Get the most advanced Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap & Mapbox search and display locator for Joomla with super advanced features.
My Maps Location load automatically how far the visitor is from you, a shop, or any location that you have located. With My Maps Location it's possible to select location, record, categorize and display locations on a global Map or as a listing. Too many options to display beautiful map. A nice marker set is added by default and it's easy to add your own design. The latest versions allows to to completely get rid of Google Maps if you don't want to use it; it can be replaced by Bing Maps or OpenStreetMap
Video demo:
Main features of My Maps Location
- Responsive design and bootstrap integration
- 3 themes: with header, full width and sidebar
- Point your location directly on Google Map or use predictive search
- Automatic filled location information (latitude and longitude)
- Use Bing Maps autocomplete search with any other map system to lift the map search query limitation
- Display multiple places on a single map
- Add multiple tag to locations and setup as filters
- Add Joomla custom fields on locations
- An editor button to select and display one or some location in articles
- Distance/radius search with custom value
- A module to load your locations
- A module to display location search field
- Cluster function (group location)
- Designed marker icon sets
- Choose between Google Maps or Bing Maps or Mapbox
- An individual search module
- Display search result as list and detailed view
- Add some information to the location: images, description, hours,...
- Possibility to display different points on a single map
- Display the route from you (automatic location) to the location
- Switch the locations with a drop down list on detailed view
- Add a contact link in each location
- Google Maps language sync with Joomla language
- Predefined address can be added in a menu element
- Limit search by country
- Microdata integration
- Joomla ACL on location category
- SEO meta data on locations
- Display the user position during search
- Sync button for an easy location import in database
- Various map source and hundred of design possible: Google maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, Baidu Maps
- Frontend locations management
** K2 Google Maps full integration**
- Locate each K2 element in K2 item editor
- Load K2 single item/categories of item using a menu or a dedicated module
- Search for K2 elements with a specific search module
- K2 items are loaded like any other places in My Maps location component
- Click on the tooltip to load the K2 item page
- Add the K2 category as a dropdown to filter in the map search engine
** Community builder - Jomsocial / Jomsocial Events - Easy Social - Easy Blog integrations **
- Search and find through members on map
- Mapping the profile fields with My Maps location address fields
- Add a location from profile
- Module to display and filter through Community Builder members and display results on map
** Hikashop - Hikamarket integration **
- Locate vendor, shop or product on a map
- Dedicated module to display Hikamarket vendors
OTHER INTEGRATION for locations search or display
Virtuemart: Locate and search for the closest product
Ratings and comments: Ratings and comments on locations using popular extensions: Komento, jComments and Item Rating
Ohanah events and Event Booking: Locate your events then search for upcoming events and include the date in the search
DJ Classified - Ads Manager - JoomClassified: Integrated with DJ Classified, Ads Manager and JoomClassified directory extensions. Locate your items and search for nearby elements.
FlexiCONTENT: Locate each FlexiCONTENT from the item itself using a dedicated Flexi location field
Easy Blog: Locate each EasyBlog post from the item itself using the EasyBlog location field
Custom Map Layer Add custom KML, Traffic, Bicycling, Transit layers
My Maps location
- Version:
- 4.6.0
- Developer:
- JoomUnited
- Last updated:
Sep 24 2024
4 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)