No Boss Video Gallery, by No Boss Technology - Joomla Extension Directory


Video Players & Gallery, Video Broadcasting, Video Channels, Multimedia, Multimedia Players

There are several layouts with options for displaying videos from Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook or even local videos that are on the same server as the site.

Get your money back

If you regret your purchase, you have 14 days to request a refund.

Joomla 3, 4 and 5 (*)

(*) In Joomla 5 you don't need a compatibility plugin. Extension is updated in the new Joomla format.


Create your video gallery in a few minutes by choosing one of the available layouts.


Modify any details of the chosen layout using advanced customization parameters.


Mix videos from Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook and local videos from the server in the same gallery.


Integrate the extension with your Vimeo account to automatically display videos.


Integrate the extension with your Youtube account to automatically display videos.


You can also display videos stored locally on the server where the website is hosted.


Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Catalan, Chinese, Hungarian, Czech, Greek, Danish, Ukrainian, Swedish and Russian.


Each gallery is a Joomla module and you can create as many modules as you like.


Each layout is customized according to the device accessed by the user (desktop and mobile).


Integration with Youtube and Vimeo
Integration is only mandatory when you choose to show automatic playlists. The entire process for configuring the integration is documented and only needs to be done once.

Image of each video
The image representing each video is automatically obtained from each player (in the case of Youtube and Vimeo). But you can also choose to upload your own image for the videos you want.

Video titles and subtitles
Titles and subtitles can be enabled separately for each location where they can be displayed (selected main video, thumbnails and modal) and also by device type (mobile and desktop).

Extension view as module
The extension is a Joomla module that can be called from any location that accepts module calls (template, article, page builder, etc).

Display using embed
The extension also offers an alternative way to display the gallery on the site itself or even on other sites using embed options via iframe, Jquery or XHR.

CSS and Javascript override
If you need to add a style or JS event that is not provided for in the extension's parameters, there is an area to place your own CSS and Javascript codes.

Admin layout in dark mode
The extension is compatible with the dark mode feature that joomla released as of version 5.1.0 for the admin area. Dark mode is a screen display format that replaces the default white background with black, reducing the eye strain that comes with prolonged screen time.

Privacy consent
The extension has features that meet all data privacy criteria, including the European Union's GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).


Thumbnail browsing
Layouts with thumbnail browsing consist of displaying the selected video in full size and browsing through thumbnails representing each video available in the gallery.

Carousel layouts consist of displaying the video in full size and the navigation arrows left (go back to previous video) and right (advance to the next video).

Grid layouts are made up of intersecting videos displayed in horizontal lines and vertical lines.

Grid full
Layouts with full grid are defined to occupy all available width within the space where the gallery is loaded.


  • Access to layouts: visit our demo page to see all available layouts.
  • Admin area of the extension: we also have access on our website to access the admin area of the extension.
  • Get your money back: if you regret your purchase, you have 14 days to request a refund.
  • Joomla 3, 4 and 5: the extension is compatible with Joomla 3,4 and 5. Migrating from 3 to 4 requires no action.

Outstanding support

Posted on 11 March 2025
At my request, the developer added the two-click mode for loading YT videos in order to comply with the GDPR (DSGVO) in Europe. Major!
Ease of use
The handling is really very simple. You can easily customize the look and feel and embed YT videos within the module.
At my request, the developer made an important adjustment with regard to GDPR so that it can now also be used safely in Europe. Outstanding!
There is multilingual online documentation that automatically displays the user's language. All necessary information can be found.
Value for money
Very good value for money. The update period is one year, and you get a discount if you renew before the end of the period. That is fair.
I used this to: I have been using No Boss Videogallery for almost four years now on various customer websites.
The No Boss Video Gallery has all the functionality required to create and display a very professional looking video gallery.
Ease of use
This was one of the best designed and easiest to use plugins that I have ever used.
Had NO need for support as everything worked as it was supposed to. Therefore can't assess.
Had NO need to look at the documentation. Software was easy enough to use that it was not necessary to look up documentation.
Value for money
Very reasonable price and greater value for what you get from other similar products we considered.
I used this to: I used this to create a video gallery for my Pioneer Churches website to display videos of historic churches. I would highly recommend the No Boss Video Gallery to anyone needing an easy to use, yet comprehensive, video gallery program for Joomla.

Top Video Gallery

Posted on 29 January 2025
This video gallery comes with a host of features that offers many options for your website build to showcase videos with great layouts.
Ease of use
Moving through the extension offers great clear structured steps to quickly get your videos looking professional on your website.
I asked a technical question i was amazed at the speed and response recieved. They not only provide great extensions but provide top support
There is documentation but to be honest the extension is self explanatory and easy to follow to aceive some great results.
Value for money
Wanting an extension, then No Boss should be your first port of call, Great products at very affordable prices.Value for money products.
I used this to: The extension shows a number of videos on our website helping showcase what services we offer.The extension with its pre built layouts makes our video content easy to access. we placed video galleries on multiple pages to co-exist and further explain the content on those pages.

Easy and perfect

Posted on 03 April 2024
The NO BOSS »Video Gallery« module is easy to install and manage.
Ease of use
The »Video Gallery« from NO BOSS is easy to use and use.
The result in the frontend is perfect, the view is individually adjustable.
In my case, there were compatibility issues with another module. These were quickly fixed and the software was adapted within a short period
Value for money
The software is cheap and definitely worth the price. I highly recommend the purchase.
I used this to: I use the »Video Gallery« on a club website. There is now a media library where various videos with this module are displayed.

Great Extension

Posted on 28 March 2024
Functions as expected. Perfect gallery for my needs. Has plenty of options.
Ease of use
Very easy to use. From selecting the gallery display template to registering each video.
Super responsive support. They quickly diagnosed a technical issue with my Joomla install that had nothing to do with their gallery. Awesome
Easy to understand. Plenty of pictures and good explanations. Most of the settings are intuitive anyway.
Value for money
Best price for a nice gallery. Well worth it. I am very happy with the price.
I used this to: Used for my website that needed a gallery of mixed YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook videos.


Posted on 22 February 2024
Works and loads well on my Joomla 5 website. Functions as described
Ease of use
Easy to set up videos manually but takes a while to create an API to be able to load YT playlists.
Very good. Maybe have to read it a few times to achieve the result you want
Value for money
Quite good especially with all the ready made templates and choices
I used this to: Displaying my YT channel videos and local files. Create new module for each playlist
Estensione molto semplice, intuitiva e concisa, è possibile avere più griglie di diverso tipo
Ease of use
Semplice ed intuitivo, puoi scegliere sotto guida una varia tipologia di caratteristiche
Lo staff è stato gentile e molto competente. Molto disponibile e mi ha aiutato quando mi sono trovata in difficoltà
Value for money
Il prezzo vale sicuramente la qualità del prodotto, onesto e sicuro. Il pagamento è avvenuto regolarmente
I used this to: Uso questa estensione per i miei siti web e per diffondere al meglio i miei video
Die Joomla App Funktioniert super. Ist einfach zum handhaben.
Es zeigt die Videos übersichtlich an.
Ease of use
Videos können einfach hinzugefügt werden oder auch entfernt werden.
Wir können die Videos vom eigenen nutzen.
Schneller Support per Mail. Hat mir bei einer Sache sehr gut geholfen. Danke!
Es ist alles gut erklärt.
Die Menüführung ist leicht.
Macht Spaß damit zu arbeiten.
Value for money
Der Preis ist völlig in Ordnung.
Es ist nicht zu teuer. Man erhält viel für sein Geld.
I used this to: Eine Webseite, wo mehrere Fahrzeuge gezeigt werden. Es ist leicht zu verstehen und sieht gut aus.


Posted on 10 July 2023
Very, very easy to use and has everything included that you could possibly need.
Ease of use
Easy to sue and designed so an inexperienced user can soon learn how to use it.
So far I've never needed to use the support from the developer as the component works out of the box and is easy to understand.
The documentation covers everything you need to know about the component but it's not really needed as the extension is so well designed.
Value for money
Excellent value for money, worth every penny it cost me to get the extension.
I used this to: I use this to display my clients Zoom video conferences for their students to watch.
Owner's reply: Thank you very much for the review. :)


Posted on 27 June 2023
semplice e intuitivo utilizzato in pochi minuti. modulo utilissimo e imprescindibile
Ease of use
molto facile, si aggiona in poco tempo, adatto anche per usuari non esperti
non cè stato bisogno molto facile da configurare e usare, sono certe che anche il supporto `efficiente
completa e biene spiegata, anche se non la ho lette perché non ne ho avuto bisogno. buon lavoro
Value for money
moto economico, ti fa guadagnare molto tempo, il prezzo speso vale la pena
I used this to: canale televisivo Rubrica televisiva quotidiana dedicata a tutte le notizie di Attualità e temi sociali
Owner's reply: Grazie mille per la recensione. :)
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No Boss Video Gallery

No Boss Technology
Last updated:
Feb 26 2025
2 weeks ago
Date added:
Apr 23 2018
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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