FW Gallery, by Fastw3b - Joomla Extension Directory


Photo Gallery, Photo Display, Photos & Images, Images, Galleries

FW Gallery is a simple, beautiful, responsive and functional free gallery for Joomla! Optimized image load, unlimited sub-galleries, drag&drop upload, social sharing, flexible grid, watermark and more.

FW Gallery features

Platform with add-ons - Multiple add-ons designed to work with FW Gallery component and installed on top of it. All add-ons are managed via a dedicated Add-ons section.
4 file grids - Choose between Standard, Justified, Waterfall, and Custom grid to position images on the page to your taste.
2 image on hover effects - Ken Burns and Linear on hover effects to gain visitors attention and improve user experience.
7 file info display positions - 7 file details display positions to choose from - top, left, right, bottom, over slide up, and over full hover.
Gallery video cover - Use videos as preview covers. The video is automatically played on hovering.

Responsive Photo Gallery - Mobile friendly layouts for best performance and look on any device.
Photo & Video Media - Allows photo and video upload without any restrictions by number or size. Supports YouTube, Vimeo, mp4.
Images Batch Upload - Fast and handy files management with batch upload feature.
Multilevel Galleries Hierarchy - Unlimited levels of galleries to build required folders tree.

Images rotate - Rotate manually images if camera rotation is not rendered correctly.
Watermark protection - Protect images from unauthorized usage on other websites or media.
Social share buttons - Allow your visitors to share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest.
Galleries list view - Top level gallery view with all galleries included as a subfolder. No images in this view.

Single gallery view - A gallery with any number of sub-galleries and images included in a current.
Item view - Single photo layout with its display settings and options.
Gallery display settings - Configure galleries grid, number per page and ordering. Show/hide empty galleries.
Item display settings - Configure images display grid, number per page and ordering.

Menu item settings - Define specific gallery and image settings via menu item options.
Default gallery image - Select default preview image among the images in a gallery.
Item details - Set image name, owner, upload date, description, copyright note. Choose what is shown.
Gallery details - Set gallery name, owner, create date and description. Choose what is shown.

and others

Version 4.4.0 - minor release

  • New Default design for Gallery, Image and Lightbox.
  • Combined Galleries List and Gallery views to simplify front-end configuration and improve usability.
  • Layout options for a gallery album.
  • Layout options for a file in a gallery.
  • Option to select gallery information underneath a thumb or on hover.
  • Option to select file information underneath a thumb or on hover.
  • Gallery and file layout global settings can be reconfigured via menu item settings.
  • Gallery can be set by selecting several galleries to a menu item.
  • New design for Single item layout with a gallery slider underneath.
  • Show/hide parameter for a Single item view.
  • View files in a gallery with a lightbox rather than on a separate page.
  • Joomla 3.9.1 compliance check.

Version 4.3.2 - maintenance release

  • Single image right column fix to hide when nothing is shown in it.
  • Joomla 3.8.8 compliance check.

Version 4.0.3 - maintenance release

  • Fixed bug with menu item parameters and their priority over default configuration parameters.
  • Added default option for menu item parameters to use global configuration if parameters were not specified on purpose.
  • Joomla 3.7.1 compliance check.
Grundfunktion wie das Einbinden über einen Menüpunkt funktioniert.
Ease of use
Einfügen einer Galerie in einen Artikel über "FWG Layout Anywhere" endet mit "Tabelle „category“ wird nicht unterstützt! "
Habe ich nicht wirklich gefunden. Nur eine Installationsanleitung für die Komponente
I used this to: Für eine Webseite als Galeriemodul um Bilder anzuzeigen damit dort Bilder erscheinen
I can assure you that I have seen it grow as a product of excellent visual invoice aimed at becoming a competitive multimedia file manager.
Ease of use
Easy and intuitive to use that from the backend accesses all its settings in one place.
Excellent and friendly communication with developers through the system established by the support, duly structured by types of problems.
As more information and documentation is provided, the better this aspect will be, so you can continue to improve at this point.
I used this to: We are working to implement it as a multimedia manager in a news agency that supplies its users with photos, audio and videos.
The valuable features of FW Gallery are:
- import of XMP as tags images,
- gallery management by tags.
Ease of use
Good after handling which can be long because the documentation is poor and not always up to date. Indeed FW Gallery has undergone chaotic evolutions over several years, but now everything is OK.
I used this to: I use FW Gallery to publish on the web an inventory with photos of the objects and comments on each photo.
The menus on tags (imported XMPs) allow you to display objects by all category levels.
Habe nach der kostenlosen Variante, die kostenpflichtigen Ergänzungen gebucht. Keine der kostenpflichtigen Ergänzungen hat funktioniert.
Ease of use
Wenn nichts funktioniert, dann begibt man sich zuerst auf die Suche nach eigenen Fehlern, von einer einfachen Benutzung ist also keine Rede.
Die beim Kaufabschluss beworbene bedingungslose Erstattungsgarantie wurde verwehrt, wegen reduziertem Aktionsangebot.
Im Kleingedruckten steht, dass Angebote vom Rücktritt ausgeschlossen sind, beim Kaufabschluss wird nur mit Erstattungsgarantie geworben.
I used this to: Ich wollte das Programm für die Bildergalerien meiner Fotografen-Webseite benutzen, kann es aber nicht verwenden, da es scheinbar mit irgendeinem anderem Plugin nicht kompatibel ist. (ich benutze z.B. SmartSlider 3)

Error in fronted

Posted on 29 January 2020
I try to install gallery in 2 sito but say error every time. Support is very fast, but we haven't solve problem.
Ease of use
When I try to open gallery in my site not show foto, display error 404.
I used this to: To insert photo in my site; The demo component is very pretty, but I can't run un my sites.
Eigentlich eine nette Gallerie. Hat allerdings reichlich Probleme mit großen Bilderbeständen über 1000 Stück. Läuft dann nicht mehr sauber.
Ease of use
Die Einrichtung geht so. Könnte schöner gelöst sein. Zumal die Übersetzungen teilweise total falsch sind.
Versprochen wird viel, gehalten wenig. Bei jeder neuen Version etliche neue Fehler. Und man soll für jeden ein extra Ticket aufmachen.
Existiert nicht wirklich. Ein paar wenige Anhaltspunkte, das war es leider. Doku kann man dies nicht nennen.
I used this to: Ich nutze es lange für eine große Gallerie. Aber nachdem die 5er Version nie wirklich sauber mit meiner großen Datenbank lief, und das Geschäftmodell jetzt so umgebaut wurde, das man für jede kleine Funktion extra zahlen soll, war es das. Ich zahle nicht Hunderte von Euros p.a.

Best Gallery Extension

Posted on 27 December 2019
The functionality of FW gallery is the perfect solution for publishing multiple galleries with sub galleries because of its tree structure i
Ease of use
Very intuitive. I find it easy to use and it allows me to set up multiple showcase galleries to offer a great user experience
I have been using fw gallery since the early days of j2.5 and I actually never had an issue needing support. It has worked like a dream.
The documentation is comprehensive leads you correctly to al steps necessary to pick up the works of the gallery and its options straight aw
I used this to: Sites needing multiple category galleries and gallery trees for the purpose of showcasing products. For me it is an excellent product! I highly recommend it over other gallery extensions specially if you have a large volume of categories and items to display. It is very versatile

Molto bene

Posted on 17 August 2019
Poche trenta foto nella versione free, ma ultimamente vedo che tutte le gallery di joomla fanno così.
Ease of use
Molto semplice da configurare, intuitiva e veloce. Si configura bene, anche se la traduzione lascia un po' a desiderare.
I used this to: Il sito di allestimenti feste di un'amica. Serviva una gallery che mostrasse i suoi lavori.
It presents picture albums with captions and nothing else. Exactly what I need for a non-commercial, private family website.
Ease of use
The absence of commercial and social media features makes it very easy to set up and use.
Didn't need it. That is perfect support.
It is simple and the documentation is simple..
I used this to: Presenting large numbers of family photos in many albums on a private, non-commercial website.
Very good.....my only niggle is that it does NOT have a search facility, which surely is a basic, essential feature for large galleries.
Ease of use
Very easy to use....you shouldn't have any problems setting this up...all self-explanatory.
No experience
Very good
I used this to: A database of astronomical images
Owner's reply: Thanks for your review, Andy. We are glad to hear that you enjoy using our product.

Search feature is available in Grand version which has all modules and plugins available for FW Gallery. You can use Grand version by installing on top of FW Gallery Light. No conversion of migrations are needed. So you are just one step from search functionality you are looking for.

Also note that we have Client Section on our website where you can suggest an idea, or report a bug, or ask about custom modification for your needs.
FW VirtueMart Rental
Paid download

FW VirtueMart Rental

By Fastw3b
VirtueMart extensions
FW VM Rental adds Rental option to your VirtueMart website! Plugin extends functionality and allows you to RENT and/or SELL products or services. Works with latest VM and Joomla. FW Virtuemart Rental Features Virtuemart Native - Integrates into Virtuemart product payment block as a Custom Field Type. Pricing Grid - Allows setting a pricing grid with terms devided by rental periods with respectiv...
FW Food Menu

FW Food Menu

By Fastw3b
Food & Beverage
Ultimate solution for cafe, restaurant, bar, pizzeria and other food industry online menus for single/multi column meals presentation grouped by categories with images or not as component view or in a module position. Try FW Food Menu today! FW Food Menu Features Responsive Online Menu - Mobile friendly layouts for best performance and look on any device. PDF Menu File - Upload menu PDF version...
FW Real Estate

FW Real Estate

By Fastw3b
Real Estate
FW Real Estate is Joomla! platform for any property website. Clean responsive listings designs, advanced search form, lead generating tools. Realtor and Agency versions available. Short video presentation of a website you can build using FW Real Estate products: https://youtu.be/7Wz7rK70MPU 5 POINTS IN FAVOR OF FW REAL ESTATE SUBSCRIPTION Individual approach to Realtor and Agencies helps make...

FW Gallery

Last updated:
Feb 23 2024
11 months ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
Related extension :
Grand Gallery
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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