My Member Synchronization


Member Synchronization, synchronizes Member or Client data from your online member portal to various cloud services, for example accounting programs. We offer this solution with 2 working programs: and Conscribo. Simply map the MMS fields to the fields of the external program, and the data will be synchronized. New Members are added to the external database, mutations are updated and subscriptions are ended. Integrated in the components are JSON and SOAP interfaces. Log files are kept, so that you know where possible errors are encoutered.

We are looking at adding even more different connections, especially to connect to international accounting programs. Is your favorite accounting program not in MMS Synchro yet ? If you have the knowledge you can add the code to connect to the API of that program. If you don't have the knowledge, and the external program has an API we can use, we can add custom connections on request.

For this version to work, you need the My Member Software component configured on your website. It could be adapted to update any database however.

News: added log file error info in backend

MMS Synchro verzorgt de koppeling van data van uw ledenportaal naar externe cloud diensten zoals boekhoudprogramma's. Wij gebruiken daarvoor de technieken JSON en SOAP. Het koppelen is eenvoudig: selecteer de MMS velden aan de velden in de externe bron. Nieuwe leden worden aangemaakt, gewijzigde gegevens worden gemuteerd en opzeggingen verwerkt.

Momenteel hebben we gekoppeld naar en Conscribo. De lidgegevens worden automatisch met uw boekhouding gesynchroniseerd. In uw boekhoudprogramma kunt u vervolgens contributies berekenen en incasseren. Als uw ledenportaal moet worden gekoppeld aan andere cloud programma's, laat het ons weten dan kunnen wij die koppeling eventueel bouwen in het bestaande framework van My Member Synchro.

MM Synchro werkt out-of-the-box met ons leden beheer programma My Member Software.

My Member Software
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My Member Software

User Management
Joomla 4 membership portal. - New: Plug and Play version available; in less than 10 mins your pre-configured member portal - New: working on the latest Joomla4 - Once installed, for members it is a Userfriendly Frontend member administration - Customizable: over 65.000 possible configurations - Secure - Responsive for mobile, tablet and pc - Open Source - Advanced u...

My Member Synchronization

Last updated:
May 09 2023
11 months ago
Date added:
Jul 04 2019
GPLv2 or later
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