion
K2 extensions
Tag Filter for K2 is a very simple module that provides a drop-down list of tags from your K2 items, allowing your user to quickly pick a tag that interests them without first having to know what tags exist. It gives your users a quick an convenient alternative to using the search field....
Tag Trends
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Tag Trends

By MultiHosting
Authoring & Content
A Complete solution for your Joomla to manage and keep statistics for your tags that are used in core Joomla articles and K2 Items. This is a simple to use extension for Joomla. It comes with a component, two modules and a plugin. With our component you can sort your tags and show statistic information about them. You can also create a menu item from our component in order to show the tags you wa...
QA Content Post

QA Content Post

By JoomlaQA
Extensions Tools
What is QA Content Post ? QA Content Post is a module which help you to display your article in slide type. It retrieves content from Joomla content, k2 content with cool effects, rich backend configures covering layout, animation control, numbering articles accordant desktop, Ipad and Iphone, box shadow … Key features Display image information Effect image beautyful Be compatible with Tablet...
Crop & Resize

Crop & Resize

By Miroslaw Majka
In the context of presenting images on the web, cropping and resize are key processes that affect the appearance, quality, and performance of a page. - Cropping is the act of cropping an image to fit a specific proportion or to focus attention on an important element. - Resizing is the act of adjusting the dimensions of an image, which can reduce its weight and improve the speed at which the page...


By Roger Creagh-Osborne
Authoring & Content
Joomla 5 version of xbArticle Manager is now available. The Joomla 3 component remains in place for those, like me, with J3 sites continuing for the foreseeable future. xbArticleMan aims to provide some useful additional tools for backend administration of Joomla content. It provides views for finding Images, Links, Shortcodes and Tags in, or associated with, com_content articles and checking th...