yKhoon Media Player, by YK Lim - Joomla Extension Directory


Multimedia, Multimedia Players

An extension for your Joomla! site that seamlessly integrates audio or video playback. Simply provide the media file URL for the playback. The extension supports various popular file types such as MP3, MP4, and more. You can embed the player directly into article content and customize playback options such as looping, and player dimensions.

Main Features:

  1. Native Player Integration: Incorporate audio and video player effortlessly into your Joomla! site.
  2. Comprehensive File Support: Support major audio and video file formats including MP3, MP4, WAV, WebM, and many more.
  3. Comprehensive Browser Support: Supported by major modern browser including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
  4. Customized Playback Settings: Personalize playback options including looping and player dimensions.


Posted on 12 February 2010
I'm usually very skeptical to suspicious commercial plugins who's info page has no screenshots.
yKhoon Advanced Lock Account
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yKhoon Advanced Lock Account

By YK Lim
Site Security
Designed to enhance user account security: it automatically locks visitor accounts upon multiple logins using the same credentials. Upon account lockout, the extension sends a notification email to the visitor, containing essential information for successful reactivation. In unforeseen circumstances, administrators can manually reactivate locked user accounts. yKhoon Lock Account Advanced Edition...
Advanced Content Protector
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Advanced Content Protector

By YK Lim
Site Access
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yKhoon Block Failed Login
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yKhoon Block Failed Login

By YK Lim
Site Security
An automated security guardian for your website! Picture this: a virtual bouncer that kicks in when it detects suspicious login activity. Once a certain threshold of failed login attempts is reached, it swiftly blocks the culprit's IP address or user account. This means they're temporarily locked out from accessing both your front-end and back-end, giving you peace of mind knowing your site is for...
yKhoon HTML Protector
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yKhoon HTML Protector

By YK Lim
Site Access
yKhoon HTML Protector is an extension that designed to fortify your website's security: it encrypts or encodes your HTML source code, ensuring it remains shielded from prying eyes. Created with security-minded individuals in mind, this tool ensures that your code remains inaccessible to unauthorized parties. After all, if you can't see it, you can't change it. Changes: Support Joomla 5. Bug fix...
Word Censorship
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Word Censorship

By YK Lim
Site Access
yKhoon Word Censorship (previously known as Word Censorship) is an extension that can censor the word that you do not want them to display it in your article. This extension is typically useful when you have a comment system for public to use. This extension will replace the word that you do not want then to display to some other words. Other than using the extension to censor words, you also can...
yKhoon Embed Online Video
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yKhoon Embed Online Video

By YK Lim
Social Media
yKhoon Embed Online Video is an extension that embed online video from YouTube.com, Metacafe.com, DailyMotion.com, and Vimeo.com into your article. The extension prvides a simple way to embed video from those mentioned site into your article. It is particularly useful when you want to share video that you found interesting or video that you have uploaded to those mentioned site. To embed those vi...
yKhoon Buy Now Button
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yKhoon Buy Now Button

By YK Lim
Payment systems
yKhoon Buy Now Button is an extension that create and insert PayPal Buy Now button into your content. The extension provides a simple way to create and insert the PayPal Buy Now button into your content. The user does not need to have programming skill in order to implement the PayPal Buy Now button. The user will only need to specific the item name, amount, currency, and etc. Then, the extension...

yKhoon Media Player

YK Lim
Last updated:
Jul 21 2024
7 months ago
Date added:
Dec 03 2009
GPLv2 or later
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c p
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System