OSG Seminar Manager PRO, by Webtribute GmbH - Joomla Extension Directory


Calendars & Events, Education & Culture, Events, Booking & Reservations

The (OSG) Seminar Manager (formerly OSG Seminar Manager PRO) ist a course management and event management component. It allows you the complete administration of your courses on your Joomla! site. You can communicate directly with the course participants. Your customers can book an existing seminar or register for a prospect list.
The OSG Seminar Manager PRO is a package including multiple modules and plugins like Upcoming Events, Calendar, Manual Booking and Invoice, Voting of course topics and a powerful exporter.
100% Money Back Guarantee for first-time members!

Check out the new Seminar Manager promo video
Watch the new Seminar Manager promo video and learn more about the component and its features: https://youtu.be/XVypFMpBLpo

Here is a sneak preview of our new demo site: https://demo.seminar-manager.ch/
We are happy for any feedbacks!;-)
By the way: We setup your Seminar Manager with a nicely layouted Yootheme Template

The Seminar Manager at a glance:
* Complete course administration can be handled: create courses and events, communicate with the participants, perform bookings and invoicing
* Individual developments to adapt the Seminar Manager to your needs
* Fast support in German, English, Italian, Spanish and French via ticket system and telephone/chat
* Regular releases of new features: We are constantly developing the component!
* The Seminar Manager is compatible with Joomla 3, 4 & 5!
* Stay up to date with our SMAN Blog: new features, how to’s, bug fixes and more.

Course participants can:
* Register and cancel courses in frontend
* Book multiple seats on events and cancel them in their uuser account
* Register as interested party to events without date
* Pay via credit card, Stripe and its payment channels, Paypal and offline-payment via invoice
* Registered users can view their invoices in front-end
* Registered users can view their certificates in front-end
* Registered users can view favorites

* New: Tutor frontend registration
* Seminar Manager blog with the latest updates is live (https://seminar-manager.ch/en/blog)
* More date time display options in course table and course detail page
* More price display in different view for different user groups
* Flexible CSV exporter
* Choose between grid or table or calendar view in layout for course overview
* Only published and visible fields (booking, prospect list, course & tutor profiles, course custom fields) are shown in frontend
* Option auto-login after registration over booking form
* Limit of the bookability of events to specific user groups (different access levels for courses and categories)
* Publish courses/ events in multiples categories, with tags, as a list and course details
* Publish course and event templates without dates (e.g. preview of courses/ events)
* Display participants and waiting lists
* Display if a course or event is fully booked
* List trainer profiles (trainer lists) and their courses
* Multi language
* And much more... - we also develop on demand!

Further display options

Display selected information about your seminars in a suitable design.

Show upcoming events
Using this module (premium membership needed), you can display a small table at any module position on your website. You can customize this table and show/hide single columns. The table displays the upcoming events using the courses belonging to your selected category, filtered individually using other possible options. There is a layout option for the bootstrap carousel. New: course table layout selection with default sorting option.

Calendar view
The module "Calendar" can be used to show a calendar view of your course programme. The calendar days have links attached, that lead the user either to a day view of all courses that take place that day or directly to a detailed view of a course. New: We enhanced the tooltip layout.

Prices, Currencies, VAT
Flexible and precise management of prices, fees and taxes. The payment API allows payment with Stripe (credit card), PayPal, Payage or any other common payment channel!

  • New: Price display with currency and price type in grid card
  • Set a standard price title and its visibility
  • "More prices" and "additional fees" allow precise price definition
  • Price display window, price access level, price optionally hideable in frontend
  • Set price as free of charge or choose not to display at all
  • Payment overview only visible if booked price is not 0
  • Various currencies
  • Unlimited prices per course (e.g. price for employees, last minute)

* New: Pagination has been added to course tables, interested list, course grid view, my bookings, my favorites and tutor list
* New: Data autofill on booking form when logged in
* Repeatable attendee data blocks in booking form
* Release of importer to migrate SMAN 3 data to SMAN 4 (more information: https://webtribute.ch/blog/seminar-manager-release-migrationstool-j4?hitcount=0)
* More options in the design of the booking form (layout for booking form)
* Prospect list can be adjusted
* Generate batch invoices / certificates and create PDFs
* Rebook of several participants at the same time
* Customize email and invoice templates
* Attach invoices on booking confirmation emails
* Administrate all users on this list in back-end and notify them on new course (event) dates
* Send single or multiple participants emails via the backend. Optionally invoices, ics, certificates and any document can be sent
* Generate PDF attendee lists
* Create custom fields for the application form
* Clone courses (events) from templates and organize them with tags or categories
* Administrate tutors, tutor profiles
* Allow and configure access to the backend with limited rights
* All changes to personal data are logged (requirement of the GDPR)
* and much more

Booking process and booking rules

Choose from many options:
- New: Optimization of the rebooking system
- Styling options in the booking form and interested party list form
- Forms can now optionally be displayed horizontally
- Order overview can optionally be switched off during bookings
- Feature Rebookings
- Batch editing booking states
- More backend booking search filter: course number, invoice number
- Batch invoice generator
- System laging when there is a high number of bookings
- Booking only available for registered users
- Define application deadline for every course
- Allow one person or more people per application
- Design your individual application form
- Create prospect/ waiting lists
- Define convenience fees for different payment methods
- Show an order overview before sending the application
- Send a confirmation email to the user, optional: attach an automatically created invoice
- Allow the cancellation using defined cancellation deadlines
- Create application rules (e.g. a user can only apply for a maximal number of courses that take place in a specified time frame and belong to a certain category). These rules specifically qualify for subscriptions.
- Forward the whole application process to another website and only show your course programme on your website

Manual Updated
We regularly update the manual with the new features and previews.

Now with J4 migration tool and SMAN blog!
--> latest version: https://seminar-manager.ch/en/manual-link/changelog

Languages and support
Our team speaks and supports you in the following languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish and French.

Online presentation and consulting
We offer you an individual presentation via screen sharing conference. Schedule a meeting with us!

Unser Bedürfnis von einer Kurspublikation über die Online Anmeldung bis zum autoatischen Versand der Rechnung
Ease of use
Gewisse Abläufe gewwöhnungsbedürftig, aber auch für Laien gut handelbar
Ich hatte bei Fragen innerhalb 24h immer eine Antwort. Danke Pietro Caruso
Value for money
Für uns hat sich das Jahresabonnement gelohnt, zudem ist der Preis gegenüber anderen System (zum Besipiel Schulverwaltungssoftware) gering
I used this to: Als Anbieter von Weiterboildungsangeboten für Lehrpersonen der Sek II haben wir mit dem Tool unsere Angebote publiziert.
Owner's reply: Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, unseren (OSG) Seminar Manager zu bewerten.
Vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung unserer Seminarmanagement-Komponente und dafür, dass wir auf langjährige und treue Kunden wie Sie zählen können.
Freundliche Grüsse
Ihr (OSG) Seminar Manager-Team

Easy to use and trusted

Posted on 22 January 2025
Great performance and full functionality. The features mostly fullfill my requirement
Ease of use
easy to manage and set up. admin and user will have no problem to use
fast support respons by developer. Solve the problem well. Easy to contact and answerable
detail and well undestand. complete instruction and make me easy to follow
Value for money
great for your project value. with this full and great function, its really worth it
I used this to: for my final project of phd. iam using it for the seminar event that we organize
Owner's reply: Dear yefrizal,
we are very pleased that you have taken the time to rate our (OSG) Seminar Manager.
Thank you for the good rating of our Joomla seminar management component.

Kind regards
Your (OSG) Seminar Manager team
Very flexible and modifiable! For example, templates create customized confirmation messages. Tags and categories organize courses.
Ease of use
I find the extension easy to modify and customize for my purposes. And it's even better now in the later versions.
I have used the OSG Seminarman support website for help a couple of times. And the transition to Joomla 4 was handled well by the developer.
The OSG Seminarman website contains an online manual in English for how to use the extension.
Value for money
I've used the extension for over ten years now, for free first and then subscribing to it. I am very happy with it; essential foro my work.
I used this to: I use the OSG Seminarman extension to organize, list, and present my Zumba classes and keep track of registered participants. I've used Joomla for 15 yrs and have it installed on several websites that I manage; and I am familiar w/ programming languages and databases.
Owner's reply: Dear Juha,
many thanks, that you have taken the time to rate our Joomla Component (OSG) Seminar Manager.
We hope that you will continue to enjoy using the Seminar Manager for the next 15 years.
Kings regards
your (OSG) Seminar Manager Team


Posted on 17 October 2024
Der Funktionsumfang des Seminar Manager deckt vollständig unseren Bedarf ab.
Ease of use
Das Programm gross und ganzen mit der Benutzerfreundlichkeit gut zu bedienen.
Webtribute ist äusserts zuvorkommend und bietet uns einen hervorragenden Support.
Die Dokumentation ist ausführlich und logisch aufgebaut auf der Webseite beschrieben.
Value for money
Angesichts der umfangreichen Möglichkeiten, die der Seminar-Manager bietet, ist das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis im Preis.
I used this to: Wir nutzen den Seminar Manager für die Kursausschreibung und den Anmelungsprozess unserer Grund- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten für Berfusfahrer-Trainings.

Sehr Anwenderfreundlich

Posted on 30 September 2024
Perfekt und einfach zu verstehen.................................................
Ease of use
Leicht und Anwenderfreundlich ..............................................................!
Gute Erreichbarkeit und schnelle Erledigung.................................................................................................
Super und Schnell...........................................................................................................................
Value for money
Preis- Leistungsverhältnis stimmt .....................................................
I used this to: Lehrgangsbuchungen und Seminare, Anmeldungen .....................................!
Sehr einfach in die Verwendung, wir sind sehr zufrieden. Wir verwenden es mittlerweile sehr mehrere Jahren und möchten gerne so weiter mache
Ease of use
Sehr einfach in die Verwendung, wir sind sehr zufrieden. Wir verwenden es mittlerweile sehr mehrere Jahren und möchten gerne so weiter mache
Value for money
Preis Leistung passt aus unsere Sicht sehr gut und werden es deswegen auch in der Zukunft weiterhin verwenden.
I used this to: Rettungsdienstliche Kurse und die entsprechenden Verwaltung. Auch Veranstaltungen wickeln wir über diese Software ab.

OSG Manager Pro

Posted on 09 September 2024
Nach dem Upgrade auf die v4 Version, freue ich mich das unsere langjährig genutze Software jetzt auch für aktuelle Joomla-Versionen geeignet
Ease of use
Erst lesen, dann Nacharbeiten - so läuft es! Bin schon Seit der v3 dabei und der Konverter hat im zweiten Anlauf richtig gute Arbeit geleist
Value for money
Kenne nichts vergleichbares zu diesen fairen Konditionen! Die Jahresgebühr wird für Weiterentwicklung und Support berechnet! Top!
I used this to: Workshop & Kursbuchungen, plus Rechnungsstellung und Teilnehmer:innenverwaltung der Lernwerlstatt Altona / Hamburg
Alles, was man braucht und was die Software vielleicht noch nicht bietet, kann man von dem ausgezeichneten Support bekommen.
Ease of use
Nach kurzer Einarbeitung sehr einfach zu bedienen, sehr umfangreiche Software, dementsprechend viele Funktionen.
Der Support antwortet schnell und verständlich und geht auch individuell auf die Probleme ein, es gibt keine Textbausteine das ist sehr gut!
Value for money
Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist absolut gerechtfertigt. Für wenige Euro bekommt man eine sehr gute Software und auch sehr guten Support.
I used this to: Ich benutze den Seminarmanager schon sehr lange, für viele Webseiten, sei es für den Ticketverkauf oder direkt für Veranstaltungen und Seminare. Sowohl für Firmen als auch für Vereinswebseiten.
Seminarman (V3) kann Termine und Kurse verwalten. Neben den Buchungsvorgang bietet das Tool auch eine sehr gute Teilnehmerverwaltung
Ease of use
Backend ist einfach und sehr übersichtlich, Einbindung in Frontend durch viele Modulfunktionen auch sehr gut.
Der Support ist okay und das Programm ist sehr gut dokumentiert (V3). Die Verlängerung des "Abos" ist nicht einfach.
Die Dokumentation ist okay und ausführlich. CSS ist individuell gestaltbar.
Value for money
Leider steigt der Preis jährlich und die Verlängerung der Subscription ist nicht smart. Die Migration J3->J4 eher anspruchsvoll.
I used this to: Termin-, Workshop und Kursverwaltung auf einer Vereinsseite mit Zahlungsfunktion (PayPal / Bank)
Owner's reply: We have just adjusted the subscription renewal process. You will now receive an e-mail before your membership expires.
If you renew before your membership expires (by clicking in the current membership), you will receive a discount.
We will soon enable the option to automatically renew your membership. This applies if the payment method ‘credit card’ or ‘PayPal’ has been selected - not for bank transfer.

Regarding technical support: we offer a ticket system for our members. You need an active membership for this. For general enquiries about the software, you can contact us by phone or e-mail during office hours.

We have raised our prices after refactoring the software and believe that with our support we can still offer you a reasonably priced seminar, course and event booking software that covers the entire process of tendering, registration and communication. We know of no other component that offers this in its entirety.
Wir nutzen den OSG Seminar Manager seit vielen Jahren für einen jährlichen Veranstaltungstermin
Ease of use
Fast durchgehend innovative Bedienung. Aufgrund der deutsche GUI ist die Nutzuung kein Problem.
Auf alle meine Fragen wurde bislang zeitnah geantwortet. Meistens per Ticket, einmal auch teelfonisch.
Anleitung ist auf dem Webportal vorhanden. Was dort zu finden ist, ist gut erklärt.
Value for money
Bislang zumindest nichts günstigeres gefunden, was vergleichbar wäre.
I used this to: Infoveranstaltung für Schüler, in welcher zahlrieche Ausbildungsberufe unterschiedlichster Unternehmen angeboten werden.
Owner's reply: Sehr geehrtes Reinwaldt.de-Team

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, unseren Seminar Manager zu bewerten.

Vielen Dank für die gute Bewertung unserer Seminarmanagement-Komponente und dafür, dass wir auf langjährige und treue Kunden wie Sie zählen können.

Freundliche Grüsse
Ihr OSG Seminar Manager-Team
OSG Courts Reservation
Paid download

OSG Courts Reservation

By Webtribute GmbH
Booking & Reservations
OSG Courts Reservation for Joomla is an online reservation and booking software for sports facilities, training courts and other objects like rooms, restaurant tables, boats, bicylces and much more. You can also use it for setting up appointments. This Joomla component allows you to offer time units within a day for reservation. 100% Money Back Guarantee for first-time members! Present your sport...
OSG Escape Room
Paid download

OSG Escape Room

By Webtribute GmbH
Booking & Reservations
The Joomla component OSG Escape Room enables you to publish Escape Room Games on a Joomla website. Single Games can be booked by one or more groups at the same time. You also can offer the booking of other events like excursions, tours, dance performances, cinema showings and much more. 100% Money Back Guarantee for first-time members! With OSG Escape Room you can provide more than just the reser...

OSG Seminar Manager PRO

Webtribute GmbH
Last updated:
Nov 06 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Mar 13 2019
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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