
Articles Display

Until now, the only solution to edit the modification date of an article in Joomla, is to go through the database. This technique is reserved for people with the access rights and skills to do so.
Modify Date plugin has been specially designed to allow you to modify this field directly from the Joomla administration panel, without having to open in the database. Thus, you have complete control over your site and how your articles are displayed, specialy in lists. As this plugin is free, you have every reason to install and use Modify Date right now!

Until now, the only solution to edit the modification date of an article in Joomla, is to go through the database. This technique is reserved for people with the access rights and skills to do so.
Modify Date plugin has been specially designed to allow you to modify this field directly from the Joomla administration panel, without having to open in the database. Thus, you have complete control over your site and how your articles are displayed, specialy in lists. As this plugin is free, you have every reason to install and use Modify Date right now!

Jusqu'à présent, la seule solution pour éditer la date de modification d'un article dans Joomla, était de passer par la base de données. Cette technique est réservée aux personnes possédant les droits d'accès et les compétences pour le faire. Mais ça, c'était avant !

Le plugin Modify Date a été spécialement conçu pour vous permettre de modifier ce champs directement depuis le panneau d'administration de Joomla, sans à avoir à intervenir dans la base de données. Ainsi, vous avez une totale maîtrise sur votre site et sur la manière dont vos articles sont affichés, notament dans les listes. Comme ce plugin est gratuit, vous avez toutes les raisons d'installer et d'utiliser Modify Date dès maintenant !

Extremely helpful!

Posted on 03 December 2022
Easy to handle your modify date on Joomla! backend. What a gain of time! Everything works as it should.
Ease of use
You have to do nothing but install and enable the plugin. What else could be said?
I used this to: When correcting small error on my blog, I do not want to modify date to be changed. With this plugin I just can change modify date in Joomla backend.

Many thanks to the creator of this great plugin!
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Modify Date

Last updated:
Oct 20 2023
10 months ago
Date added:
Nov 25 2022
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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