SermonSpeaker, by Thomas Hunziker - Joomla Extension Directory


Living, Religion

SermonSpeaker is a free Joomla component for churchs to publish their sermons. It focuses on easy administration and operation by trying to copy the look and feel of regular content items so it feels familiar.

Some features include:

★ Support for up to 3 files per sermon, one for audio, video and (downloadable) notes.
★ Supports various filetypes and Youtube and Vimeo videos, depending on the used player.
★ Supports Joomla features like JTags, Custom Fields and language associations.
★ Multiple players available as plugins (eg MediaelementJs, JW Player). SermonSpeaker automatically chooses a fitting player depending on filetype and your favors.
★ Automatically creates a full featured podcast (RSS feed with iTunes tags).
★ Frontend Editing for an easy uploading and publishing of new sermons or editing existing ones.
★ Multiple layouts already included. For each view the layout can be selected independently. Uses the Joomla native layouting system and thus supports template overrides.
★ Supports external storage servers and Amazon S3.
★ Support for content plugins like Scripture Links and Biblelink XT
★ Support for JComments and Xmap
★ Various modules and plugins available

Use the demopage on SermonSpeaker.net to see what it is capable of doing.

Has worked flawlessly since I started using it. Ability to list both audio and videos is great.
Ease of use
There are a lot of configuration options at both the component and the module level but they are not too difficulty understand.
Never had to use support because I have never needed to. I was able to figure out everything by myself.
Some of the explanatory notes in the settings could be made clearer. There isn't much text docs but there is video docs I didn't explore
I used this to: Church website for audio and video sermons

Been using the extension since 2013. It was only after I migrated from J3 to J4 in 2021 I faced a few challenges but I was able to resolve them, one through the extension's forum. It has also become my video gallery extension.
Sermons can be sorted by the visitor by title, date, series or even Bible references. Great tool!
Ease of use
Sermonspeaker is easy to use by a graphical interface and a logical structure.
I used this to: my church to organize the sermons on our web page. The technician team can load up the sermons independently without the administrators.
De nombreuses fonctions disponibles et utiles pour afficher des prédications
Ease of use
Le début semble difficile, mais une fois pris en main, c'est assez facile à utiliser
Support rapide, efficace, disponible et sympa. Développeur réactif
La documentation est assez fournie et détaillée, disponible sur le site (en anglais)
I used this to: J'utilise Sermon speaker sur plusieurs sites d'églises pour les prédications

Awesome extension

Posted on 14 September 2020
The extension provides all the functions you're ever likely to need in providing sermons to a church.
Ease of use
It's super easy to use and navigate - nice and simple. You don't have half a dozen pages of options - just 2 to work on.
Thomas is an ACE developer - super extension and provides 24-hr help and in-depth support to any and all who need it.
I used this to: Church audio sermons (tho the pandemic has hit hard!) - there's just nothing else similar out there which puts a lot of pressure on Thomas to keep updating etc. Hopefully others will join in this brilliant work to maintain the extension for future!
Fulfils all the needs to publish recordings of sermons on a webpage
Ease of use
It's easy to start with this module. Some customizations need some skills.
Documentation was used only to start with the customizations. The other things are self explaining.
I used this to: To publish recordings of the sermons as a list on the church website
Very thoughful and comprehensive.
Ease of use
Very easy.
Very reasonable and helpful.
It is not very completed, but you seldom need it. Just ask the author if you come into problems.
I used this to: Sharing audios and songs.
The basic features are all that many will need. Endless free options and plugins to extend the system,. I would prefer less use of Flash.
Ease of use
Excellent if you just follow the documentation. Overcomes much of the complexity of Joomla!
Developer monitors the user forums and offers prompt and useful suggestions.
Excellent for the basic features I have used to date. For some advanced features, you need to be an experienced Joomla! developer.
I used this to: Posting audio for weekly sermons at my church.

Does an excellent job

Posted on 02 September 2017
I am probably not using this software to its fullest potential but it does exactly what I need it to do according to my choices.
Ease of use
Even for me it's easy enough.
I did have some problems getting answers to a few queries I had but I did get answers.
I think this is the biggest downfall. I did not find that the documentation or YouTube videos good enough.
I used this to: Uploading our weekly church sermons so that they can be listened to on line or downloaded. Along with this listing series, speakers, dates, scriptures, and an introduction. I tested it out for a while and made a donation. It's a good idea to donate.
Does exactly what I require -- publish podcasts and make them easy to find.
Ease of use
Very simple to install and run!
Most free extensions offer minimal documentation at best. Mr. Hunziker offers excellent personal support by forum and email. Blessings!
I used this to: Publishing lectures and sermons on my church web site.
I've been using SermonSpeaker for years. I recently updated from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.3.3. I installed Sermonspeaker 5.1.2 and the search plugin 5.01. I had several problems but most all were mine! There was a simple bug, but they provided a fix almost immediately and it worked. I had to do something to say that the support is the best. I'm a retired programmer and I must report the great support they provide.
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Thomas Hunziker
Last updated:
Apr 21 2024
10 months ago
Date added:
Nov 11 2006
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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