My Maps location, by JoomUnited - Joomla Extension Directory


Map Directions, Regional Maps, Visitor Maps, Maps & Weather, Maps & Locations

Get the most advanced Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap & Mapbox search and display locator for Joomla with super advanced features.

My Maps Location load automatically how far the visitor is from you, a shop, or any location that you have located. With My Maps Location it's possible to select location, record, categorize and display locations on a global Map or as a listing. Too many options to display beautiful map. A nice marker set is added by default and it's easy to add your own design. The latest versions allows to to completely get rid of Google Maps if you don't want to use it; it can be replaced by Bing Maps or OpenStreetMap

Video demo: https://www.joomunited.com/products/my-maps-location

Main features of My Maps Location

  • Responsive design and bootstrap integration
  • 3 themes: with header, full width and sidebar
  • Point your location directly on Google Map or use predictive search
  • Automatic filled location information (latitude and longitude)
  • Use Bing Maps autocomplete search with any other map system to lift the map search query limitation
  • Display multiple places on a single map
  • Add multiple tag to locations and setup as filters
  • Add Joomla custom fields on locations
  • An editor button to select and display one or some location in articles
  • Distance/radius search with custom value
  • A module to load your locations
  • A module to display location search field
  • Cluster function (group location)
  • Designed marker icon sets
  • Choose between Google Maps or Bing Maps or Mapbox
  • An individual search module
  • Display search result as list and detailed view
  • Add some information to the location: images, description, hours,...
  • Possibility to display different points on a single map
  • Display the route from you (automatic location) to the location
  • Switch the locations with a drop down list on detailed view
  • Add a contact link in each location
  • Google Maps language sync with Joomla language
  • Predefined address can be added in a menu element
  • Limit search by country
  • Microdata integration
  • Joomla ACL on location category
  • SEO meta data on locations
  • Display the user position during search
  • Sync button for an easy location import in database
  • Various map source and hundred of design possible: Google maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, Baidu Maps
  • Frontend locations management

** K2 Google Maps full integration**

  • Locate each K2 element in K2 item editor
  • Load K2 single item/categories of item using a menu or a dedicated module
  • Search for K2 elements with a specific search module
  • K2 items are loaded like any other places in My Maps location component
  • Click on the tooltip to load the K2 item page
  • Add the K2 category as a dropdown to filter in the map search engine

** Community builder - Jomsocial / Jomsocial Events - Easy Social - Easy Blog integrations **
- Search and find through members on map
- Mapping the profile fields with My Maps location address fields
- Add a location from profile
- Module to display and filter through Community Builder members and display results on map

** Hikashop - Hikamarket integration **
- Locate vendor, shop or product on a map
- Dedicated module to display Hikamarket vendors

OTHER INTEGRATION for locations search or display

Virtuemart: Locate and search for the closest product
Ratings and comments: Ratings and comments on locations using popular extensions: Komento, jComments and Item Rating
Ohanah events and Event Booking: Locate your events then search for upcoming events and include the date in the search
DJ Classified - Ads Manager - JoomClassified: Integrated with DJ Classified, Ads Manager and JoomClassified directory extensions. Locate your items and search for nearby elements.
FlexiCONTENT: Locate each FlexiCONTENT from the item itself using a dedicated Flexi location field
Easy Blog: Locate each EasyBlog post from the item itself using the EasyBlog location field
Custom Map Layer Add custom KML, Traffic, Bicycling, Transit layers

My Testimonial

Posted on 03 February 2023
Very easy to set up and customize for my customers. I like the different themes, provides options for my customers.
Ease of use
easy to use, easy for customers to submit feedback. Looks good.
Support was handled quickly and resolved the 1 issue I have had in the last 2 years of using this product.
Value for money
This product has proven to be very useful and is a good value for the cost. We are happy with it.
I used this to: I use this for a number of my customer websites and will be adding it to my own shortly
The component does exactly what it says it will. You can easily add any number of locations that can be displayed on different map layouts.
Ease of use
Very easy to install and configure. It literally took two minutes to set up on my website.
Fantastic support. Solved quickly my problem and has given important tips for customizations.
Value for money
Absolutely a great value! I've seen other similar components that cost much more but don't deliver the results that this component does.
I used this to: Providing a modern mapping with a list of customer and offices. It is easily customized for many purposes.

Very helpful component

Posted on 14 November 2022
Very powerful map location extension for Joomla, supporting J4 updates and community builder user locations.
Ease of use
Not very intuitive, but very excellent support. So after a while you get into it.
Great and quick day and night support. Just feel free to raise your questions.
Value for money
Pricing is well set and the powerful component is worth every penny.
I used this to: Interactive Community builder user maps with very high number of users 10K+
The best map location extension I’ve found for Joomla. Result by distance, data file import and export. And look good.
Ease of use
I’ve found it easy to configure, although on one website I did have a problem but support fixed the problem very quickly.
Support is very good. I had a problem and they resolved it very quickly.
Clear, comprehensive and easy to follow. Struggling here to use up the minimum number of characters for this comment and unable to submit wi
Value for money
Good value for money when you consider the functionality, aesthetics and support. Would recommend. Not sure what more to say.
I used this to: Using it on a clients website to show the location and details of their groups/branches.
Very rich. Different types of map (OpenStreet, Google...).
Possibility to create list of locations or to connect an article to the map
Ease of use
Easy to use. You can: insert the Google codes in a location; link an article (internal or external) as a desc or add a desc in a location.
Very reactive support; I had 2 small small problems that the support directly and rapidely solved. :-)
Documentation is clear and easy. I used it mainly for the choice between the various map system, but it includes other useful info as well.
Value for money
No problem for me, especially as I have the developer pack, which is worth its value.
I used this to: The JoomUnited took for several website, but I use myMaps for all the points of interest or useful links around a B&B. Very pleasant interactive map with search tools for the clients, and I implemented it in 4 languages.

Custom MAPS!!!

Posted on 20 September 2022
Allow several different ways to build your maps. Work in the way that makes sense for your use case.
Ease of use
Super easy to use, and also very configurable. Also allows for custom code overrides
Top-notch support - always quick and gets to the crux of any issues we've had (which were few)
Value for money
When faced with building a map application from the ground up... this extension is no-brainer.
I used this to: Customized map of locations for alternative fuel stations. This has been a dream extension to work with and would have taken about a 6 months to code by hand.
Prend en charge les champs personnalisés, surcharges de vue, la liaison avec Google Maps pour récupérer les coordonnées GPS et les infos GMB
Ease of use
Très facile d'utilisation et à personnaliser grâce aux champs personnalisés
Le support technique est assez réactif. J'ai eu l'occasion de les solliciter pour plusieurs extensions de leur catalogue
La document fournie sur le site internet est complète et amplement suffisante
Value for money
Une extension qui n'est pas chère et riche en fonctionnalité. Il propose des packs aussi très intéressants pour faire des économies ;)
I used this to: Je l'ai utilisé sur plusieurs projets pour par exemple lister des magasins revendeurs
We needed a tool for mapping historic locations and after much searching decided My Maps fitted our needs best.
Ease of use
Install was straight forward and without difficulty. The software was up and running very quickly.
We had an issue where we needed to run My Maps within a module. Support solved our mistake quickly and efficiently. Super Impressed!
Value for money
With all the software's features taken into account, the annual price is a small cost to pay
I used this to: The software is used on a public website for people to locate and read about historic places and monuments.

Greatest map extension

Posted on 04 August 2022
It simply has everything you could ask from a map extension, it allows you to switch from map providers and gives you means for customizing.
Ease of use
Easy as you can get it, being a complex extension it provides a lot of switches and options, but it takes only a few minutes to get into it.
Never seen anything like this, support is almost immediate without complaints. It's oriented to the fastest solution, with quality in mind.
Comprehensive, could be better deal with troubleshooting information.
Value for money
Simply great, I've tested many other similar extensions, and it tops every other solution.
I used this to: Display tens of flags on a map, for a handful of organizations, varying placeholders' colors and images
Kategorien anlegen (Museum, Büro, Shop, usw.), Locations anlegen und den Kategorien zuweisen - pro Kategorie oder alle anzeigen + Routenplan
Ease of use
Nicht alle Punkte weil durch die vielen Funktionen muss man sich durcharbeiten - für den Webseitenbesucher jedoch 5 Sterne
Super Unterstützung, weil auch spezielle Wünsche verstanden werden und zeitnah umgesetzt werden - ich bin sehr zufrieden!
Die Erweiterung hat so viele Funktionen, dass eine komplette Anleitung sehr hohe Kosten verursachen würde. Man braucht sie auch nicht.
Value for money
Spitze Preis / Leistung Verhältnis - aber eigentlich gibt es keine andere Erweiterung für diese Funktionen
I used this to: Ich beschäftige mich seit 8 Monaten intensiv mit dieser und ähnlichen Erweiterungen - My Maps Location ist jedoch mein absoluter Favorit! Einfach auf GastroMaps meine übersetzte Live-Version jederzeit testen.
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Item rating
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Item rating

By JoomUnited
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Item rating is a powerful review and rating system for Joomla and K2. The extension has a flexibility in review and rating you've ever had before. You can add unlimited rating group with unlimited criteria inside. Each criteria can be a different voting tool like percent bar, star, icons or thumb up/down. Then you get a global score and you can write a review. All the vote and review can be done...
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My Maps location for Community Builder
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My Maps location for Community Builder

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Community Builder extensions
My maps location plugin for community builder allows you to add a Geolocation in user profile in two ways: You can map existing CB fields with My Maps location. Then all you members will be listed as a location in My Maps location. Add a map tab in CB profile, so every user can click on the map to define his location Option to use autolocation to locate the user position Option: - Map type opt...
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My Maps location for Hikashop

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My Maps location for Jomsocial
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My Maps location for Jomsocial

By JoomUnited
JomSocial Extensions
My maps location plugin for Jomsocial allows you to add a Geolocation in user profile in two ways: You can map existing Jomsocial fields with My Maps location. Then all your members can be searched with the powerful My Maps location search engine Map the Jomsocial address field of your choice with My maps location address field Jomsocial native App, can be set as core app or not Option: - Map...

My Maps location

Last updated:
Sep 24 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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