
Photo Gallery, Articles Images, Content Photo Gallery, Photo Display, Photos & Images

The Future is here. Oriel Pro gives you the freedom not just to present images in a modern look. With Oriel Pro, you can create entire album libraries. Adding new albums and images is easy via FTP or file manager. Oriel Pro automatically detects new content and updates your albums.

Version 1.7 introduces

  • New Option to create Thumbnails for static Galleries in the module settings
  • New Translations based on deepl
  • ASC / DESC sorting of album folders & filter folders

Version 1.6 introduces

  • New Gallery Layout "Product Gallery" and more, checkout Changelog below

Version 1.5 introduces

  • New Deeplinking Support, jump directly to an Album / Gallery by using the #folderKey in your URL.
  • Language Support for EN,FR,DE,ES,SE
  • Optional Ignore List to exlude certain subfolders from being used in Oriel ...and many more, checkout the Changelog below to learn more.

Subfolder handling

Oriel Pro uses the subfolders of the selected source to display the content as albums or filters. Oriel Pro can therefore not only generate individual galleries, but also create entire album overviews based on your folder structure. Of course, the title images & description text of these albums can be freely defined. In addition, you can also ignore subfolders in the module settings and thus prevent their contents from being displayed in Oriel Pro.

Choose between four layouts

Oriel Pro comes with four layouts that will make your images shine with an unprecedented brilliance. In addition to the album overview, which turns your sub-folders into albums, the flat & filtered modes allow you to display all your images in the main folder and in sub-folders on one level. The "Ignore" layout only shows the images in the defined folder and does not render the images in subfolders.

Default, Cover & Masonry Thumbnails

With Default Thumbnails your images are taken over into the gallery in 1to1 format, the thumbnails are not cropped.
The cover thumbnail mode is our heart, if it is activated you can define the desired aspect ratio of your thumbnails. This way you can create consistent grids and don't have to worry about the aspect ratio of the images.
The Masonry thumbnail mode is similar to the default mode, your images are not cropped, but the lines are flexible, so it's a Masonry effect.

All integrated

Of course Oriel Pro provides you with everything you need. Thanks to the integrated UIkit3 framework, the module is completely autonomous and independent of plugins / templates.
- Integrated Lightbox (Single Image & Gallery Mode)
- UIkit3 Grid System up to 6 columns
- Columns can be configured for small, medium and large screens
- Mobile first
- Album / Filter Deeplinking support
- Modern styled Overlays
- Label Custom Rules & Translation Support (including support for Regular Expressions)
- ....

Dynamic Source

Are we the first? Yes, I think we are the first! - For the first time ever, Oriel Pro for Joomla makes it possible to create dynamic galleries. By using customfields as pathinformation source, Oriel can dynamically display different albums / galleries / images for each item. Simply define the source of the images in an article customfield and publish the module on the same page as the corresponding articles.

Dynamic Updates

Maintaining and updating galleries as soon as new images / albums are added can be time consuming. Not anymore! Oriel Pro does it all for you. The Dynamic Source approach allows you to easily upload new albums and images via FTP. The images are automatically added to the gallery. Just tell your photographer where to put the new images and Oriel Pro will do the rest.


Oriel Pro allows you to benefit from the full potential of the included UIkit3 framework. All relevant container elements can be extended with your own classes in the backend module and thus be adapted to your needs. No matter if it's the complete gallery, the album overview or the images. Either a specific class has already been defined by us or you can define one (or more) own class(es) in the backend.


Version 1.7.0

  • Added limitation of the number of images per album
  • Added backend option to generate thumbnails for all images for this module
  • Updated Language Files
  • Joomla 4 optimizations
  • Fixed a Bug about the album description checking
  • Fixed a Joomla 3 compatibility issue on 1.6.0

Version 1.6.0

  • Improved: PHP 8.2 comatibility
  • Improved: Joomla 4.x compatibility
  • Added: New Layout "Product Gallery"

Version 1.5.1

April 2022
  • Changed: Improved Joomla! 4 compatibility
  • Changed: Source selection now uses Fancy List Support for Joomla 4

Version 1.5.0

October 2021
  • Added: Skip / ignore folders option (new field)
  • Added: Ignore Translation Strings (new field)
  • Added: Advanced Custom Rules (Regular Expression Support)
  • Added: Album Deeplink support for Album Grid/Slider & Filter (jump to Album via #key in URL - Key = foldername lowercase without specialchars)
  • Changed: Some Language Strings got updated
  • Changed: Tweaked some default values for a better "default-experience" after fresh install
  • Changed: Code Improvements
  • Fixed: Problem with Cache creation PopUp
  • Fixed: Thumbnail Preload Placeholders
  • Fixed: Missing compatibility information added (had lead to a wrong warning in Joomla 4 Pre Update Checker)
  • Fixed: Image URL bug on Windows systems
  • Fixed: Thumbnail URL bug on Windows systems
  • Fixed: Sort albums by foldername now works as expected (ASC / DESC)
  • Fixed: Typo in Album header template that could lead into an error
  • Fixed: Added missing language files

Version 1.4.0

September 2021
  • Added: Language Support for es-ES
  • Added: Language Support for fr-FR
  • Added: Slider Layout for Albums Overview
  • Added: nx-designs Framework Integration
  • Changed: Album Grid view hover shadow now on parent element not link
  • Changed: Multiple language strings got updated
  • Improved: Debug Features & Response to Thumbnail creation process
  • Fixed: Delete Cache from Backend

Version 1.3.0

December 2020
  • Fixed: Cover Hover layout optimised for rounded / circle item shapes
  • Added: Sort albums by creation date (User request - Thank You!)
  • Added: Option to ignore copies in filtered view (all) by filename (User request - Thank You!)
  • Added: Option to disable the "all" filter for subfolders in album view - This can have an affect to files inside the subfolder, they are not longer visible in OrielPro when this option is enabled

Version 1.2.1

November 2020
  • Added: Option to either select compressed / uncompressed image as album cover
  • Fixed: Wrong language string used in translation for Dynamic source

Version 1.2.0

November 2020
  • Added: Dynamic Source Integration for some of our Components
  • Added: Option to Define a Link title that will be rendered as tooltip above the external link
  • Added: UIkit CheatSheet Tab (List of usefull classnames)
  • Added: Configurable grid animation for albums overview
  • Changed: Prioritization of cover fallback image (1.cover.*** 2.first image of folder 3.first image of first subfolder)
  • Changed: Cover Images gets now resized too when Thumbnails are enabled
  • Changed: Upgraded to default UIkit Version 3.5.9
  • Changed: AutoHeight Calculations improved (no JS anymore)
  • Changed: JQuery integration (you can now include Joomla!'s jQuery Version)
  • Changed: Security Improvements
  • Changed: German translation improved
  • Changed: OrielPro Gallery object structure
  • Removed: Fixed Height for Thumbnails
  • Others: Thumbnail Generation Refactored
  • Others: Refactoring & Code Optimizations

Version 1.1.1

October 2020
  • Bugfix: index.html overwrites information from description.html or description.txt

Version 1.1.0

September 2020
  • Added: Options to handle anchor links on images
  • Added: Define target window for external links
  • Added: UiKit 3 - scroll integration when using anchor links
  • Added: German translation

Version 1.0.7

April 2020
  • Added: Option to disable Image lightbox link on touch devices if overlay is used
  • Bugfix: External Link not working in Lightbox Gallery Mode
  • Bugfix: Masonry Grid
  • Bugfix: AutoHeight script not always loaded

Version 1.0.6

April 2020
  • Intial Release

Great over all

Posted on 29 August 2023
This extension is just incredible!
It's the only extension that actually produces dynamic galleries!
Ease of use
Simple, with plenty of settings to personalise the display.
Easier you can't find
I made a mistake in my folders and Marco solved the problem very quickly.
Both operating modes are very well documented, it's a pleasure. Thanks Marco.
Value for money
This extension should cost a lot more.
For the result and the support, it's a bargain!
I used this to: I use the extension to display thousands of photos in many folders and subfolders.
Everything is done in the blink of an eye, incredible.
Owner's reply: Thank you very much for your Review!
kind regards
Die Funktion ist gut und liest die Dateien aus dem FTP-Verzeichnis aus und erstellt dadurch eine
Optisch sehr ansprechende Galerie.
Ease of use
Mit der zugehörigen Dokumentation auf der Webseite ist die Einrichtung und Benutzung ein Kinderspiel!
Besonders möchte ich den Support herausheben! Ich hatte beim Einrichten ein kleines Problem und mir wurde sofort geholfen!
Eine Dokumentation findet sich auf der Webseite des Herstellers und ist entsprechend ausführlich.
Value for money
Preis / Leistung ist okay! Ich würde lieber mehr Geld ausgeben und die Erweiterung kaufen, hier bekommt man eine Subscription, ist auch ok
I used this to: Fotogalerien auf Webseiten für Kindergärten und -krippen. Die Galerie ist sehr zu empfehlen.
This extension is quite complete and combine a lot of options, as for instance a really useful and beautiful "filter by category".
Ease of use
easy to use as the interface is quite clear. As each album is a different module, I created a specific module to duplicate saving time.
Marco is very helpful and always happy to integrate some new functions if it could be useful
easy to understand. An other tip, I used "position" to define each module with title - no risk to mix up
Value for money
I used some more expensive extensions before for a worst result...
I used this to: I'm photographer and I'm using this extension for my website which is more a photo album than a simple "vitrine"
perfect, for using a cloud-connection. The automatism for creating albums excited me.
Ease of use
very easy to use, so even people without Joomla knowledge can publish pictures here. Good for club websites.
very good, i understand the most, because sometime possible in german. :-)
Value for money
almost too cheap to be true. It facilitates the administration enormously.
I used this to: I searched for a long time until I found a gallery module that reads the photos directly (automatically) from my cloud via media/content and creates albums. (All others create their own folder that does not automatically update with new images). Perfect for multi-administration


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OrielPro Dynamic Gallery

Last updated:
Aug 23 2024
6 months ago
Date added:
Apr 07 2020
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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